The real reason *they* deserve ZERO praise for changes

Can somebody show me where Blizzard stated that they deserved praise? Or are these threads just people’s personal soapboxes?

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Copium andys hard at work in this thread. Blizzard is finally listening to feedback from 1 yr ago and only doing so when they are hemorrhaging subs. Someone’s job is finally on the line and they’re actually listening to players now.


They also did it in WoD with flying and instead of admitting they were wrong, we got pathfinder like a big F U to the players.


They definitely act as tho they resent the players… and I don’t get it. It’s like they purposely give us a well done steak when we want medium rare because F what we want


No they weren’t lmao. I genuinely wonder if anyone who says this actually did the campaigns.


They do this every time, BFA with Azerite Gear, Legion with Legendaries, and now Shadowlands with Covenants.

They get rid of it in a .5 patch, people are happy (Blizz thinks they did good) and then they do it again next xpac

If they would just listen then we wouldn’t be so annoyed when they outright refuse to adhere to the feedback they received before the beta went into paid beta.

So yes, an apology for ignoring customer feedback for the third time in a 6 year repetitive cycle is worth the criticism


whining about whining…now novel, lmao.
I dont care which side youre on guy…if youre whining about whining, youve clearly run out of points to make lol.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2:
Excuse making, doubling down, attacking paying customers for pointing out the crap, etc, etc, etc.
This current version of Blizzard doesnt DESERVE to be making money on this game at this point. They need to dig up past, BETTER team members and hand the profits over to them for making a great game for the current ones to ride the coattails thereof…

that doesnt work when you have them making a habit out of it.
If this were ONCE, sure…do as you say.
When its happening every expansion you start seeing the patterns…the games being played…the ego and arrogance involved…and at that point…no…you dont keep patting them on the head congratulating them. At that point you let them know you wont be paying a dime for future expansions regardless of any hype attached because theyve proven themselves to be egotistical, petulant kids who not only dont learn from their repeated mistakes, but when called out in said mistakes a fourth time or more, double down on them for a year or so and actually have the audacity to attack and insult their own customer base.

No…this version of the company deserves no congratulations at all given their ongoing behavior.
If it werent for older, better game makers handing this game to them on silver platter this previously fantastic game would have never survived any better than 1000 other dead MMOs.


Likely why they went from 12 million subs to what seems to be less than 2 million.
They stopped making sub numbers public for a reason, lol…and given the time frame it happened in, its blindingly obvious it was due to their dropping thru the floor so fast.


Climb off their pedals and mingle with the unwashed, toxic masses.


Taking 10 months to correct an obviously growing problem that shouldn’t in any way, shape or form be connected to the swiss cheese story-line is more than a leisure amount of time to do any kind of hotfixes or quality of life system changes.

Too little too late perfectly describes the box Blizzard have found themselves in.


They don’t owe us an apology. They are pulling the rip cord and have acknowledged the system didn’t work out.

Get over it.

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I agree it is an excuse but else are the going to say “The reason we did not make these changes was because the guys in charge were too busy abusing female employees and covering up that abuse to make good content?”

I think we just want some more genuine humbling by the devs rather than this constant state of aloofness whenever they drop the ball on their mad science features.


Yes but saying the real reason while they are being sued for that specific reason may not be the best choice cooperate wise.

It’s a video game. You don’t get grown adults to grovel at your feet because you didn’t like it.


They don’t have to grovel, somebody just needs to own up and admit they got it wrong then we can forget about it and move on.

Taking this “Oh we knew it the whole time” road just tells us that they haven’t learned a damn thing.

  1. Covenants being locked does make sense. The whiners are winning here but joining a side to be blessed with their powers only to change your mind three times a day makes no sense. Also these abilities can completely change your play style so now you’re expected to know three different rotations?

  2. They did admit they were wrong about conduit energy as it created no benefit and punished people who swapped often.

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They went from 12M subs down to less than half because the game is a product of it’s time. It’s old and not the latest/greatest thing. Over time, the company allocates less and less resources, which becomes evident in the product.

In addition, over the years, the generation of gamer has mutated. We’re less and less the generation of gamers who earn what they get. We’re more “gimme free!”. We’re less and less the generation of depth. We’re more “just tell me exactly what to do, where to do it and how to do it”.

This does not mean they do not care. There are surely people who are working on the game who would love to make everyone happy but we all know it’s not possible.

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Where are you seeing that?

Sounds like a whole lot of “we’re fixing things based on feedback” to me.