The real reason you hate GDKPS

Interesting take, but personally I would need some proof. Not saying this isnt true at all, but I would find it hard to believe if wow gold buying was keeping the cartels and sex traffickers afloat and not the other ways they illegally make money, like drugs and sex traffickers.


The reason is gold farmers / buyers, GDKPs fuel it. It ruins the economy. I am sorry but if you disagree you know nothing about, economics and inflation.

If bots were not a thing farming up massive amounts of gold people are illegally buying to spend in GDKPs I’d be all for them. The reality is though bots are a thing, so ban GDKPs and anyone who participates in them.


If you’re a broke boy just say so


Actually I dislike them because people keep cluttering up the forums posting about them.


I don’t necessarily hate GDKPs but in the last one I did, back in real WOTLK, we had heroic deathbringer’s will drop. I won, but the leader decided that he wanted it more and ninja’d it along with all the gold.

Yes - absolutely everything was typed out in chat prior to the run, but Blizz did nothing to remedy the situation. The leader transferred servers that night and changed his name, but we were still able to track him. Blizz DID NOT remove the item from him.

After that, I decided to never do another pug raid with ML again, whether it be GDKP or not. Never trust a pug, or even a guild, with raids that use ML - It is entirely up to the ML on who gets gear, and Blizz won’t do anything if they decide to steal the loot.

Lets just pretend they ban GDKP’s. Do you think guilds or even random groups arent just going to price out items/drops. Example: WTS BFD Staff 50g on drop, XBOW 50g on DROP need buyer for Murloc bag 20g. So do you ban this system as well? Lol its never ending. It all comes down to you not liking how other people play because you are for some reason jealous they are getting loot before you in a way you disagree with.

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It’s bad for the games economy and becomes, by far, the best way to make gold. This in turn causes the prices of everything to inflate because no one is spending 10x the time it takes farming mats to sell on the AH only to make the same amount of gold as going to a single gdkp does.

It’s bad for the games community because as the main form of group content at endgame becomes the prime method of making gold, fewer players will use their bi-weekly or weekly lockout to run anything other than GDKPs.

Raiding was never intended to be an effective gold-making endeavor for the average player. To say otherwise is objectively wrong, regardless of what you think or misremember about raiding in the mid-late 2000s.


Honestly the economy is really jacked up already. Blizzard messed up they should have came out from the very beginning. With harsh penalties for Gold bots and Gold Buyers. Not a 3 day ban a week or even a month but perma-ban. Its only going to get worse, someone is going to pay gold cap for Thunderfury; if they do nothing about Bots, Buyers, and GDKPs now.


holy mother mary and jesus what a moral leap

The truth of the matter is that GDKPs are a byproduct of relaxed loot rules being abused by greedy players. If you only group with like-minded individuals in your guild that’s fine, but that is not the case when I see them being advertised in chat.


Intentions are made by the player not the game in this case. Should we also go back to horse and buggy and ditch cars because it was never “intended” for humans to go this fast. See how that sounds?

Note: I’m not condoning or advocating for the sale of tokens. I’m just presenting scenarios .

  1. Many people that play GDKP buy gold with real money - if no tokens from 3rd party sellers*
  2. Inflation happens over time but is accelerated with GDKP - too early now but In P2 you will really notice it
  3. Trade and LFG chat spam - minor annoyance but will get worse over time
  4. Sets up a pay to win scenario**
  • 3rd party sellers - GDKP w/o tokens increases demand to 3rd party sellers which causes all sorts of problems like botting and many others

** All of this will be more evident in later phases. As somebody pointed out the loot tables are not that great right now in P1



They need to perma ban gold buying on first offense.


Oh look gold buyers are mad people want GDKPs banned.


Incredible, a fully-functioning pre-frontal cortex!


This video debunks all of your your GDKP support arguments.



They are. What’s the current price of an elixir or lesser agility on your server? How about elixir of defense?


Just remove master loot and make raid items untradeable, there, sod loot fixed enough and gdkps are dead.

With GDKPs deathblowed, gold demand will go down, with reduced gold demand, botting will be reduced.

But that means fewer bot accounts, so blizzard won’t do that. If it affects their bottom line, it won’t be fixed.

I used to think Blizzard really was doing something about botting, but then I saw the video of hundreds of bots glitching into that tree to get under the world at server reset, and that was when I knew, they have zero intention of solving the issue. Those bots should have been banned INSTANTLY, but that would make them nonprofitable.

They have to let them bot long enough to turn a profit before they ban a bot account. Otherwise they run the risk of the botter not subbing new bot accounts.


That’s a strawman and you know it. All games are intentionally developed in a way that controls how players can interact with them.

The speed at which objects can move isn’t developed, it’s discovered and how humans can safely obtain those speeds is developed. If humans themselves moved at a speed that wasn’t ‘intended,’ they would die because our bodies cannot handle the environmental conditions created by moving as such speeds.

  1. Many people also trade gold legally across games. Example: I buy a token on retail and trade it for X amount of gold on my realm in SOD. Blizzard has said this is completely legal. I havent done this so please correct me if I am wrong on this.
  2. Inflation happens over time… no need to continue with the further non facts you are spitting.
  3. There are addons to block messages… get gud issue here?
  4. Pay to win what?