The real reason *they* deserve ZERO praise for changes

They at least made the apology for conduit energy, but yeah they needed to apologize the same way for the covenant restrictions.

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Taking over a year to 10 months minimum doesn’t seem discouraging to you in any way shape or form, from a heeding the players plight perspective?

Seems like a very long time to notice your game has problems with it.


I mean I never had a problem with the design, so not really.

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One out of the millions that have quitted in droves and are likely never coming back.

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Yep, I’m the only one. Just me.

I mean doomsayers like you were claiming the game had 500k players left back in BfA, so I’m shocked they came up with another couple million just for them to immediately quit.

Same. People made a way bigger deal over covenants/switching covenants that was ever warranted, imho. Granted I am pleased this change is coming, but even if it wasn’t my game would still largely be the same.

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Well its going to take a lot more than adding a few short-cuts to entice players back over burnt bridges.

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I’m sure there’s plenty of players that don’t treat this like some kind of spurned relationship and will just play a game when it seems like it might be fun, and find something else to do when it’s not.

While this seems like common sense, some people are just too obsessed to do anything different. And I do not say that word in a derogatory or adversarial way, that’s just how it is.

I thought this thread would be an interesting read and atypical of the forums, but it turns out it’s just full of the typical forum stalkers who cherrypick irrelevant quotes to spread misinformation. Meh.

Were you here when we had cogshanks? If not, let me tell you a story about forum stalking that will make you cringe.

Bring it.

Oh wow, I didn’t think you’d oblige.

Imagine an addon that allowed you to see all of a person’s alts. Then imagine the person using that addon making characters on servers they do not normally play on and every time one of these alts log in, they harass them. This person having no cluethat this random guy is who keeps sending them tells and in-game mail is just some stalker from the forums who is overly upset from losing an argument.

Then… the stalker who did that brags about it, looking for praise while all non-stalkers are like “uh… yeah…”

Maybe you should take your own advise. Your way of interaction on these forums seem unhealthy. Perhaps playing different games now and then would help you.


I’m good, thanks.

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Yeah…the stalkers think they’re all elite and cool, while everyone else just sees them for the pure creeps they are. It’s great.


You don’t seem fine. You seem obsessive and unhealthy aggressive.


Okay. Your opinion holds zero importance to me but you’re welcome to it.

That’s fine. Just stay save. You really seem to be very invested in this game and attack people randomly.


Maybe I’m reading it differently than you do but to be fair, if you’re legit getting angry at a random person on the internet/forum’s views on something, you’re the one who does need a break.