The real reason *they* deserve ZERO praise for changes

Don’t get me wrong, this is a good thing they’re doing with the recent 9.1.5 changes announced.

But they ruin any possible goodwill they could have cultivated, not because of the time it took to make these changes, but because of their explanation.

Underneath the list of changes, on the big post about it, the community manager who posted it then lists reasons why Blizzard took so long to make these changes since the community has been calling for them for a full year.

They say “oh it all makes sense now because all the covenants are united against the jailer, but it wouldn’t have made sense earlier, so don’t worry we know what we’re doing, we were right to have the bad system in place before” in a nutshell. Not an actual quote, but that’s the gist of the forum post they put out.

THAT prideful crap is the reason people unsub, not because it took you a year to make the changes. But because it took you a year, and you’re not even willing to admit you made a mistake.

If Blizzard made these changes and then issued a genuine apology and admitted it was a mistake from the start, EVERYONE would be much happier right now.

Instead they not only achieve little to nothing with these changes in terms of bringing players back, they actually create MORE resentment amongst players because they’re so insistent on not admitting their mistakes and so prideful about the whole thing.


The issue I see with this is that the “mAw wAlKeR” is supposedly the one who united the covenants

So would it not have made sense to have us working with all 4 from the start to unite them??

Like wat??


I thought people wanted lore-gameplay integration.


Love the click-baityness of the title.

“Top 10 Things Blizzard doesn’t want YOU to know about!”


Not a bad point


Why couldn’t you have posted this in the thread with almost the exact same title?


Because it’s a totally different topic, you didn’t spend any time reading the body before you posted.


The covenants were at odds with each other and all focusing on their own storylines in 9.0. They very much weren’t together in the slightest, hence why we had 4 different plotlines.


Lore-gameplay integration in a manner consistent with a roleplaying experience. Having to pay a cost in competitiveness as a result of an RP/aesthetic decision is a very, very silly way of incorporating that, in my opinion.


I don’t know what they can do at this point for you people. Offer up their firstborn?


Blizzards game , not yours. Don’t like it you can unsubscribe. When I go some where and don’t like the service I don’t go back. Stop paying them money to displease you. That’s what you are doing.


I mean, prideful was basically the theme of the first 8 months of shadowlands.


Get out of here with that selective quoting BS.

Convenient how you just forgot to include this ENTIRE paragraph. Get out of here.


I think they shouldn’t be forgiven so easily but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be praised either. When they make a decision we like, we shouldn’t respond negatively. I find myself being too negative a lot of the time too, it’s not productive. When they do good, praise it. When they do bad, vocalize the how and why


That’s not even the paragraph Briselody was quoting.

I also don’t see a problem with it-it was in their vision for the expansion for it to be a weighted choice. Devs don’t have to go against their vision if they don’t want to.


Not for nothing, but that line is specifically about conduit energy, they’re pretty dead set on covenant choice being handled “well”:


I agree with this, they admitted their mistake. Just hope they don’t repeat it like they did in the past many times


They are wrong too. It never made sense for covenant-swapping to be hard. The covenants were always on the same side. If a friend chooses to hang out with someone else, is that a betrayal?


I happen to agree with them. Covenants served the purpose of being a impactful choice.

Personally I think unlocking cosmetics completely is too soon. That should have waited until 10.0. Doing it now just completely removes any impact from Covenants at all. But whatever.


You guys need to learn to read between the lines. There have been MAJOR staffing changes along the chain of command at Blizzard and in WoW. In the corporate world, people can’t just come out and start bashing the people above them or the people who were formerly in their roles.

Statements like “these changes should have been made a year ago” isn’t just saying that they’re now listening to feedback, it’s a subtle way of saying “these decisions were made by different people a year ago”

Just like if your grandmother makes a disgusting dinner, you don’t spit it out and tell her it’s horrible, you chew through the taste of dirt in your mouth and say “Damn, granny, I’ve never tasted anything quite like this”