The real reason why premades happen

You all know why they happen deep down and why they are not in rated … Self esteem.

A unfortunate but true reality


Uhh no Charming lmao…maybe some people just want to play with friends, or maybe they are not good enough for rated reason why they do bgs for conquest


Epic BGs don’t exist as rated.


Ok lifetime Challenger

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Well, yeah, obviously, but it’s also nice to have some variety. Premade with your squad is fun because you’re running around vaporizing people. Premade in epics is fun because you win. Solo queue is fun because it’s super relaxed. Whatever kind of suits the mood, or whatever is available.


one can only take so many games where you lose because some H31 pug refuses to listen because his dad works for microsoft and he has an arena rating therefore he knows more about everything in life than you. eventually you have to surround yourself with reliable good players just for your own sanity.


My average win ratio is about 70% solo. It bumps up to about 90% when I premade with “reliable good players”.

It becomes incredibly boring when your smashing and gy camping the enemy team because your in a premade.

If you find yourself needing to join a premade to win its either a skill issue or your only facing premades.


skill gets brought up as if you are going to shame people into playing the way you want, doesn’t work that way unfortunately


“premade” is a weird way to say “people that have friends”

im sure you can find a nice single player game if you look REALLY hard


Yeah, it can feel kind of mean.


Yes but as joker would say “ nobody ever thinks what it’s like to be the other guy”

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11 ToKs in a row?

Hotmogu I think.

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I think them existing as rated would be a great addition even if only premade communities would really do them cause of How many they would take to form

and the fact that you can actually enjoy the experience as opposed to thrashing your keyboard in frustration.

Enjoy the experience at the expense of who. And in my experience pugs aren’t that bad you just have to do a few moves to screw the enemy team over and then let them do the rest

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just make premades fight other premades only so this guy who gets owned by premades can stop crying already

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Ive seen some premades that were for honor farms. SO meh on the psycho analysis

Honestly one of the stupidest comments i hear on the forums is “premades belong in rated”.

No they don’t??

A typical premade is 2-5 people. Getting 10 people on all at the same time and have all the right classes to form a viable RBG comp is hard enough as it is. Having to fill from lfg is just as hard - spending 1 to 45 minutes for a tank/rogue/healer to have them leave after the first game is a waste of time

All that to make sure someone’s ego doesn’t get hurt in randoms? Nah


Premades in randoms is some pretty egoist behavior so much so that they can’t just que and fight on the same playing field as everyone else