With this kind of drop rate. Can they make money on gkdp?
For sod, and ppl hate high price in AH , the best way is to roll a hunter, then you can farm anything you want during this phase until they nerf or ban hunter class
i fixed it for you. greed is the human condition. just look at these forums.
the problem is that there’s no1 policing greed
Lmfao and players discovered a better way of making gold and saving time and not grouping with bads all in one! wow its crazy how that was discovered!
They are making gold via RMT. Enough of the pretending.
Players are lazy, self-righteous, and do not care that they harm the game with their individual actions. That is the problem.
i like them because i dont like spending 2+ hours in a 20-30minute raid. + theres incentive for bis geared players to play the game with other players instead of just making another toon or quitting until next patch/raid day.
I don’t know the last time a pug took longer than 40 mins lmao
two days ago, joined a BFD i was doing 160 dps everyone was doing 40-70 dps, went 5/7 feels bad. Also 40mins is a long time.
Spoken like a true gold seller.
Just doesn’t happen to me, the raid is too easy and 40 mins includes getting there and back.
Well, it depends if you get any upgrades in that run. Now the drop rate is punishing players.
Youre buying gold with real money and using gold to buy raid items.
Literally pay to win.
u dont pee?
Problem is raid is not dropping anything anyway……
I am actually laughing you think I sell gold (or buy it for that matter) I have 100g across four level 25s. I dont need gold really. I am trying to save for mounts for them, but I spend like 5g max a week for consumes across 4 characters for raiding.
ive never bought gold, and yet i still bought gear. Crazy how that works no?
Also Pay to win means your not gambling to win the item, either it be rolling out or drop %
on the flight path or during trash
People prefer to have the roll loot system where that scrub Warlock who had the bottom dps and AFK’d through half of the BFD raid wins the purple staff over someone more deserving due to sheer RNG.
are they adding this as a sound file for the SoD version of Cthun?
Btw According to some leaked videos a gold selling company is running at least 100 toons at the same time for farming gold. They are the biggest player bases. We pay 1-2 sub a month that is about $40. They are paying at least &1600/m to blizzard. I don’t think blizzard care about what single player thinks