The real reason *they* deserve ZERO praise for changes

He’s not wrong though, you really should stop pissing on people and trying to call it rain. You’ve been doing that in practically every thread you post in.


They need to apologize for Torghast, Conduits, Renown, legendaries and the sad “tier” system this expansion as well. Probably going to be all removed and renamed by next expansion.


Is it? Seems pretty damn weird to me.

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Blizzard makes a dumb decision
Blizzard uses lore as a reason
It’s not very effective.

Except for when they send me to ardenwealde to help them out for my daily quest.

Blizzard write the lore so it’s a bad excuse to say “game play has to be bad because of lore”

What? You write the lore! Change it.


big true dude

big true.

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Hes not wrong

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I like to think of my alts as my children, and Daddy cleared the way to be living their best covenant life!!

Yup. 10 charsss

AHAHAHAHA!! Good one! No matter what Blizz does, someone will grump about it, as this very thread proves. Blizz was more open to making covenant changes both because of feedback AND because the story is at a different point now. If you want to interpret that as saying “we were 100% right at the beginning!!” that’s on you.

Let Blizz make changes, tell them when they are good changes, and be happy the game is in a better state. Being unhappy because Blizz didn’t do your desired amount of groveling to the all-knowing player base only makes you sound like a jerk.


We have. For years.

They knew about all of this during Alpha. Yes, Alpha. The only reason they are making the changes is because the majority of the playerbase quit. Without those people leaving, it either wouldn’t have happened or had been at a later date.

The changes are good, haven’t heard anyone say otherwise. The point is that they are just repeating the same trash that happens over and over again: they create bad systems, the players tell them they are bad, Blizzard pushes it out anyway, people quit, Blizzard fixes, and repeat. This isn’t anything new, which is the problem. What’s more, even in this stupid blue post they are doubling down on things WE KNOW WERE NEVER TRUE. It’s ridiculous.


People leaving is a powerful form of feedback.

Fully agreed, but when they’re fixing it isn’t the time to berate them. Do I hope 10.0 isn’t a systemic mess like SL? Absolutely. I just get irritated that people grump no matter what Blizz does. No changes? “Blizz isn’t listening!!” Good changes? “Blizz should have done it sooner and with better motives!!” Be happy for good changes, people.


You know they are only changing things because of negative publicity and their stock has dropped 10 points and WoW players are leaving in droves. Not because they give a damn about the player.


Idk why you’re so mad at the explanation…it’s the same one they gave you for why covenants were locked in the first place. Be mad that it took them this long. Be mad that they should’ve made changes before releasing it like this. But don’t be mad when they reiterate the same rationale for why they insisted on locking us into a covenant during the beta.

Yeah it really reminded me of when at the end of BFA they (Ion if i remember correctly) said they were happy with how corruptions turned out when anyone with eyes knew that system was a hot mess

To me it felt like they couldnt say EVERYTHING they did was wrong, they just had to pat themselves on the back a little to make sure their fee fees werent hurt and they didnt look TOO bad

It’s clear the only thing they respond to is the loss of players. Proven in legion, BfA and now. All said the same thing “we should have listened earlier” and in the same breath justify why they didn’t, like they still think they did the right thing. It’s so weird to me

Players- we want this

Blizzard- our way is better

Players- quit

Blizzard- maybe you were right


I will look past the reason someone does good so long as they are doing good. I do not care that many entrepreneurs donate because it is a tax credit and they actually save more money than they spent. It did good so that is good enough for me. Same goes for this change with Blizzard. IDC why they got to this point, I just care that they did and now my enjoyment can increase.


They are still cocky like they know what they are doing, but they dont. 1 year late, with something that we told them about in the ALPHA.