The real reason *they* deserve ZERO praise for changes

Personally I looked at the initial Covenant system as similar to picking a class for your character with different abilities. To me the big complainers were the min/maxers

I don’t get that some don’t get this. Honestly! These people managed to push a whole lot more than usual into the upcoming patch in a surprisingly short period of time. And all I’m hearing in most threads is this:

What the hell??!!! Was EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED supposed to change overnight??!!!

And for good measure: What YOU want isn’t necessarily what everyone else wants.

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huh…Im intrigued.
The more I watch their decisions the more I realize they arent in this for the game or the playerbase, but for the $$$ and that includes investors. Well, and koticks yacht fund, Im told, lol.

If I look at your assertions thru the lens of what Ive seen from this company the last four years, it actually makes perfect sense.

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We basically served as ambassador to all 4 and it makes zero sense that the 3 covenants we didn’t work with would suddenly give us their full trust and power

It would make more sense if we’d been working with all 4 this entire time, even if they were at odds, which is debatable

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Slash un quote

Maybe they believe they didn’t make a mistake… you and your 20 friends aren’t the only ones playing the game, designers make things and have numbers to show that perhaps they are happy with.

No they wouldn’t be, you over estimate the understanding of a lot of people in this game.

They’ll bring back some. You are free to keep playing the moral high ground on their decisions and hold them accountable. I’ll just wait on their next steps - if nothing changes then I’ll know where I stand with them.

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uh…yeah…and so blizzard just decided the last couple weeks…“hey…you know what guys, lets make this easier for players even though only TWENTY of them have complained or quit”

Not even you believe it happened that way guy.
They are clearly responding to LARGE numbers of players negative reactions…finally…same as last expansion.


What? Look up whatever collection you want, that’s NOT my alt. I don’t have a single female character. Cope harder. All I see here is you ignoring all the people who shut you down. Your post history is whining in every single thread about this. What a weird way to spend all your time. But to each their own.


Lmao Courivard, Yandarius, Raumed, and you all have the same battle pets. And all of them liked this post:

Don’t make this more embarrassing by doubling down, honey.


Next expansion: “Blizzard doesn’t deserve praise for such an awesome expansion. We should’ve gotten content this good years ago.” :roll_eyes:

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You accused me of being a void elf female hunter, Nudles. And funny enough you also didn’t respond to that person when they ripped you apart.

Nice try to straw man me though, the gaslighting and desperation is strong with you, I see.

As for embarassment? I mean someone literally just has to click your post history and see you in every single thread about this whining literally the whole day today, your whole friday wasted by raging at people on the forums who have a different opinion than you for them to know nothing they could ever do would be half as embarrassing as your existence.

You can keep prattling on, saying whatever you can to feel better, but you can’t hide obvious truths from people. Sorry.

Maybe if you think really really hard and start sweating again, you can come up with some snarky comment to make so you can have some little sliver or something to clutch onto.


Technically that comment is purely in relation to conduit energy which for most players was either

  1. Nonexistent
  2. A massive issue stopping them enjoying the game

So apologising for that is a good first step but dont think people will be back immediately because of these changes (atm im still out till 10.0 at the earliest maybe 11.0)

Hahaha a whole paragraph because you got caught giving yourself high fives.

Your ego is real fragile, huh?


Yet they were all united against the Jailer in 9.0 . We were sent to the various covenants to help out by our personal covenant and yet now they are working together.

I’m glad they finally did what they should of done before launch but this reeks of "Hey lets make all of these fixes and save them for when subs drop and we will act like were listening to the players "

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No they weren’t all of the covenant issues were internal . The Necro attack on Bastion was a splinter group aligned with the forces of the Jailer . THe Forsworn was aligned with the Jailer ( not all since 9.1) , The Venthyr loyal to Sire Denathrius again serving the Jailer .

Yet every group we worked with in 9.0 were working united to fight the Jailer and his forces . When your covenant sent you to help another covenant in 9.0 that was the covenants working together.


Oooh you’re mad now haha.

Again, say whatever you need to feel better. All anyone has to do is look at your post history to know they’re the winner and you’re the loser. Enjoy your life of spending all day on the forums being a keyboard warrior.

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Agreed. It is quite sad that they couldn’t just say “we’re sorry we stuffed up” and instead spent half the post doing mental gymnastics to try and justify why things like the covenant locking were good. It definitely does sour the good changes they’ve announced.

I’m happy to look past it if this means they’re actually going to start listening to us and making changes sooner and better design choices from the get go, but I’ll have to wait to see it.

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I get being upset with them but if they do something right you should let them know. Otherwise you risk them doubling down on bad decisions.


But they weren’t.
The Archon and other covenants ignored the Jailer as any threat and assumed all was well. There was untrust and war between some…

Did you even do the story lol

Sure we can tinfoil hat this to death but there is plenty to show that there was not unity 'till latter half of 9.0.5.

Exactly, human behavioral studies… positive reinforcement is a good tool.
If they speak up and want to do more reactive changes etc and people still crap on them then they’ll just revert back.

I’m fine if people don’t trust it but this whole thing is being blown WAY outta proportion on forums.

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Usually people writing this are the ones being defensive and feel like t hey need to deflect. This ain’t high school, it’s fine if you want to alt-upvote yourself.

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