The reason why people feel BFA so boring and miss The Classic

People who played the vanilla WOW all say that they all miss The Classic. Is this just a nostalgia? or are there any real reasons the class was better than the current WOW?

I think there are.

3 things The Classic WOW was better

  1. Raid - Classic WOW raid had so much content.
    Zulgurub, An Quraj Ruin for the casual raiders
    Molten Core raid —> Black Wing Lair —> An Qiraj Temple
    —> Naxx Ramas
    It was a massive raiding experience back then. Most of all, all of them had the sense of continuity. Finishing one raid dungeon to do the next one, getting geared to be prepared for it.

  2. PvP - Most of all World PvP. Everybody was on the ground and No sharding or CRZ. No toggling to switch on and off the PvP. People on the PvP realm had to endure being ganked at low level, being ganked
    at max level if their gear was green, and this really motivated and pushed people to be better both in gears and skills

  3. Crafting - Crafting actually meant something back then. Some spent months to mine, collected all the matts. and when they finally crafted that blue set, it felt real good and gave them a great sense of achievement.

It literally took 3 years to do above 1, 2, 3.

On the other hand…BFA?

Let’s leave out #2 PVP for now, since it’s pointless even to talk about it with sharding/CRZ/PvP Toggle on/off. It’s just a different system.

#1 Raid - It’s the sense of continuity and the sense of progress that is none existent in BFA that is the real problem.

2 mistakes they made and are making is

1st - too much iLvL inflation
2nd - BOD got released too late.

What they needed to do was Soon after Ulduir Raid was released, they needed to bring BOD before people started feeling bored. They waited too long. The iLvL difference is just way too much to give them the sense of contiuity and progress from one raid to the next one. They are disconnected. Ulduir Nomal = 355, BOD Normal = 385
Just way too much iLvL inflation in general in BFA, too.

#3. Crafting…do we have any crafting that is worth doing now?

They really need to think about The Big Picture all the time.


I’m not a fan of the current state of the game, but if you think this was high entertainment, I have some really fun bricks and library card collections to sell you.


Yeah MC’s a bit of drag, but I can’t say I like how modern raids have been trending ever-closer to a bullet hell/action sort of game… you spend more time dodging crap than actually doing anything.


it is entertaining, it’s not simply about the flashy particle effects or high budgets that goes into making the experience of fighting, but the work that was put in to get up there, the cooperation you had with your raid mates to take him down, and the unique + imposing feeling of entering into the raid for the first time, i feel like vanilla wow captured that better than current wow and it didn’t need fancy particle effects to do it


MC gave me quite the headache back in the day, its all red and rock ceiling wasn’t good on the senses. Plus spending 4 hours each night for 3 nights was really painful.

i dont mean to be a downer, but that feeling is hard to recreate. when people played vanilla, they didnt have an experience like it before. i mean, id applaud blizzard if they someone managed that, but we’ve been in this world for a long time, making something THAT fresh to people who have been playing 10+ years seems like a longshot.


well what they’re doing now with frequent phasing + mobile game stuff definitely doesn’t help


The current game is all flash but no soul. The old game was dated and grindy but it has soul. The developers that made the game then understood how to make a RPG.


True, but what they can do at least is to continue the tradition and build upon it, not constantly trying to change the game at its core foundation.

Agreed. If they want the mobile market, I’d say they might as well make a brand new game based on WOW, not force change WOW for mobile.

The major problem of BFA is Easy Free Gears given away via incursion/assault, emissaries. There is no need to upgrade the armor iLvL rewards for those. It’s cuz they give other stuff like AP, 5 x medals, Gold…etc… The gear reward level need to be capped at 340 iLvL but boost the other reward choices. They still help the fresh 120s preparing them do to the higher contents later. That should be their true purpose. They are not supposed to replace the harder contents.

Why would anyone bother to do BOD normal when easy daily emissary Cache Box gives the same 385 iLvL gear?
Maybe revise the reward table to give a player a choice between 340 iLvL gear or AP + Gold + crafting matts?


I think most people aren’t going to think MC is that much fun after a couple of runs. The 10th anniversary MC event showed just how much raid instances have changed (for the better) over the years.


WoW has never been better, why would anyone wanna go back to vanilla?


All but 10k people, if that, will be left after 1-2 months of classic.


You are right. A lot of improvements have been made and honestly I like most of them, especially for leveling, stuff like Heirlooms, streamlined quest chains and the quest helper…etc…

But what I am talking about here is not those. It’s more of the management of the expansion. The 1st BFA raid Uldir and the 2nd BOD, they really needed to come together faster, 3rd and 4th can come a little later, even delayed but the wait between 1st and the 2nd was far too long. Also the iLvL inflation and the easy Free gears,
they are not really helping the game to be more fun or lure more subs. They do the opposite. Free gears need their iLvL capped at 340 and have an option to choose AP/Gold/Crafting matts.

Also, they need to make crafting worth doing again.

People who played the vanilla WOW all say that they all miss The Classic

And many who played in vanilla say they dont miss it at all.


This isn’t true. I have seen a number of people say they don’t miss it at all and won’t be playing classic.


I think classic will have about a quarter million ‘hardcore’ players trying to recapture the old glory and players who never experienced vanilla and who for some reason like playing the Amish version of WoW. The rest will be tourists, seeing the sights and maybe coming back to visit every once in a while.

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They aren’t changing WoW to fit on mobile.

O.K. I got emotional and went overboard.

All = x
Many = o

With all the pruning and class skill simplifications, this is how it felt like. I mean…what else could it be?


you made me laugh


I have nearly 30 keybinds. I have a rotation that (for 1min cds and less) uses like…8? different abilities.

What pruning/simplifications?

Are we pretending like in classic, tbc, wotlk there werent some amazingly simple classes too?

WoW classic was so pruned over 1/2 the specs didn’t even work.