Not YOU you, just you. the broader audience. The dipstick tank who pulls to the first boss before you even see if anybody else is loaded in.
The sub-par insectoid fool that runs in ahead of the tank without some kind of misdirect.
The dumb tank who pulls all the fear mobs and then wonders why we can’t take care of 8 fears at the same time which leads to us just constantly doing a run back to die to run back to die again all becaue the tank refuses to stop or slow down or even think or breathe.
Too many times have I found myself, as a healer of 17 years…wanting to just literally go dark mode and never heal again. I have healed in raids as literally every healer in the game, all the way into M20 and Mythic Raids as well as the 2300 bracket in arena.
And YOU make me not want to heal.
Git gudder and more healers will show up. Until then, we have no desire to have to be the ones responsible for literally everything. You stood in debuff? And now you are also on fire from debuff? Guess who has to put a heal over time on you as well as a bubble as well as dispell your debuff as well as somehow managing to keeup with Sanic the DH-is-the-only-tank-because-of-the-meta guy running around at Mach 20 even in M+ content and then they leave when they die to their own stupid.
AKA we are sick, and absolutely tired of having to hold your hands through the fire and flames and the dots and the bomb you take out of the group and get nearly killed by or the bomb you brought into the group and nearly killed everybody or the fire you dropped in melee or the failed tank swap or this or that that thathathlaekfa;lds ;aldksn m;adsf
every mistake YOU make, is mistake that I have to take care of in some form or fashion like your babysitter. Seriously, until you have to heal an entirely melee group, you don’t understand. THEY ALL WANT TO BE TOP DPS AND REFUSE TO MOVE OUT OF MECHANICS SO THEY CAN PARSE AAAARRGAHGHAHGHAHGHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Whew that’s a lot of text and I could say the same for healers sometimes when I tank but in all your kind of right. Maybe there’s a lot of new people playing this expac but people just suck ( i know i do lol) even if blizzard did nerf half the stuff in game it still wouldn’t help
The reason there are insufficient healers is because healing is and always has been an unpopular role. It has precisely nothing to do with anything in your post.
I was about to type a paragraph about healing not being that bad, then I realized that my main is currently FOTM.
I never thought this day would come.
I love healing. I’ve loved it since Vanilla. I play it in every MMO that I’ve played that has the role.
That said, I’m getting so sick of people in some of these dungeons. For example, Siege of Boralas. Nothing I can do when the tank consistently walks away from the tentacle he’s supposed to be tanking causing Hullcracker to bend the whole group over a table and spank the group like some sort of sadistic dom. Or the tanks that leave melee range of Daddy Rash in Dawnbreaker…
I’ve seen some exceptionally stupid DPS this season, don’t get me wrong, I even had DPS in one key (I left) who were doing < 150k dps on trash and < 100k on bosses.
But I think there are currently a LOT of tanks out there that think “Oh, I can just get invites to all the groups cause people are desperate” and in reality they should have a restraining order from being a tank.
has nothing to do with the playerbase and all to do with how healing is designed currently. its nearly killed the tank and healer role entirely.
the game is just all about oneshots now which is boring braindead design.
As a former holy paladin player, I used to love healing entirely melee groups. It was the ranged off on the other side of the arena who were the issue.
But regarding the desire to drop healing, I 100% relate.
I did an Heroic earlier where the tank did their usual Ubrainless Bolt speed dash across the instance, again leaving mobs behind to attack the dps and the healer because, hell, they dont care as long as they get to the end of the place asap.
I’ve healed now and then but I get so tired of it that when that happens I tend to slide back into my usual mode: save me, save the dps, stuff the tank, let them heal themselves. Cause if they dont care about the rest of us, I sure as hell do not care about them.
And if we wipe well, it probably would have happened anyhow.
Not all healers think and feel the way you do, so stop lumping ‘us all’ healers who love the experience with your rant and perspective. Based on your rant it’s time for you to hang up healing and play something else.
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i don’t really heal other people anymore unless i see them in the world or while leveling a character in bgs or dungeons… it’s just too scary a thought to do hard content thus far for me maybe I will overcome that fear soon by trying. Then the addition of people making mistakes or playing poorly is just something you have to deal with. Healing is taking care of people. It’s not judging people. I dunno.
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as a sub-par dipstick insectoid i feel attacked
i like stickbugs! i sympathize. i am a potato part time myself.
Everyone having defensives and self heals while also not having the current inside thier skulls to create the thought to not stand in dumb.
Thats a real big problem with wow atm
I don’t agree with much of what you said. Most of it if I’m being honest. But you are right, healing does suck right now. At least for me.
The issue I have with healing all boils down to the current game design (for healers) sucks. I’ve played a healer as my main since OG Classic wow in 2004. I stopped healing in dragonflight for pve and I’ll probably never go back. At least not until there are some changes.
I was really hopeful when they said they wanted to go back to the roots of what made healing fun. But sadly they fell way short.
The only genuine way is to make healers the only healers.
But people are too reliant on very short cd defensives and the ability to basically ignore your healer, do it yourself and stuff an hp pot down your gullet and you suddenly go from 25 to 80% hp in 2 seconds.
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I started healing full time this expansion, I just wish we did more damage. Druids also are very boring
Well yeah, it’s the same predicament that tanks have. There are plenty of healer and tank players out there, we just kinda stick to our own guild groups. M+ is primarily about communication and coordination, things that are particularly non-existent in pugs, so, is it really a surprise that neither of the more group oriented roles wish to gamble in the randomness that are pugs?
This isn’t specific to why number of healers are low. Being a healer just requires a supportive personality. You aren’t the boss (tank), or the star (dps)…you are the helping hand that makes everyone else better at what they do. its a selfless role…so naturally, not going to appeal to the masses.
The behavior you are talking about though…is a problem, and tanks behave this way because they’ve been taught that its “the way” or else vote kick. People will vote kick if a tank goes too slow but if a tank over pulls, nah…thats fine. lol.
Everyone wants their healer to be Priestess from Goblin Slayer. Too bad your healer players at this point are all so jaded they’re basically Asuna from Sword Art Online Abridged.