The real reason there are no healers. Just a rant

The only complaints I’ve gotten as a tank since i came back are when i try to go slow. Even if I’m convinced that the group doesn’t have the focus and wherewithal to keep going fast (and I’m usually right). Healers are the ones who are most aggressive about “pulling for me”. A disproportionate amount of my BoPs, BoSses, AoE Taunts, off heals, etc. are to save a healer who started aggressively pulling and found they weren’t quite as durable as they thought.

When i try to stagger pull so that i get like 2 or 3 aoes for threat before moving, DPS complain because they didn’t get to use their cooldowns optimally.

When i blitz enemies with one GCD AoE and leave consecration in my wake, I don’t feel comfortable about it. I have to just hope no DPS tries to wail on anything they can’t survive before I stop and if they do, BoP and BoS can save them. But that gets me people asking to friend me and requeue with me.

I do believe that it would benefit participants in group content if the game taught players a little more about their class(es). A new player may not realize which effects can be dispelled or if they can even dispel it. It is also overwhelming to see various spells fly across the screen and clutter the ground, and they may not be privy to the settings that will adjust that. Granted, some players are just careless or selfish and only want to smack things and have their mistake(s) handled by the healer. It’s a mixed bag the second you press “queue”.

Exile’s Reach is a small step in the right direction, given some of the quests that are unique to someone’s own class and abilities, but I do think that there could be a little more guidance and a touch up of the user interface. This is coming from someone that has healed and tanked since The Burning Crusade, so I completely understand the frustration. Healing is a thankless task in most games.

Especially given that some of us healers are leveling toons through dungeons and do not have the spells to deal with that.

I had to do a double take, reading this I thought I had posted it. Amen!

i quit healing m+ because i felt like i was constantly gasping for breath every damage instance brings the entire group to like 20% hp and i have to spend every global to get them topped up before it happens again. healing m+ feels like doing sprints in the middle of a marathon.

i still love healing raid though.

Bravo Karen Bravo

I enjoy healing.

Infact, i play mainly healers. Very rarely do i touch tanks and DPS.

The game has its frustrations, and you will find they happen more when people are dependent on you to keep them alive. And since you have “17 years” of healing. you should know this by now, and it’s not a new thing. It’s been the same since vanilla, TBC, Wrath, CATA ETC, ETC.

Being frustrated with tanks and DPS as a healer is nothing new.

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Lots of new players this expansion, which is good for the game overall. Lots of tanks adjusting from the mass pull meta these past few expacs to the tanking-actually-takes-skill-now meta this expac.

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Well, I have a healer Evoker, but I have not ever ran a healer before, and, given this, maybe I’ll skip that ish. I’m not going to take ish from some elitist tank douche canoe because he pulls 3 mobs at once and get his SLANG FOR HINDQUARTERS killed. Hell naw.

What’s a …looks at notes… “healer”?

I wish healing was fun, but its not and people make it much worse than it needs to be. One of the issues was trained into the community by Blizzard by way of Mythic Plus. M Plus is a cheap easy way to create a content loop which was a smart move…Recycled dungeons with affixes and a timer. Side effect being the “go fast bro” movement… Problem being only a small percentage of the “go fast bro” community pays attention to what the group and healer are doing…

I know Mythic Plus has a very dedicated group of supporters but I honestly think its responsible for a great many of the dungeon community bad behavior we see today.

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this is literally the reason i dont heal dungeons anymore
raids are fine because you dont just have one moron doing it

It was the pull after the first boss in a +9 GB. Tank had pulled 1 pack, but a dps had managed to pull everything in the room, making it a 2-3 pack pull. I healed all the damage, no one died but I was oom. I told the tank I would drink really quick.

Instead of waiting a second, then pulling the next pack, the tank stops and stands next to me to tell me how he really feels.

Tank in party chat: “Maybe the game isn’t all about you? All healers do is slow down keys. WAH WAH WAH! Healers are all a bunch of cry babies. Game would be better if they just deleted all healers.”

I left the key without a word after that.

Honestly I have tried different specs and I just… don’t like Healing in WoW. I wanted to, I love playing the healer role in other games. It’s my main roll in FFXIV, my main roll when I played HOTS, etc… but like there is something just… unfun about it in WoW.

Specifically raid healing for me is bad, at least in LFR, there are just simultaneously too many people to heal, and not enough healing needed for me to enjoy it. Like barely anyone takes much damage in LFR because it’s so under tuned for things, it’s not engaging.

I tried healing a Mythic 0 (As a Disc Priest, my preferred spec) and while it was more engaging it was also anxiety inducing at how quickly everyone’s health yo-yos. Then if I made the slightest mistake I was already getting yelled at so like… just not worth the stress. I went back to just running delves in a DPS Spec.

What I think had by far the largest impact on community toxicity is the entire game being cross realm and cross faction.

It’s the dark side of accessibility, when you have SO many people and groups you can join at any time of day, it really detracts from caring about those other people.

And I love the accessibility, so I’m not saying go back, but this is a consequence.


Me as a tank main who also deals with snotty dps mains, I feel you.

Pro: A small cabal of no-life people cannot try to drag your game experience through the dirt because you displeased them. I was rarely involved but the drama of raid guilds and pvpers in classic was legendary

Con: Absolutely no consequences for basically anything as the entire concept of server community has disappeared

I agree, on net it is better, but damn if i don’t have rose-colored glasses sometimes.

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Era is really enjoyable community wise, would recommend it as a change of pace.

Era (at least the Mankrik cluster) is way different from the 2019 classic as well since the population is lower and the people staying are people who enjoy classic.

Its a fun time.

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Classic gameplay isn’t for me even if i miss a lot about the community and the world from then. But i appreciate the effort made to make such a thoughtful recommendation. :heart:

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I’ve been having fun healing on Disc. Then again I only do like 5 keys a day maybe? Once I hit my limit, I log off for the day.

I have no FOMO, I have no chase, I have no carrot, I’m simply just playing out of enjoyment of the game. If I never get Mythic track loot, oh well. If I never get the portals or KSM, oh well.

If anything I’m just progressing to help my guild out. Without +4 keys how else are you gonna get a steady stream of Runed crests lol. That’s on the game design, it’s out of my hands.

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