The reason why people feel BFA so boring and miss The Classic

The original sin to me is the talent trees. Doesn’t matter what content you put out if you have to play through it on a pruned potato with a boring talent tree.

I used to make my own arrows. I kind of miss that,
I do miss my blades. I mean a hunter with no blasé?

Thank you! I needed that! Go Beenie!

I agree with one hundred precent

I played Vanilla WoW. I didn’t miss it. I actually remembered how janky and broken it is.

I’m still convinced that no one actually enjoys Classic and it’s a case of “At least it’s not BFA”. Despite being objectively not that bad (at least mechanically), BFA has done a lot of damage to the morale of the player base by being a treadmill of sadness.

BFA has Uldir, BoD, CoS, and EP. 4 different difficulties for every raid. In less than two years.

16 is oftentimes greater than 6.

Even if you don’t count the other difficulties, we have four raids in under two years and at least one (possibly two) more coming before BFA ends.

You are also strongly implying that only raiding counts as end-game content. BFA has Mythic+, to which Classic has no equivalent. The removal of tier sets made M+ real, actual end-game content that only requires 5 people and 45 minutes to do. This is unheard of for an MMORPG and should really be talked about more.

99% of all world PVP happened in South Shore. Because both sides arbitrarily agreed to fight there. The world was too big—and servers were too low populated compared to what they are capable of today—to enable what you claim existed.

Sharding had the effect of putting people INTO your area when your own server was lower populated in that section, not removed people when it was highly populated. It has the effect of increasing the amount of world PVP, not decreasing it.

You provably have this backwards.

Professions aren’t actually better in Classic. 1-59 just lasts longer than 110-119, so there are hobos willing to wear potato sacks for longer periods of time. Crafting will only matter when people are desperate for gear and you will likely charge too much for it to actually be affordable by most people.

At max level, there are only a handful of items that remain commercially viable, such as the Arcanite Reaper. And it’s not like that is the best item in the game. It never was. Plus I’m pretty sure that 1.12 is after they changed the instant attack modifier so slower weapons weren’t ridiculously overpowered.

It’s cool that you like Classic. It’s not an Us vs Them situation, as one sub lets you play both. But let’s not be disingenuous about what each games has to offer.

I’m still convinced that no one actually enjoys Classic and it’s a case of “At least it’s not BFA”.

I haven’t played BFA, I barely played legion because WoD left a bad taste in my mouth and it looked like things were getting worse, not better. In my mind the game started going downhill during Wrath, and I believe Blizz has made a series of wrong choices ever since.

99% of all world PVP happened in South Shore. Because both sides arbitrarily agreed to fight there. The world was too big—and servers were too low populated compared to what they are capable of today—to enable what you claim existed.

You clearly never quested in STV, that or you played on a PvE server.

I, in fact, have the opposite opinion of what you have. PvP has sucked since Wrath, and only gotten worse over time. Dungeons became boring and farm fests beginning with Wrath. The game lacks challenge except for at the highest levels of play, both PvP and PvE.

I find retail WoW about and engaging as farmville, and have for some time. Loot is too easy to get, you don’t have to work for anything anymore. Everything there is to do is so easy that it feels like a chore, or busywork, not an actual challenge. Without the challenge, nothing feels rewarding and the game becomes bland.


No. Not really.

“hurry up …finish this dungeon! hurry up finish this raid…COME ON MAN finish the quest!!!”… that is immersion killing. Its a game…WTF is everyone rushing for?”

A thousand times… this. I too started in the beginning, and over a couple of years faded out due to the non-patience factor. I played the game as you… to relax and escape. Playing with a bunch of impatient idiots is neither relaxing nor an escape. And then, Blizzard stupified my favorite class: Hunter. No more beloved ‘Out of ammo!’ No more feeding my pet lion with fresh meat from the kill he assisted in to keep him happy. The game became a shiny cartoon Disney movie.

I’m loving classic… my hunter is back in his full glory, ammo bag and all. I play with all chat off, and am going to start a ‘guild’ of one with my alts for a shared bank. I play solo exclusively, unless someone invites at a convenient spot, for a few minutes. I say /ty if someone is nice and buffs me or heals me when I’m in need. But, I don’t want to hold up anyone, certainly not anyone that’s GO GO GO… I want to play WoW the way I want to play - enjoying the journey, savoring the sights and sounds. It’s a roleplaying escape for me.

It’s the somewhat forced social aspects and kindness in the game is what makes me like it.

End game gearing also does not feel hollow and depressing. And i have a soft spot for old looking games and mmos for example i love looking at Everquest even though i never played it seriously.

But you can still love something or someone and have problems with them. I have like what? at least 30 runs of Lower black rock spire? I still don’t have my damn onyxia key!!! All my guildies got it before i did and ran into some really nasty DPS.

Classic Was great, but now they have changed Classic to match retail, they have scaled mobs/dungeons even quests that was never classic. Recipes are not there that were in Classic, stats not there on items made, they screwed up PVP servers already, I bet they will screw up the BG’s too, cant you just leave it CLASSIC! Stop making these idiot ideas to make it more retail. There are about 100 of us that will unsubscribe if you screw up BG’s, so go ahead and make those stupid changes, I bet we can get over 1000 to unsubscribe when you are done. Stop screwing with Classic!!!

I do NOT miss classic. I was so glad when BC came out. New things to do. New places to explore. Felt the same about each expansion that has come out.

  1. I did not do much raiding. As the years have progressed I have felt less and less desire to herd blind and deaf cats so avoid raiding.
  2. pvp… yeah, I hate pvp. Boring, the people in there act like it matters. Like somehow I should bow down to their “skills”.
  3. Crafting… only one I remember being good was tailoring and only for the bags. That was for me though. Crafted blue set in vanilla? I don’t remember that. Maybe you are thinking the dungeon set that came off various bosses. Like Beastmaster, Valor, Shadowcraft?

Wow has nothing to do with mobile, stop making stuff up in your fever dreams.