The real reason there are no healers. Just a rant

You’re right OP. It’s all my fault. I’ll stop doing those things right after I start running dungeons.


that is some really wishful thinking that people actually even read chat or take time to say hello back.

the majority of people dont even respond back when you say hello.

It’s why I play on an RP server most days. Far more friendly and interactive. Proudmoore and Medivh remind me of the lack of courtesy in other gamers.

Is ok if u dont like healing but others do.
By the sounds of it healing just isn’t ur thing and thats ok.

Biggest one for me is tanks chain pulling when I’m oom. I’m so sick and tired of that. You can even ask in chat and they still don’t stop, then it’s your fault for a wipe.

Inb4: “Just manage your mana better lol” mana pools aren’t infinite.

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For some healers they are

The speed tanks who LOS me most of the time put a drain on me that i have to try my best to keep up. Resto shaman has been good to me so far in this aspect but it gets tiresome as i will get the squishy one that does this and bam they die, tap out and leave, or blame my healing for not getting them from 2 room away.

[quote=“Marludelana-proudmoore, post:1, topic:1986504, full:true”]
Git gudder and more healers will show up. Until then, we have no desire to have to be the ones responsible for literally everything. [/quote]

By far, I feel this aspect is the biggest issue right now.

It feels so much that the other players are doing NOTHING to mitigate, and it’s all on the healer to interrupt, cc, heal unavoidable damage, on top of having to deal with all the avoidable damage being taken.

When I play DPS, it’s as if I can basically turn my brain off, and whenever I see the bars get low, I can shrug and say “healer will deal with it”

i loved healing. i loved healing a lot. i mained a healer for 9yrs
then blizzard gutted them and now i dont like healing

I used to take it personally when people die, until when I learned to look at Details and be able to see whether or not a single time was the class defensive used. And then I just pop a bon bon and move on with my life.


(gives Westwest a cookie)


Did you just pop lust?


Too many times I see the healer struggling, and players who have heals fail to use them to keep themselves alive. They die one by one and we end up wiping when my own heals run out.

Are you pulling half a room with 2mil aoe nukes?

Because its not even remotely hard to heal as a resto druid so Im leaning on the other 4 people making terrible decisions that the healer has to deal with.

Re-institute knockbacks from damage. It slows the tank down if they have to stagger through every 5 steps. It makes everyone else try harder to avoid terrible stuff on the floor, if getting hit by terrible stuff causes them to stop casting and restart every single spell attempt. It makes pulling 5 packs at once less reasonable, or at least not light speed capable like they are now.

No classes have to be rebalanced. The knockbacks just have to be prepped and adjusted for by the team.

There are plenty of healers everywhere - there is a tank shortage though.

Healers are quite plentiful atm.

That’s why i stopped healing.
I don’t even dps in dungeons unless I have to.

Healing raids is fine…
Since it’s organized.

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DPS are the reason there is a shortage of tanks and healers. No one wants the extra stress that comes with bad DPS doing bad things like pulling for the tank, standing in bad, ignoring mechanics and tunnel visioning their DPS meters.

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I agree. They’re not the first link in the chain though.

You know why that DPS is like that? Because idiots kick him if he doesn’t show high numbers.

You know why that tank is like that? Because idiots kick him if he doesn’t pull the room so they can have higher numbers.

Ultimately, this chain starts with, believe it or not, the pursuit of excellence. It starts with the people who know very well they can complete the content they are in, but that’s not enough for them. They want it done in optimal time. They want to do the most DPS. They want to kick people who are, frankly, doing it right. They’re the real maggot in that wound.


I feel you. People will stand in stuff that isn’t a 1 shot because they know you will heal them through it.

I know people don’t like 1 shots, but sometimes I can appreciate it because if you stand in a cone like in COT where it is a one shot, it’s very easy to ID which character in the M+ died to stupid. Yeah, can’t heal it, enjoy your dirt nap knowing you did that to yourself.

Also, the tanks trying to do MDI routes in 4-6 keys is just insane. Why are you trying to do something that people do on comms with a group of friends, with a group of pugs NOT on comms? Like pulling 80% of the trash in NW first room before boss? I’ve had about 3 NW key brick in the +6 range BECAUSE of tanks insisted on doing a 6-7 pack pull and they couldn’t keep threat. So dumb.

Some days, I’m fine with trying to heal all the craziness, some days i am so glad that I don’t exclusively play healers.