The real reason *they* deserve ZERO praise for changes

If that’s what you need to tell yourself to feel better, sure thing. But I think you should log off and go calm down. Not healthy.


Ladies, ladies… you’re both beautiful.


Nah, I’m good. Hope that doesn’t make you

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Different paragraphs, different subjects, different levels of apology.

When they were talking about conduit energy, that’s probably as close as they can get to an apology.

Personally I think the ripcord for covenants should have been pulled long ago. I leveled a second paladin because I made the mistake of putting my first into a covenant based on aesthetics and the penalty for switching was too painful. Perhaps this is what they meant by giving players agency.

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You were typing that for 5 minutes. I can only imagine the sweat running down your face and the moment of joy when you finally manage to come up with a comeback. Hahahahahahaha.


No? How bad is your computer lol

Now look at Briselody, digging for scraps in the face of defeat. xD


Exactly what I was thinking when I read their explanation.
A whole-hearted " the players were right" was a whole full step in the right direction but instead they opted for this half hearted response to save face expecting the player base haven’t suggested this during beta.
Instead they take this disgusting route.

It seems they haven’t changed at all despite their walls crumbling down.


Why are you liking your own post with alts? You know we can see your battle pet collection, right?


they still havent admitted they screwed the Loot-a-rang over for NO good reason and the ego wont allow them to revert it.
Ive seen more bots SINCE the change than I ever saw before the stupidity.
Tells me it accomplished nothing, but they choose to punish players who didnt do squat wrong instead of just admitting it was a dumb move and changing it back…or to at least Cata Eng 40 where you can make the thing.

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They wanted players to work harder for their loot and get less loot. Working as intended.

Bots result in lower player profits from gathering mats and more token purchases. Working as intended.

This is a time for cautious optimism, not celebration and declaring blizzard “heroes”. After all these changes are implemented we will see what players get.

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This response was towards the conduit system.

Majority of the gamers KNEW FOR A FACT that covenants were NOT going to be a 1 percent difference as Ion has stated when the covenant system was introduced.

I do not understand where a game where people have wanted more balance and viability for expansions, and the thought to make a system this system.

You could argue that this is only min maxers but this goes beyond that.
Pugs themselves are starting to ONLY invite meta classes regardless of achievements to their under 15 m+ses. I don’t fault the players at all who don’t know that other classes are viable but the developers who insist in creating a larger gap for players of different playstyles.


I imagine someone begging for a drink of water and a year later Blizzard goes to hand them a glass of water only to be annoyed that it is now just a skeleton and they don’t appreciate them bringing the water.


I made a post there similar to this.

They are fantastic at saying “we were wrong” without actually saying it. “we weren’t wrong, it just wasn’t the time to make the game better yet.”


tHe TiTlE mAdE mE wAnT tO cLiCk It So ThAt MeAnS cLiCkBaIt.

The title was not bait. He said there was a real reason, and he delivered an actual reason.



a native English suffix attached to adjectives and participles, forming abstract nouns denoting quality and state (and often, by extension, something exemplifying a quality or state):

Shut it, sock puppet.


Covenants being united now makes sense but taking a full year to make changes is typical of blizzard. They just have a reasoning this time instead of all the other times they just let things stay bad for months on end.

That’s fair.

sock pup·pet


a simple hand puppet made from a sock.

a false online identity, typically created by a person or group in order to promote their own opinions or views.

We’re both sock puppets you insecure edgelord.


Damn it all! Look what you’re making me say! This is all you’re fault, Bris. I blame you entirely. You should be ashamed!..

TOUCH SOME GRASS! :crazy_face:

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I would never advocate that, my grass is full of wolf spiders :fearful:

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