The reclaiming Gilneas questline was great!

thats right its time for frostza to feel the righteous wrath of all the cupcakes he has ended!

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This thread has taken a strange yet fascinating turn.

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Wait, seriously? After the quest ended I went around the entire zone and there was nothing. Literally nothing in the entire zone beyond some level 30 mobs. Am I stuck in a weird phased version or something?

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It’s a glitch. Usually leaving the zone and coming back fixes it. If not you gotta relog.

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I will absolutely agree with this one. The Scarlets have been wiped from existence more times than I care to count and it should of been some Syvanas loyalists. But it is what it is sadly. It does, however, help to get rid of the Scarlet RPer problem we have on MG.

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poor worlds end tavern must be going up in flames over this.

It literally doesn’t.
In fact, their presence does the opposite.
Having them crop up just gives people cause to reignite Crusader RP, because it’s confirmed they still exist.

Oh that’s fine. But it gives everyone else more reasons to just attack them on sight, making their RP no fun because they will constantly be losing and running like the cowards they are. It’s going to be fantastic, and I’m here for it.

I do hope you’re referring to their characters and not their persons.
Would be pretty silly to use someone’s roleplay as a means of gauging who they are irl, but as silly as it is this world is full of silly people.

The best part of this quest chain, is sitting in Gilneas and seeing people there roleplaying. Seeing it active.

Of course I mean their characters. Play a bad guy, expect the repercussions of said action.

Which blonde? Anduin or Calia? They’re equally insufferable.
We’re just lucky that Baine is too incompetent to be a “jesus”.

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I found it underwhelming and sad that it was implemented as it was.


I feel it didn’t emphasize the gilneans as much as it should. The ending was fine, the whole thing did get me feels on remembering when I first rolled a worgen in cata and it now finally coming to a close.

It was good, nothing ground breaking epic but was good. I do wish also it were longer. My evoker needed more flight stones! XD

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To be fair; women generally smell really pretty, so… Fair point? I guess?

No… no it’s not.

Guy was a bad troll and his comment is gone. Don’t resurrect it.

Does this questline really require level 70?
My only Worgens are all under 70. just need to know if I have to go on a leveling spree.

I’m unsure i did it on my evoker. I’m sorry :frowning:

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I just figured that I should do it on a Worgen, just for the “feel” of doing it on the “right race”.

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I understand and yeah I’m not sure. Wowhead may have some info on it though.