The Real Reason to Bring Back Mage Tower Appearances

I usually agree with most of what I see from you on the forums. Sadly, the only ppl I know who feel this strong have literally made WoW their life.

What about a new mage tower? Similar skins but slightly different. Something. I feel most sorry for druids. :woman_shrugging:

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All trolling aside I do wish they would bring back MT skins and wod weps/mist sets. I don’t really do the whole special thing and couldn’t care any less if someone 5 feet from me has the same looking gear and did it with the least amount of effort. I find it strange that the art teams make such quality looking weapons and gear only for the developers to remove it because “my special feelings”. I got all but 3 colors for my paladin during legion and would’ve loved to get more options for the hunter I main now. It’s not like I wasn’t capable of doing the content as it was braindead easy, especially if you were a guardian druid during that window where all you had to do was show up and the mog was yours.

Mist challenge dungeons were the same way, I only did a few to help a buddy get his pally set, I personally thought looking like a bug wasn’t all that cool, but the cool sets I did like I would’ve had to level up and spend weeks to months gearing them out for content that could be done in a single week at little to no effort.

If they wish to continue making exclusive items that all of our sub money pays for only to retire it an expansion later, the very least they can do is make the items look mediocre and actually make good looking gear for the entire game if they insist on that path. Transmog is about all I enjoy outside of keys, I’d like to have better options for different sets and some of those options aren’t possible due to that one item that fits a set I have in mind not being obtainable anymore because “reasons”.

Keep in mind this is my own personal opinion and it doesn’t reflect everyone. I’m not here to debate it, but simply state it.

that’s okay you don’t have to agree with me on everything - i’m 100% okay with that :sparkling_heart: (these are just my opinions anyway so just take it with a grain of salt).

I think i’d rather see new stuff than returning old things, for some of the reasons I said before. I think giving all players a chance to have a way to stand out would be great…so I actually do support adding more mage tower types of content to the game for sure…just not returning the old ones if that makes sense


You can do that without having something others are denied from. The work each player puts in can make the difference.

Edit: No idea why you liked my post.


Why the best content must be used in such unethical manner, making use of predatory psychological practices… instead of just effort and well done timegating (like archievements and task linked to raid drops, like Fangs of the Father)?
I got all available legendaries ingame, and it was worth it, even if it took me months for some of them.
We need stuff like that, like in FF14…

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I also see it as rewarding people who play a main as opposed to fotm rerolling every balance tuning


slams gavel repeatedly

I order Blizz to make ALL MAGE TOWER APPEARANCES farmable once more. Furthermore, I order them to remove ALL transmog restrictions. The excuse by developer Day that the silhouette is still important has been contradicted with the introduction of covenant cosmetic sets that are wearable by ALL CLASSES. We will soon see Paladins in Greek skimpy armor.

Blizzard, make it happen.


Oh well.

It’s not.

Some people like games with limited time exclusive rewards. It gives them something to work towards that they know will be special once it’s gone.

Nice insult. Maybe understand how limited time exclusives work and why they’re important. You don’t get everything in life. Stop acting like a child.


if something is advertised as limited time, i don’t think it’s unfair for that item to remain a limited time item some new player missed out on from over 10 years ago though.

(Seasonal rewards specifically)

If this the case in real life, why does it have to be in-game dogma?

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Limited time rewards bring people in and make people feel like they accomplished something and get to keep something special.

Many games do this. Many other aspects of commercialism do this.

You want something cool? Ask for new stuff.


Dabbing through the Mage Tower wearing Antorus lfr gear and welfare legendaries was not masochistic or difficult.

The worst part was leveling through the god awful scaling changes.


More like keep people out.

More limited-time rewards is the last thing I want.

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Oh cut the drama. :roll_eyes:

There’s hundreds upon hundreds of transmogs. That one appearance isn’t cutting people out of diddly squat.

Then ask for new non-limited ones. Shocking how that works.


This was my biggest takeaway. The weapons and druid skins are amazing and only enhance the playing of the game, because they’re pleasing to look at. But people saying they have to go so the ones that did it felt like they accomplished something is a bit of a stretch. You could turn your brain off and wipe out all that content except maybe the healer one. The healer one was by far the most challenging of the 3 types and it was only slightly hard.

Keep in mind we’re making gear from content that was never hard no longer obtainable whereas mythic raiding gear each expansion gets handed out like candy and it’s the hardest content in the game.

Lol dude, it’s keeping people out of having the transmog. And buddy, you have no right to tell me which transmogs I’m allowed to care about. I, and others, are COLLECTORS.

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In the magical world of cartoons :crazy_face:

Two sides of the same coin. Someone is gonna be right… someone is gonna be wrong.

What about a new player walking into the game that can’t obtain it? As I said earlier, I feel most sorry for druids.

OH NO! THE WORLD MAY END! :roll_eyes:

If you’re so obsessed over one appearance, that’s some serious drama issue right there.

Yeah so am I. I don’t have the appearances. I’m not demanding something be brought back when it was advertised limited time.

Go get the hundreds upon hundreds of others.

And don’t pull the “new player” card. We all know full well new players are rare and won’t even have a damn clue it even exists. And if they see it and find out they can’t get it, normal logical people shrug and say oh well.

If you seriously think these theoretical new players are going to decide to rage quit over a limited time thing like so many limited time things in so many games, you may want to reevaluate all of those games and so many other things in commercialism.

(Had to clarify since people immediately took it wrong, instead of reading the whole context of things.)


Ok, you’re trolling and gaslighting. Good riddance to you then.

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“Someone doesn’t agree with me and calls me out on my drama, they must be a troll!” :roll_eyes:

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