The real butchers of WoW lore

Awesome, among the many titles I bear, I am now a Butcher (of WoW Lore). Neat. Because yeah, I do want all races to be able to be all classes, eventually. On the other hand if it does not happen, then oh well, life goes on.

(Sips :beer:)

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Thrall had them because he knew their value. There’s nuance there.

And then 90% of them betrayed him. :eyes:

Some people see using the weapons of their enemy as beneficent or morally good. Sometimes that’s the case, others notsomuch.

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as a warlock does, so does a duck swim

I mean, their original point stands. Demon influence of the orcs led to the destruction of the original (our) version of Draenor.

Did a demon stand there pulling the trigger to blow Draenor up? Not directly, but you can definitely attribute their influence over the orcs, the elements of the planet via the orcs, etc., (including directly influencing the actions of Ner’zhul himself) that led to that end point.

Demons took the relatively mild interactions of the orcs and draenei in Draenor and more or less put the entire planet to the torch in the process of pitting them against each other to get at and attempt to genocide the draenei.

They did not societally come to accept Warlocks. Much like many other possible “champions”, the player characters are very much the exceptions to the rule as opposed to the exceptions that make the rule.


And why would that be any different for literally anyone else?

Why is Thrall the only one who suddenly able to be like “all that bad stuff water under the bridge welcome to Horde warlocks”.

Like i said you have to try to be this disingenuous.

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Thrall didn’t spend 10000 years on the run from them. Can you possibly imagine 10000 years of fear and hatred? And it’s all undone in one patch, within 20 years of time. This is my point. It is entirely unreasonable, if not insane.

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I just want my Worgen Paladins. Aside from Humans, they’re the second highest with the burning hatred in killing the Undead.

Things have also changed in recent writing. We went to Argus, we defeated the Burning Legion even if demons are still around.

You say it’s okay for Orcs because “Thrall knew they had value” but suddenly it’s unbelievable that Velen might want to reconcile all the different subraces of his people and that might lead to a few Draenei learning some demon magic?

Let’s also remember that playable class doesn’t mean full societal acceptance. Human warlocks are still hiding in basements lore wise.

It’d just be a terrible mechanic so it’s not reflected as much in-game.


Because it’s his argument, welcome to the forums.


If WoW had a lorebase that was well-written and praiseworthy, I would agree with this 100%.

If you do respect the lorebase, well, I have to put the shoe on the other foot.

Let’s say there was a Star Trek game and it wasn’t one where you play a ship, but a character. Let’s say there’s a class called Corsair where you’re basically one of those clever loners that don’t always have a thing for the law and come up sometimes. Think Harry Mudd or Sisko’s non-Starfleet captain girlfriend.

Now, Corsairs might have some cool abilities. But they’re not exactly known for being disciplined. People are going to say, “I wanna play a Vulcan corsair!”

Lorewise would there be some? Sure. But they’d be the outlier. But should you allow people to play one? Well now there’s 20,000 of them and arguably that at least visually, is lorebreaking.

In this situation, when the only thing that makes something lorebreaking is that it is now ubiquitous, my hot take is charge for it. Like, a lot, if you need to. If someone wants to drop $200 on a race change to Blood Elf for their druid, let them. This keeps it visually rare, and stops people from having to hard look at the fact that their character does not exist in lore, and neither do any of the other PCs.

But if your playerbase wouldn’t allow that, I can’t really disagree with what you say. I don’t think WoW’s lore is particularly good or well-written enough to justify nuking people’s fun for the sake of preserving it, but if you do, well, there’s really no getting around the fact that it’s at least visually lorebreaking.

Nah the lore died when the sylvanas fanfic started in bfa-shadowlands
storys a joke now and i think it unsalveagable personally. Just give us every race and class combo and ditch faction barriers for gameplays sake.

The difference is that 20 or so years passed between Second and Third Wars, I think. The Legion was done with the orcs and Thrall was too much a softie to reject the warlocks. This is the same guy who brought Sylvanas and her Forsaken into the Horde.

Compared to the Draenei they spent 10,000+years as refugees, hoping from world to world to get away from their warlock practicing kin. Unlike the orcs, Kil’jaeden never gave up his pursuit of the draenei. Not to mention the Lightforged Draenei had been fighting the Burning Legion for that many years too.

You fight an enemy all your life, you lost your home, friends, family to them, finally drive them out and reclaim some semblance of your life back, and now its decided that maybe they aren’t so bad?

THAT is unrealistic, and its why making Bel’ameth and Gilneas neutral was and is a bad idea.

5 years isn’t several. It’s too soon. WAY too soon.

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It wasn’t all “undone in a patch”.

It’s been several years at this point in-game since we went to Argus and “subdued” the Legion. We saw remnants of their society on both sides (those who refused to capitulate to or join the Legion, and those who did so begrudgingly for different reasons).

Part of the questline involving this is Velen going back to Argus to meet with one of the neutral/surviving groups. They basically blindside him by inviting a Man’ari, who Velen is a half-step from killing mid-conversation.

The Man’ari makes a good point. Velen was one of three prophets, and was the only prophet to flee with a fraction of the original populace. The rest stayed under the guidance of Kil’jaeden and Archimonde. After those two turned, their absolute raw power probably would make any dissent or betrayal known and end in utter obliteration. They make no error in stating that their survival meant “millennia of bloodshed and ashes”.

This particular Man’ari then goes along with us in the process of killing multiple Man’ari to recover an artifact Velen had lost somewhere along the way. He then convinces Velen that some of them intend to break away from the majority of the remaining Man’ari, so Velen is willing to bring them in.

All of this is bearing in mind Velen referencing the orcs and Death Knights (Demon Hunters aren’t as apt of an example but it’s still made for some reason) as becoming more than their origins, and there’s a decent point being made there. The orcs (most of them) were forced into violence and invasion against their will due to the agitation and eventual destruction of their homeworld. Death Knights were raised against their will, bound to the Lich King, and forced to murder thousands upon thousands of innocents. Both groups have spent years fighting existential threats for the whole of Azeroth, regardless of the factions they are members of.

If the conclusion to that story chain had been the absolute obliteration of the Man’ari, it wouldn’t have been too much of a reach if it hadn’t been Velen. It was Velen, so it ended the way it did. :dracthyr_shrug:

There’s a fair point to be acknowledged in the potential innocents of the original Eredar society being swept along with them when they joined the Legion. I highly doubt every single person in that society agreed with or willingly did everything they were made to do. Doesn’t absolve them of anything, but it’s still a fair point to make.

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Member red shirt guy? I member

Actually, it is. I’m not playing this game for your character or your ideals. :slight_smile:


It’s a weird argument to suggest that Orcs shouldn’t care as much because everything they knew and love getting destroyed was more recent.

The orcs also watched their society get corrupted and destroyed, which led to the destruction of their homeworld and just when Thrall was about to carve out some new land for them to finally live the Burning Legion shows up again to corrupt them and almost steals them away.

and it’s not as though Velen just woke up one day and went “oh boy, I can’t wait to recruit some warlocks!”. We’ve had a story arc wrapping up the Burning Legion, and it had some character growth for Velen.

We’ve also had some questlines since then that furthered the arc for him and the Draenei.

Plus it’s worth reiterating what I said in the last post: Playable class doesn’t mean full societal acceptance. Not even the other races fully accept warlocks in lore but eventually game mechanics take priority.

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Either velen is Jesus Christ or Buddha incarnate, or I’m not buying the ‘friends along the way’ schtick. I did this quest to unlock eredar and I don’t even play alliance. I thought the entire thing was written by someone who doesn’t know lore. The man’ari subjugation just makes me think of Nuremburg trials. Guess what we did to them???

It seems like there aren’t race/class restrictions for npcs anymore, so there shouldn’t be any for players.