The reclaiming Gilneas questline was great!

No. I do not support a wannabe king who wanted to opt for genocide of a whole race, then proceed to wall his people up, tax and starve them, and then expect undying loyalty because he’s “one of us”. Nah. He can join Sylvanas in the Maw doing dailies forever.


Ah got you. It’s been so long since I played WC3 too.

That’s fair. I just expected someone from another thread or five to chime in because you threw chum in the water. :laughing:

Insert (let them come) gif here.


Only reason I remembered it was cause my brother played Forsaken, and he had trouble reading due to a disability. So I would look up the lore for him.

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First we had Green Jesus and then we had Blonde Jesus. Together they will fuse and become the Green Blonde Jesus

The orcs more than deserved it.
That other stuff? Fine. But this? No. The orcs at that point absolutely deserved to be destroyed.

I can’t get behind genocide of any kind. Deserved or not.

That’s a fantastic way to end up getting your own people genocided, honestly.

Ahah! But that’s not what happened, as we’ve seen. No genocide happened, and everyone’s pretty chill now.

But…my orc isn’t that kind of orc. :slightly_frowning_face:

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And that’s about the worst possible argumentation one could ever make for this.


Fuzz, I adore you.

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Awe thanks! I try XD haha

Let’s also not forget that at the time of Genn’s desire to Genocide the orcs the orcs had been BEATEN and were feeling the withdrawls on that felblood. Some of them were damn near catatonic. So…yeah…wiping out a people who CAN’T fight back…that’s…that’s pretty vile no matter what happened before.

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This dog is my spirit animal.


I thought it was horrible. GM stepping down as king, them allowing the horde in to help, it was all kinda dumb.


It’s really not.
I feel zero sympathy for a murderer just because all his murdering has left him too tuckered out to resist just imprisonment.

Yeah…if you can look at wholesale genocide and go ‘Oh well they were bad, good thing they can’t fight back now’. I really don’t think this conversation needs to continue cause that makes me have some serious questions about you.

But I hope you have a great night.