The real butchers of WoW lore

Basically this. When people whinge about opening races and classes they pick and choose what makes sense, and basically just want every race to be a nation of hats.

Everyone thinks the same, acts the same. No deviation. Deviation means everyones the same. We’re all just amorphous blobs.

Culture isnt something to shape your character, it must define it regidly.


Not really my experience from 5E, especially on BG3. I feel like each race had its own identity despite being able to play every class and the games removal of racial stats. Race tags are a thing and npcs interactions react accordingly.

Also regarding counter top games, its up to players on what to do with race tags. Theres so much lore established behind all the races in DnD you can really create unique features for races.

Same i think can apply to wow

Ironic, people liked WoW for being sort of like a DnD game. :thinking:

…So No World of Warcraft then. Alright.

I mean tbh, it sounds like you would rather want a single-player Warcraft where it’s entirely lore focused. Kind of like FF16.

Like generational shifts in the real world, eventually what was abhorred in the past might become tolerated in the future.

The newer generations of Draenie would not see dabbling in the Fel Arts no more diabolical than chatting with an Elemental Lord.

this is disregarding nuance.

20-30 years into a 10000 year long hatred of demons isn’t ‘generations’

Again, that has nothing to do with future generations. As time moves forward, so does perspectives. What was alarming in the present can change in future.

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That’s well and good but we’re talking about the present.

That’s set after what you’re describing.

I mean, demonic powers ruined orc society and destroyed their homeworld.

It ain’t that far off from Draenei, Draenei just have a longer timeline on the matter.

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It’s ok to not be happy with the direction of the storytelling and to voice that opinion, I’m just gonna throw out my two copper. I think wanting to stick to barriers in place when wow shipped or wanting to go back to that is just setting yourself up to not appreciate anywhere the story goes from here on out. The way I’ve looked at all of this is that our characters have all been playing together for nearly 20 years, and at some point we all started learning from each other, just like in a real world society. I don’t know, I personally don’t find it to be that big of a thing. Even if you take the wow identity out of it, restricting player race/class choices typically doesn’t work out well in games in general.


no, Nerzhul blew up Draenor. Not demons. Wasn’t demonic power either. It was Nerzhul being dumb.

The worst thing is that they make these Lore-butcher class representatives to main characters.

But time marches forwards. Humans tolerate Orcs. Orcs tolerate Humans. Some humans like Medivh really, really, like Orcs such as Garona, and even could conceive demi-god children like [redacted].

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We’re just gonna ignore everything the Burning Legion did to the Orcs and seriously try to tell me that I’m disregarding nuance?

Sorry but this is just cherry picking what lore bending you’re okay with.


You’re doing the same thing essentially. Pot calling the kettle black.

I’ve not said I’m not okay with anything in this thread.

My whole point is that people are up in arms about Draenei accepting warlocks when most races shouldn’t be accepting of people who want to deal with demons and that’s never bothered people seemingly.

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Demons, manipulated the creation of the Horde and made them complicit on genocide.

Caused them to lose connection to their valued spirits and ancestors.

Had them twist their own youth to age them up to continue the previously mentioned genocide.

Poisoned their world to the extent that invading Azeroth was a last ditch effort to survive.

And THEN just as they finished committing the genocide was abandoned to die on their doomed planet until the aforementioned last ditch effort.

And somehow the orcs being cool with warlocks is fine because its “nuanced”.

Look i was born at night, but i wasn’t born last night lol. You have to be purposefully disingenuous with your arguments if you can look at this, and and still say “but orc warlocks are fine”.


I’m 300% down with removing faction barriers, enabling all reputations to all players and all classes to all races. Turn this into a true sandbox RPG where people can play what they want, how they want.

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suspension of disbelief for a playable warlock class was always going to be inevitable. But when does it get really hard to swallow? I’d say when an entire race was genocided by them and within 20 years of hating demons for thousands upon thousands of years they just one day decided to say hey, those demons are pretty cool