The reason why people feel BFA so boring and miss The Classic

But it’s about the journey, not the destination something etc, etc, etc lol. That was cool video watching everyone there at ragnaros just standing there auto shooting lol.

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  1. The raids now are far, far, far, far, far better.
  2. You can toggle on War Mode and get pretty much the same PvP experience as was there in Classic.
  3. Crafting was absolute trash in Classic. Alchemy was okay, and Engineering was fun, but crafted gear couldn’t compete with raid gear, and therefore was pretty much a waste of time.

In summary, you have no idea what you are talking about and I’m about 90% sure you didn’t even play Classic.

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Modern WoW makes me feel like I am in a live-action Disney movie. It feels useless to gear up when a few weeks or months after the gear will be irrelevant. At least in an MMO like EverCrack (early EverCracK years) your hard-earned raid gear was still kick-butt. Weapons and armor also sometimes had very unique properties to them on top of everything else like DPS or AC or something. The guilds and individuals that put in the effort were rewarded eventually.

I think I know where you are coming from. Because I know how triggered people get these days , I’ll preface all this in saying these are my opinions and my opinions alone your mileage may vary. I’ve played the game , with some breaks over the years, since the beginning. I was just starting my 30’s , I’m now mid-40’s. (man that’s depressing to type) . The game changed drastically , some good changes some bad changes, but I’ve also changed drastically.

My main reasoning for how much less I play wow (for several years now btw) I can’t lie and blame it all on the game, the biggest reason is me. The game for the first four years – perhaps 5, had a tremendous hold on me – I was probably addicted to the game but I never admitted it back then. Until about 2009 I played WoW about 40-45 hours a week, week in and week out, hardly missing any weeks except for vacations or family events/holidays. I finally broke out of that cycle in 2009 when I took a near year long break from the game (I think it was 9 or 10 months) since coming back in 2010 to the game, I’ve never had the draw to it since. I still have bursts of “marathon” play sessions on some weekends where I’ll play 8 hours on a Saturday or Sunday (rarely both) , but that only happens usually at the start of new expansions for the first month of release. I just burn out on wow content so fast these days.

Raiding is something I used to adore doing back in the early days when I was part of a guild of people that really seemed like they gave a crap about each other in game. These were people that didn’t harp on not being geared, not having the right enchants etc. – instead they’d say things like “Dude…lets do [name of dungeon/content] and we’ll get you geared up for raid night”… this was daily in my guilds during vanilla even through the majority of Wrath. Constantly in guild chat people would always say " who needs help with this…who wants to quest together…anyone want to run x,y,z dungeon…etc. etc."… The mechanics of the game over time killed this mentality partially, but so did the attitudes of players over the years. To me that resulted in stabbing a knife through the heart of what guilds used to be. Today , if you are completely honest, you really have no need to be in a guild outside of if you are a pro gamer or maybe you just play with all real life friends or family (which if that is your situation I envy you…I can’t get any real life friends or family into this game). That social connection, that feeling that guilds were special and therefore you had a feeling of loyality to your guild…that was my prime connection to this game. Over the years queue systems came out for just about every aspect you can imagine…pvp, dungeons, raids, questing, etc. Its a mixed bag of good and bad. Convenience is appreciated but it also lessons the importance of guilds. Guilds used to also have a leveling system… gutting the leveling system and feeling of purpose for guilds have spawned the “dime a dozen guilds” of today (well of the last 5-6 years especially).

Beyond that… the game was in general made easier, perhaps raiding is still challenging (its so toxic anymore that even LFR isn’t a welcoming environment ) but it just feels like its constantly missing something to me. The funny thing is I can’t put my finger on it precisely because I think its multiple elements. One such element is the need for everything to be done FAST. That’s how 95% of everyone in this game plays…the attitude of “hurry up …finish this dungeon! hurry up finish this raid…COME ON MAN finish the quest!!!”… that is immersion killing. Its a game…WTF is everyone rushing for?

There’s literally no patience in the game, which is bad by itself…but couple that with all the poor attitudes – ego hounds, arrogance, etc. and well isn’t that a happy place you want to play in more everyday?!

I get by (and this has been my way for a long time now) I disable chat channels, except “say” …I’ll chat in guild only and usually only after I get a feel for the vibe of the guild and the people.

Most everyone from my original guilds quit the game years ago…the few that still play…are spread out different servers and such now. None of us play as much as we used to either.

I keep playing because wow is a great “escape” type of game for me…even to just quest…if I kill off the chat channels , have net flix or amazon prime playing on the second monitor and just mindlessly quest…its relaxing for me. That’s probably the only reason I keep playing now.


BFA is boring due to the lack of community, flying, teleportation all of the place and the general rush to do anything with zero real effort required to make it happen. I think wow started dying the day flying was added and was dead the moment dungeon queue’s were added. Everything else after is just a zombie of mindless moronic rushing to complete objectives as fast as possible to ignore the rotting corpse of a game.

Who else is looking forward to the classic SS/TM PVP battles??? I know I am!


Different experiences.

As some have said, Vanilla was the midway shift between old school MMOs and what we have now. It was devs figuring out how to run a living world and keep people engaged.

In Vanilla the end game was entirely about raiding. And after launch all there was on offer was Molten Core and Onyxia. Molten Core is pretty basic; it’s ragefire chasm scaled by 10 (effectively). What kept people running it for months was the severe time-gating Blizzard applied to it. E.g. The minuscule amount of loot for the number of raiders killing bosses. If you wanted tier 1 it was going to take a LONG time. (oh and you needed rep for the runes). Small amount of loot meant people would be stuck in a single raid for ages.

In BFA this, obviously, isn’t a thing. Loot rains down like Mana from heaven. A lot of people hate this (Including me) but I get the logic. A huge problem with Vanilla is the game (and all MMOs tbh) doesn’t encourage easy ways of playing with your friends. They might have rolled the wrong faction. They’re going to be stuck at low level while you’re raiding at 60. And even if they do catch up, the sheer time it’s going to take to gear out means you’ll probably never play together unless you’re helping them out (an activity which is kind but brings no benefit to you, the geared player). A lot of the systems modern wow has are designed to allow people to catch up quickly. It’s why you only really play patches atm.

I half suspect if wow was built now they’d consider removing levels altogether…

Can’t you still gear up solely from raids if that’s what you want to do?

I played Vanilla. I do NOT miss it.

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Not only that, I don’t think he has seen all the trash in that damn place…it’s just splattered all over.

Why is it better? I stopped playing because Blizzard worked too hard to try to balance each class … I felt it more real to have to deal with strengths and weaknesses … coming back to try Classic for that reason.


Because there is more to this game than gearing.

Just gonna chuck in my 2c here.

In Vanilla, you know it all isn’t going to be zeroed out next patch.

In BfA, the resetting has gotten too frequent. The grinds are annoying but the rewards feel temporary. The feeling of “rented power” has never been higher.

In BfA, we know it’s all going away. We’re used to it after the debacle of Artifacts and Legendaries and Set Bonuses come Legion’s end. I’m sitting here shaking my head (at myself) because i’m doing all this dumb grinding for HoA levels and essences and Azerite and I know almost none of it will survive into 9.0. It’s all a waste of time. An entertaining waste of time, hopefully. But it’s going to come to naught.

Regarding Vanilla, I don’t have rose colored glasses. The grind is gonna suck. The raids aren’t complicated or creative. The classes aren’t balanced.

But you get to keep what you earn, and that makes earning it worth doing.


So, you’re a Paladin. Here’s some interesting information about Paladin HP and vanilla: Paladins had one of the lowest HP totals of all classes in vanilla. “How does this make sense?” Heh.

honestly I didn’t care at all about classic untill I realised there was no crz or sharding for wpvp. and all the old pvp realm rules were in effect.

I am so over classic discussion.



Because before flying, raiding was far more entertaining than the mind numing tedium that is doing WQs, so I would just log on to do that.

Seriously if you asked me to log on to do some WQs for crappy gear, I’d just kinda go “Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” even if it took five minutes total.

Sure - WQs suck. But… they were put in because players complained they had nothing to do. So… theoretically you always have a way of improving your character.

Back to my earlier point - a lot of things people hate in modern wow (world quests, LFG, flying, etc) were put in to deal with stuff the players were complaining about. Bitterly. it’s typical now for people to say how LFG ruined the game but… like a lot of you I played Vanilla. Getting groups was a pain. As was having to sit for ages in Ironforge spamming/looking for group spam. And then getting to the actual instance was annoying. They put in summoning stones to help get groups together and people used them. A lot. LFG and cross server play was just more of the same. Designed to make players spend more time killing/looting and less time standing by a mail box.

I think people do miss some of the social interaction they got from forming those groups and having realm locked raiding/pvp/instances (which is fair)

Reason why I feel recent WoW is lacking is because everything is streamlined. Every character is pretty much same. There isn’t a thing to do that you can dedicate your character to and make it strong in that area. Can’t specialize in PvP gear anymore, can’t grind for super rare profession recipes, everything everyone wants is easy to get. Everyone is basically just about one number - item level.

I guess it’s only fun when you have a nice group of people that you can run challenging content with, but alone or with a friend or two there isn’t much to do.

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raiding wanst the only thing to do in classic wow the pvp was way better by a mile then it is today.