The real reason you hate GDKPS

I am still mind blown at this wave of GDKP haters. There are only a few reasons you actually hate GDKPs.

  1. You are broke.
  2. You cant get into raids and you think that if GDKP’s didnt exist there would be more PUGs for you to join, when in reality that is not true and you are flat out lying to yourself.
  3. You think GDKP’s ruined the economy and inflated everything. And to play devils advocate here. Even if this WERE true. What does it matter and what are you even buying on the AH that is “inflated”? I havent bought a single item on the AH for over 1 gold. If anything prices to me seem incredibly low on the AH.

I will admit I plan on doing GDKP’s in the future, but I actually have not done a single one in SOD and guess what? GDKP’s have no affected me in a single way. To reiterate a great point that someone else said on another thread, I hate people who hard reserve items, but guess what? It does not affect me at all because I just dont join them? You all are so concerned with how other people play the game and let it bother you, I would really hate to see how some of you behave in real life situations lol.


I was not a fan of GDKP until I saw how awful these loot tables are.

If I am going to go three raids without seeing anything drop to even roll on? Might as well walk away with a few gold.

Also it’s nice since people are typically there to get in and get out.


Well the bots make gold, sell it to people for real money, then people use that gold to buy raid items, ruining the whole prestige of earning raid items.

It’s not good for the game, and technically makes it pay to win.


The real reason you like GDKPs:

  1. You buy or sell gold
  1. Not broke, have about 100g of self farmed gold from questing and herb farming while questing.
  2. Even if I wasn’t in a guild, I pug on all my alts with no issues.
  3. Inflation directly affects consumable prices. Everyone feels the pain when they go to buy their raid consumables and suddenly everything is double or triple the price they paid last week.

The problem with GDKP is they inflate the economy whether you participate in them or not.

And if you think it’s not an issue now, wait till you’re paying 1,000g for flasks.


“Pay to win.” Win what? Im confused. So do you also hate people who do LC and then get funneled gear? Did that “ruin the prestige” of them earning raid items?


gdkp is better than ms>os with no +1. one lucky pug can walk away with 5 cloth items plus the staff while the other half of the grp gets nothing. Personal loot was a good thing they came up with. put it into sod


I agree. I like personal loot, but the classic andys hate it for some reason, but then also hate every other loot system. I dont think these people even know what they want lol


Turning content that was made for groups to overcome challenges together into a purely transactional service that becomes the best way to acquire currency is bad for the game and MMOs in general.

Also, telling people they are broke, are bad so they can’t get into raids, or must be socially inept in real life because they don’t like GDKPs only makes everyone hate them and the people who participate in them even more, you absolute bozo.

  1. I suppose you can address that by swiping like all the other Barbie dress-up players.

  2. When people simply buy gear on a wide-spread basis, it devalues the accomplishment of doing it legit.

  3. I just returned to Classic Era and unloaded a bunch of low level crafting material, like copper bars. Since the economy is inflated, that netted me hundreds of gold. One of the fun things about original classic was being gold starved and finding ways to earn enough to buy your skills and mounts. That no longer exists.

Ah well. The “modern gamer” will pay someone for boosts and end game gear so they son’t have to play the game. This is why they are Barbie dress-up players.

All versions of WoW are degraded at this point.


If this were true why arent consumables insanely priced right now? I didnt play a ton during SOM and quit during BWL in classic, but hopefully someone here can say about how much flasks are now on ERA. I dont believe consumables will ever get insanely priced, but it comes down to supply and demand. Consumables arent hard to get, anyone can farm them. The only way they get expensive is when it gets difficult to farm them and there is more demand than supply.

Oh just wait. Mongoose pots will be ridiculous, flasks?, more so.

The combined sociopathy of modern gamers is the saddest decline in a group of people I’ve seen in a while.


There was never any prestige.


GDKPs are basically pay to win, except without the token, you’re taking a big risk on third party websites. Not only are you risking your own internet security, but you could be banned as well if caught.

The concept, I can understand. But you’re basically winning stolen gold if you don’t win gear in a GDKP, and well…you’re also using stolen gold when you buy it off of a third party site.

Gear hunting is like mount farming, once you finally get it to drop, you feel so good (dopamine rush). I prefer the good ol’ fashioned “run the raids, hope you get loot” method. If I want to pay to win, I’d go to Wrath or play Diablo Immortal.


Gdkps are lame. If that’s what SoD ends up as it’s AfkV honor faming for me. Can’t Gdkp that!


Why? you can’t make a statement then not back up a statement with reasons/facts.

I mean if you think about it GDKPS fit perfectly in a MMO if you consider a band of mercenaries coming together to do they are likely to pay each other gold for specific items rather then gamble them off and then split the proceeds at the end.

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it is coming, for sure. The impact is going to be immense,


Here is someone who cant accept the truth. I only listed facts.I can tell in this case the shoe fits.
How are GDKP’s stopping YOU from grouping with like minded individuals and overcoming challenges? I group with like minded individuals all the time. Its called a guild and it makes things much easier so I dont have to deal with things in the game I dislike, but I dont sit here and cry about other people and what they are doing.

  • Correct-ish (see below)
  • You’re right. Because most GDKPs require you to ‘flash coin’ and be vetted, which usually includes ‘post logs’; how does one get vetted if one cannot run the instance they need to get the logs to get vetted?
  • They do. I made so much coin running GDKPs in Classic TBC…I didn’t care if it was 290% above Market Value, I bought it. Thus keeping the price up.

((I like to buy materials and craft for profit. Because most materials are now more expensive than the finished goods; seriously WTAF are you people doing? Do you not understand ‘money’? If something has crazy-expensive materials but a low selling price. You farm the mats and sell the mats. You don’t go and ‘leave money on the table’ crafting the item to then sell. Anywho, ya, I don’t do much crafting now because nothing worth making is actually made at a profit.))

“I just don’t join them”. Okay. Cool. Have fun finding PUG raid groups, that actually fill up before you need to log, because why would I waste a lockout on not making money [in a GDKP]?

You don’t like pay-to-win systems where whales get ahead? lmao if you’re broke just say so