The real butchers of WoW lore

…are the people who keep calling for all races = all classes, and the faction barriers to come down. Sure, let’s remove what made Warcraft different than most MMOS and turn it into a DnD game where lore and story is easily malleable due to some “technicalities” and player convenience. Where Orcs stop being Orcs, or Elves losing their cultures and identity, Draenei and Night Elves becoming warlocks again despite what happened to their old civilizations years ago.

This is why you don’t let the fans dictate the direction of games.


I am the number 1 top butcher of WoW lore and I never asked for factions to come down.

I killed Anduin because he wanted to make peace with those filthy horde scoundrels. Also for the money he left me, being the queen and all. I want to kill all the horde who participated in the burning of Teldrassil, one of my 20 new night elf husbands could have been there if his tea party with Sargeras didn’t run late!


As long as there’s an explanation for the classes and fortunately the allied races are becoming neutral. Don’t sweat it, everything is going to be okay. :robot::+1:


Sometimes individuals go against their culture and do things that are looked down upon.

“Adventurers” sometimes learning skills a typical member of their race would not does not butcher the lore. It’s realistic world building.


If you want to be lore accurate then we would all be dead to level 19 murlocs. Portals everywhere? Never. Everyone being ubbergeared? Never. Tauren going through doorways? Never.

Lore Azeroth is a hellhole, you don’t want to be there. You think you do, but you don’t.


I can live with faction barriers coming down. After 20-30 years of world ending threats and everyone having to come together to take them down like what are we even doing anymore fighting eachother? Once the world ending threats stop coming (which won’t happen) only then would it be plausible to go back to fighting eachother, otherwise it’s pointless.

I am not fine with lightforged draenei warlocks, or draenei warlocks in general it’s stupid and I hate it. Orc priests rubbed me the wrong way… Tauren warlock again stupid. Night Elf lock stupid. Screw the people that want every class every race. Gatekeeping is a thing to keep our thing from becoming garbage. But that ship sailed. Oh well.


Lmao that’s funny! Back in the day Tauren actually had trouble getting through Undercity elevator doorways :joy:


I sleep quite well at night, OP, in case you were wondering

–Annastais, the real butcher


I agree to some extent, thing is we’re way beyond the point of return. I just hope they stop at some point with some of the silly class/race combos. But I doubt it.


Their pop-up book level of flimsy world building? Orc priests weren’t going to have their own lore justification without players calling it out. Tauren players have to regularly remind blizzard that An’she exists. What lore do you think blizzard actually knows about their own game, after twenty years?


Then explain how those same adventurers become heroes of their people despite doing things their culture doesn’t like?

Explain how warlocks can walk their demon pets in capital cities without being attacked by the guards?

These stupid ‘technicalities’ and ‘sometimes’ arguments are the excuse people use to get what they want.

And that excuses the people who makes the most ridiculous demands?
The same people that loathe Calia Menethil for what she is, but also want Forsaken Paladins?
The same people who want draenei warlocks so they could RP as Archimonde and Kil’jaeden?
WoW’s fandom isn’t any better.


Allowing Horde players to speak to Alliance players in game, and form groups together isn’t really an erosion of anything. Especially considering NPC’s have been speaking to each other since before WoW existed.

If you’re referring to things like Alliance Shaman and Horde Paladins, that ship sailed in January 2007.


Sometimes you need to butcher to get to the best meat.


Though, I admit I am divided. Half of me just wants to be able to play in all content with my friends regardless of faction and feels like the faction war is dumb.

The other half wants us forced world pvp and massive fights. Faction leaders spitting on one another in neutral zones.

I think we can have a great story without race, class and faction ‘barriers’, as we had dumpster fires on the story before when all of those barriers were still in place.

If the ‘barriers’ stayed in place we can still have a duuduu story, if the barriers are removed we can still have a great one—and vice-versa.

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By your definition, the Warlock class just wouldn’t exist at all.

In Classic, the Human Warlock trainers are hiding in the secret basements of a tavern. But you still walk around freely, and aren’t thrown into the Stockades the moment you summon an imp in the middle of the Trade District.

Players existing at all breaks all sorts of lore. There’s hundreds of people riding dragons and demons and polar bears through Orgrimmar. Oh no, my immersion is broken. Remove mounts from the game.

I got a button and my character teleported from the middle of Ashenvale to the entrance of Shadowfang Keep, and then when I killed an Undead guy for the 25th time I was teleported back to Ashenvale. I wonder why he won’t stay dead? And where’s the mage that’s making these portals?

Blizzard has gone above and beyond to explain most of the new class/race combos that would otherwise not make much sense. A story evolving over time isn’t butchering it. You’re asking for a stagnant story. Public opinion can change quickly. The game explains why these characters exist.


I always thought that what made WoW different from other MMOs was how easy leveling was and the very light punishment for dying at the time. Lore wise most things are just cultural reasons, there are very few physical reasons why a lot of class race combos cannot exist. Having outliers in a group does not change the entire culture of that group. Players are outliers and even a very few npc are.

I am even warming up to Mag’har warlocks. Given them some vitiligo type skin options to show the color changes due to fel use and I am there 100%.


The real butchers of WoW lore are the writers who killed off our heroes and villains for cheap plot twists that would make people buy books to figure out what the heck they just saw happen.


I’d wager those are the same people that ok’d warlocks, rogues and priests for every race

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I do like when the rest of my reply that gave examples gets axed. Again, blizzard consistently beats players to the kind of problems you attribute to the fanbase.
Demons were getting lightforged.
Draenei and Lightforged warlocks got a better explanation for how they could exist before Man’ari got something more sensible in the draenei heritage quest.
Like nah, I’m sorry to burst the perception but the lore and world building isn’t going to be or get better if blizz caves to keeping restrictions.


No, it people like Faroda and Tiresias that advocate these ridiculous race=class combos and act like its no big deal.

Why even play a race at all then? Pretty soon the majority of the fandom will play only elves.

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I tend to agree with this.

There are too many voices, all calling for different things. Blizzard can’t make everyone happy, and instead they should focus on a coherent vision and goals for the story.

I honestly have no idea why people thought the faction stuff needed to go away to begin with.