The real butchers of WoW lore

Then your race should not exist and neither should mine, right? Because they’ve been made a part of the game when they shouldn’t have. Go ahead and quit, since the game has been wrecked for you.

The purpose of the game is to make money. Being a purist who can’t enjoy yourself if other people are having the wrong kind of fun is a problem you have brought on yourself. Denying other players the ability to form groups to play group content is bad for the game.


I am all for restrictions like this… For NPCs.

I’m the maw walker. I’m the hero of Azeroth. I’m the champion who healed her woons. I’m the special ops guy who they call on for everything. I shouldn’t be any more restricted by the “lore” than Khadgar or other important NPCs.

My agency as a player feels more important to me than whatever you think is important for the lore of the game.


You’re not wrong. But that ship sailed with Ma’nari Paladins and Lightforged Warlocks.

It’s just going to be Old Republic with races being skins. Which is boring. But it is what it is now.

WoW is losing its uniqueness, because people don’t care about storyline in this game.


People aren’t butchering the lore. Blizzard is the only one who can do that.


although I agree with you, I think it’s too late, we already have aberrations like lightforged warlocks and man’ari playabe… which is sad, but I don’t think blizzard is willing to put effort into anything that features a real mmorpg, they’re too focused on their mediocre e-sports attempts.
since bfa the lore is just a mess, starting by sylvanas and the destruction of the horde lore…we have a entire faction without dignity and decent writing, and more aberrations arriving on the horizon (dwarves for both factions for example) so I gave up on this subject a while ago, the narrative and role-playing elements are doomed in this franchise, I recommend you try some fan made campaings in war3 (the original, not the mediocre reforged one) they are much better than what wow has become since bfa

Iam here only for the gameplay


The real butchers of lore are the guys that were playing cube crawl in the office. There is expanding lore and then there is trying to look better in the eyes of media lore that a forsaken and a night elf could be the bestest of besties. A zombie Paladin didn’t do that. Lol

Yes, it is not a big deal because this a game, not my taxes. Also I understand the differences because something being taboo for a culture to do and a race being physically unable to do. People point to lore all the time but the lore is not as restrictive as they make it out to be.


Because it’s such an inconvenience for them.

Uhhh… are you dense? Worgen were around since Classic. Goblins have been around since Warcraft 2!

Nevermind, you’re one of those people.

Entitlement alert! Is that you LingXiu?

Only because of people crying for these stupid changes to happen. They are just as much to blame.


Problem is it’s not different or even useful anymore. It’s what everyone does now, and serves no real purpose.

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this post is cancer to world building and story telling

not everything is about you. The sheer level of narcissism is astounding

there’s 10 million other maw walkers and champions in case you havnt noticed


Amen, preach it, brother!

I fear what you suggest might be the only thing left to do. Do what Marvel and DC does and make alternate universes.

People like you prove the post right.


“You can only play with half of your friends” and “You can only play that class if you play the ugly character you don’t like” is not the very special unique selling point you think it is.

These restrictions need to be removed to continue keeping people interested in the game. No competitor has ever killed off World of Warcraft, but that doesn’t mean the developers should disregard what other games are doing. Sometimes the features of other games are just better than what WoW has to offer. Nostalgia is going to change that.

I actually do care about the story. It’s the main reason I still play the game. But I understand that “nothing is sacred”. It’s a living game and a living world. Characters I like will die. Places I like will get nuked. Characters who are peaceful become warmongers and heroes will become unsure of themselves. Powerful beings will lose their power. The weak will desperately find power and try to conquer others with it. Prejudices will evolve. Cultures will evolve. Some wars will end.

It’s not butchering the lore just because something changed over time.


lie, alliance and horde always have been in war since classic, they had a single moment in wrathgate for pure convenience and even then they’re killing each other in the damn lich king raid, we had neutral organizations with neutral character working together, it was not horde & alliance

this ‘‘we need to come together guys’’ only happened after mop where the war ended, but for some reason they made bfa and blow everything up again, you can’t be at peace with someone who almost wiped out your entire race

The real butchers of lore are Vulpera masquerading as fox people when they’re really thieving racoons.


Alternative take: it’s a game chill


I never said peace, I only said stop fighting. Continueing to fight eachother while something is ending the world is nonsensical. If aliens attacked earth, I’m pretty sure we’d all collectively stop fighting to fight the aliens. Once the aliens were gone, only then we’d continue our natures and fight each other again.

Well, Blizzard chooses to listen to feedback. They chose to make unrealistic or unhealthy changes, which to be fair, may or may not work out in the long run. We might see shifts towards the faction stuff again at some point in the future, and what we were seeing in DF was just a cool-off period, or a reset.


they have always been in war, so they didnt stopped killing each other, it was just not a total war scale like mop and bfa were

we have civilizations of ppl who dont know sht but have been treatened for other group of people so they need to fight, it is that simple, the worldbulding and narrative that having 2 factions fighting each other make it unique and not ‘‘the good guys fighting the bad guy to save the world’’

You’re referring to what’s called conflicts. Sooo what’s your point?

I can’t wait for all races = all classes. :person_shrugging: