The real reason why premades happen

That isn’t a choice lol. They don’t choose who they fight

Premade vs premade are the best games


its not the premades fault that blizz matchmaking sucks azz

and its also not their fault that the gear gap sucks so much azz

this is entirely a blizzard fault

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And having a community like a epic premade community completely takes the matchmaking part of rbgs out entirely if you can get 5 to 10 or more reliably which based on what I’ve seen they absolutely can


I believe that’s true as far as how the internal systems work. But I don’t think it’s a big deal because it’s actually fairly common for epic communities to face each other.

I wouldnt say so when i face them back to back for like 4 hours straight as a solo quer

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Two flags in the bum! :smiley:


Pretty much. When a premade is spamming randoms I face them 2-3 times solo.

I’ll invite my friends at that point and then we face them again and win. They may try another match and we win again and at that point they stop “appearing” in the BGs. S

So whether they decided to call it a night because they were done or they stopped because they could no longer stomp is anyone’s guess.

So personally the argument “premades like facing other premades” is pretty mute.


Ofc its mute but its the prevailing defense when really we all know the truth which is what this whole thread is about

of people like that who will never get caught outside a 4v1 bragging


You realize the random part of random BGs has zero to do with your pool of opponents and 100% to do with map selection right?

And there you have given us the solution. So, what is the real purpose of this thread if thwarting premades is so easy?

If pugs were in voice comms and had the gear and all the rest of the benefits a premade affords you I bet they would perform pretty well. Alec turns 30 pugs into an organized raid all the time

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LOL…none of that is necessary in a premade.

I kill you plenty. You’ve only gotten me twice. You were beating up on my healer, so two flags for you.

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It’s always a 3v1 at The least that was my point

I run with them as often as I can. Never used voice, it is more about watching chat and cooperating. Even then you have many players who just resist doing things any other way than how they want to.

Wait…you mean my community is supposed to supply me with gear? Dang, I am stuck with this welfare conquest I have been grinding out…


I doubt most premades are taking fresh 60s in full blues

I personally take whoever wants to come.
Premades are a way for undergeared folks to GET geared up relatively quickly.


RUIN has done ilvl requirements for their premades, especially after they lose, but afaik both SAS and SOD just bring whoever asks for an invite. PVP communities will be geared in general because they are full of PVPers.

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They literally take anybody.

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Well the point of bringing a premade as InemiaDK said is to surround yourself with reliable players if your with 250 ilvl people reliable or not they won’t be able to do anything