The real butchers of WoW lore

since when are DnD games culturally homogenous

they didn’t stop fighting, nor did they ever get together or anything like that. after the war3 ending the factions were always at war even with a global threat

Either learn to spell or stop typing word salads jeez

Neither of these things have ever really been the case though. People have played both factions forever and the only class that is stuck to a single ugly race is Dracthyr. :stuck_out_tongue:


Iam only correcting you,

After 20-30 years of world ending threats and everyone having to come together to take them down

which was not what happened in the past expansions

So…this has been a thing since the beginning of the game.

The Lore Team even admitted, back in 2007, I think, that warlocks with their pets out in Stormwind would, ostensibly, be attacked by the guards for having summoned demons into a public place where such things were seen as being problematic.

BUT…for the ease of gameplay, they allowed it to occur.

This was a big deal on RP servers, though people continued to just walk their warlocks and demons through the streets, even there, because not everyone that plays on an RP realm cares about lore and role-playing.

At the end of the day, it tends to be easier to just role-play with certain people who also appreciate what lore things you want to be beholden to and let others do the same–especially if they’re not on RP realms. It’s hard to put the genie back in the bottle, and it’s been this way since …literally day one of the game.

So removing factions, removing race/class combinations…that’s really just something that was likely always coming. That said, I do wish they’d add starting quests for each race/class combo that explains the lore and the ideal of the race and the class so that players know and understand that better–if all they do is acknowledge it and move on to play the game. It would give a stronger case for many lore-abiding role-players to point to those things when advocating for that kind of player for their own guilds or communities and give them an in-game justification for those things–as well as offering some much-needed lore for those off-the-wall race/class combinations that many are saying shouldn’t exist–but now do. Let’s find out who the first odd-ball was. Is this accepted by most of the culture? Why or why not? How far back does the race/class combo go back in the history of their people? How important is it to their current-day system of living and governance? What do most people who are race/class combo do? Who are examples of this in the past and present? Can we find those people and talk to them in the game? If so–send me on a quest to do that with some questions I can ask them about their experiences and their feelings–and even some of their own knowledge and accomplishments that they can pass on to me–after I prove myself or something of the sort, of course.

This is how you get players invested in lore characters and in their own place in the world. This is how you can start to create stories that really resonate with people–or at least the people that care about this sort of thing. And this is how you add new characters to that ever-evolving cast of characters in the world–as well as bring in some fun little stories for players to tin-foil hat about.

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Lore as always been malleable people just made the assumptions that it was not. You are playing a worgen a prime example of how lore changes. You are going to defend this lore change because this is something you agree with and benefit from.

You are trying to advocate for having a lore that never changes or expands. That cultures and societies never change, always holding on to the same issues. This is dead story telling but you do you.


only the first expansion BC was not world ending. Wotlk Cata MOP WoD Legion BFA SL and finally DF are all world ending

Just repeat to yourself, “it’s just a game, I should really just relax.”


I think the faction war as a major plot point has been done so poorly it should just be dropped but there is zero reason to merge or dissolve the factions.

Cross-realm gameplay stuff is fine but dissolving the factions would just make the current wide disparity of what races/characters get the spotlight far worse.

Faction barriers are bad for players.

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I liked thing
Thing changed
Me big mad :rage:


I somewhat agree. It’s a line I’m comfortable crossing for the sake of story and player comfort.

I just hate every class for every race it’s just ignorant to the races’ pasts traumas and beliefs.


As somebody who has been playing Warcraft games since the mid 90s, the whole franchise is pretty much built on Blizzard constantly evolving the story over time:.

Warcraft 3 in particular changed a lot of stuff, then Vanilla WoW changed some stuff too and it’s been changing with every expansion.

The Draenei’s entire existence is a retcon.


I too believe certain races are simply too stupid and inferior to be certain classes.

Entire races can only be what their fathers told them they can be and nobody is capable of thinking for themselves.



Here me out. Pretend you are a draenei for a second. You were there when demons slaughtered everyone you’ve ever known and you had to flee your world because of them. And now you’re accepting warlocks because ‘whatever’

thumbs up for common sense

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Since DnD 3.5. Or earlier. Idk. My first entry into DnD was Neverwinter Nights. Every race could play every class. Same with the sequel.

Then as of 5e, all restrictions are removed. Any class can be of any alignment, any race can worship any god. etc etc.

There should still be some restrictions when editing the lore to ensure what is or isn’t acceptable. Just because there are some deviations here and there doesn’t mean its okay to make more. Look at Shadowlands and how it changed everything. It didn’t even feel like Warcraft. Might as well be its own separate entity.

But if change is okay and should be encouraged as you suggest, then why was Shadowlands so reviled?

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Makes about as much sense as basically any race except undead accepting warlocks and even then, Thrall’s Horde shouldn’t be accepting of them having warlocks after all they did to escape demonic corruption.

Even for the Alliance imagine living in Stormwind and watching these strange people invade your home and burn it to the ground and then the dude next to you goes “Yeah, that seems like great magic to get into”.

If we’re gonna get hung up on Draenei warlocks we should probably acknowledge that warlocks just shouldn’t be a playable class if we’re gonna be that strict on lore.


It gives “maintenance mode” vibes. WoW is by no means in maintenance mode, but that’s what decisions like this feel like.

True. You can just not play Retail and it’s perfectly fine.
