The Real Problem With The Maw, And The Solution

literally turning off warmode solves all of the problems. Alliance can’t attack you, alliance can’t camp you. Sharding sucks, but it’s here to stay since blizzard apparently thinks it’s better than server mergers.

Literally no it doesn’t,

turning off warmode does not solve ^ this issue, which prohibits those who enjoy warmode to actually combat warmode related issues.

Or we could actually be able to form the solution to this problem rather than just turning it off and going “Oh well sharding sucks what can i do, bork this im out” especially when once again there have been people who were on PvP servers from the beginning of their WoW experience, turned on WM the second WM got implemented, but oh wait now they can’t actually combat certain issues because sharding literally won’t let them. Why wouldn’t we just…bring that to light?

EDIT: Allso

^ This…is also a pretty huge factor of the issue.

No, it doesn’t. Because there are people who actually wish to engage who cannot because of Warmode sharding making it impossible for them to group with their friends due to over saturation. Once more, do not skim the original post. Actually read it.

The point of warmode is for people who wanted to opt into world PvP to be able to engage with people. The problem is the shards are overly saturated with people who are literally just there for PvE rewards, which resulted in the problem in the maw because the WM bonus effects Stygia from dailies.

Removing WM bonuses from both factions and making it be something people do because they actually like PvP is the solution. It also fixes the sharding problem.

I don’t understand that. I have always understood that if you form a group (either group or raid) then everyone who joins that group will be in the same phase (unless they have inadvertently joined in the wrong mode setting). I have never joined a large group where some of the group have been out of phase with others.

In previous inquiries I have been told that those who join are put into the same phase as the group creator. I have never heard of anyone being ‘force phased’ away from the group - because that would entirely circumvent the purpose of joining a group or a raid.

Scroll through the thread. I am not the only one going through this, and other people on both factions are saying they’ve been going through it as well.

Sadly this is something that seems to be happening now, and also I believe there was a Dev that explained further on how sharding works and touched on that if there is a shard that is too full it will try to relocate the numbers somehow. Don’t quote me on the Dev part, but as far as the sharding part goes, I tried inviting my friends to do stuff in the Maw with and could not see them despite trying to relog, rejoin on other characters, join on the same characters again, etc. This in part had to do with the fact that there was so many people in one shard that they weren’t allowed to join my shard, and it also did not bring me to theirs evidently.

There is some seriously kludgy stuff going on in there with phasing.

It also doesn’t help that there is a natural chokepoint between where the safe-spot is and the entrance/exit. Something for Blizzard to keep in mind next time.

If you remove the WM bonus, you will be really struggling to find your wpvp, and I will guarantee it. People turn it on specifically for the bonus. Otherwise, you’re just choosing to inconvenience yourself for no reason. Why would I choose to opt in to a world of pvp as the minority faction when there’s nothing in it for me.

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Umm… Blizzard is the one that nuked PvP servers in favor of WM. Then did nothing to actually “balance” the factions.

That’s not on us.

How about making the WM bonus phase specific. So taking into account which faction is actually in control of the phase you are in?

You don’t have to but there are plenty of people who opt in because they actually like to PvP too. You cannot, and should not aim to speak as if you have some kind of means of speaking for other people. It’s fine if you don’t like warmode. Other people have said they don’t either.

But PVP servers have always had a fulfilling population and people opting into warmode should only be opting into it because they like to PvP. I would rather have a harder time finding combat in the open world and know who I’m engaging with is there because they want to be there as opposed to be jumped by groups of nothing but leeches looking for nothing other than a bonus.

I’m fine with that.

I’m wondering if it has something to do with where individual players are in their game progression. Perhaps being at different stages of the game puts you into a different phase?

You think blizzard’s servers from 1996 can actually handle that? They already struggle just keeping 30 people in a zone. Now they have to try and prioritize who gets put into it for zone balance? They’d catch on fire.

That wouldn’t make sense because we’re in week 2. There’s nothing to really do. People just yesterday unlocked the second area in the Maw (which was covered by WoWhead because of daily rep caps), and this has been happening throughout the week with everyone stuck in one spot.

Honestly this is fine by me :woman_shrugging:, I’d rather have to struggle to find some sort of WPVP interaction and know these people actually enjoy WPVP like I do than have to sit around and deal with Blizz’s poorly implemented bonus system that was suppose to benefit both sides and cycle depending on the numbers and that never happened because of faction imbalance.

Honestly, personally speaking they shouldn’t have destroyed PvP servers to begin with and made WM but they did and that’s fine it’s basically the same thing, but realistically taking away WM bonuses doesn’t inconvenience by any means, and just takes away what people seem to only have WM on for anyway.

You were suppose to toggle on WM because you enjoy WPVP for any multiple different of reasons. Not because of incentives.

OK, I did find this:

So they have tried to fix this - perhaps their fix isn’t working?

They are doing an extended maintenance on Monday, perhaps a fix will go in for it.

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Nope, same stages in the game just forced into a different shard. It would typically indicate by the player’s icon or something if they are in a different phase from you which thus indicates its due to stages of progression. However, sadly it is not the case it would seem.

EDIT: I will say, what you did just post is…interesting :thinking:.

Edit: See this part:

An exception that remains is the max-level version of the Maw. Players in the max-level Maw may not immediately be able to see one another when joining a party. However, leaving the max-level Maw (to Oribos) and returning should bring members of a party together.

Lol, fair point, but that’s still not on us.

They could always cap raid sizes.

Is there any reason to actually make a 40 man group for anything anymore? Epic rated bgs?

So with this, you’d rather struggle to find wPvP, ie basically be pve anyway, than have wPvP bonuses. Interesting.

We tried heading to Oribos and jumping back in together. Perhaps this isn’t working as intended and is a major culprit. If that’s the case, this should be addressed.

…Interesting. And annoying. But okay. At least it’s a clue.