The rating system...who built it, youre fired

just gonna take that as you don’t really have a suitable reply ig :woozy_face:

Not trying to be mean but if you are at that rating it means you dont know how to play wow. I can help you ingame tho. But first lets fix your gear.

Your priest has like 27-31% mastery inside pvp. Most disc priests run 55-65% mastery inside pvp… you are literally nerfing your healing by almost 30%. Just let that sync in ur starting every game with 40% damp.

You should go copy this guys gear:
Rjyoung - Character (

But for now you can just buy vers mastery jewlery with honor points and it is a huge upgrade.

Even then your gear shouldnt be the reason you are 1100 with a negative winrate. Perhaps downlaod obs… record a few shuffle lobbies then post them here?


thanks for the reply…itll be a few days before i play again to be honest…i will do that however. I hate being argumentative just for the sake of it but again…the rounds that i lose, the opposing healers are losing them in the same way. the kill target gets identified and thats it…the opposing healers are losing rounds in the exact same way i am in most cases…at the end of most of the matches the healing outputs are idetical…within less than a million in almost every case…in longer matches im averaging 20-25 million in healing and 2.5 to 4.5 million dps. when i look at the chart the healing from my opposition is within that range…usually very very close…but my damage is almost always higher…in most cases i see a dps output of 800k or lower with zero kbs…now. if we are doing the same healing and im out damaging them and im getting kills why am i losing rating to them? that just simply makes no sense. all of that being said i am totally willing to admit when im wrong, i know when i make bad plays and when its my fault ill be the first person to admit it and ill try to learn…and get better. but…this is just incredibly daunting…i know when im playing well and i know when im getting owned on…i know i dont deserve to be shotput into a very low rating over an 8 hour session when i didnt lose a vast majority of my games. I know im better than 1100…im almost 1600 in 2s…again. i know its not very high but if im 1600 in twos how can i possible be 1100 in threes doing better than people im playing against…its a silly system. I will however take your advice and when i decide to get back on ill try to bump up the stats you mentioned asap…again, thanks for the reply. hope you have a good day.

This is not mythic+ where damage and healing done tell the entire story.

in 2s you get to choose your partners which has a major impact in rating. In solo shuffle you are the only constant variable.

Well if you have a negative winrate it means some healers are able to win games with the dps you are losing with.

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In 2v2 (and 3v3) you are able to choose who you queue with.


absolutely valid…i dont disagree a losing rate obviously shouldnt mean my rating is high…thats…i mean thats completely obvious…im just trying to figure out how it makes sense to lose 70 points for a loss that youll only get 8 points for a win…and you can explain it 100 ways from sunday about how losing to closely ranked players means you deserve a lower ranking…and, i would agree with you…but, not at the drastic levels of loss we take currently. if we cant control who we play against and we get in a situation where everyone they put us against awards us between 0 and 17 points for a win…then puts us against those same players and gives us -70 points for a loss, how…i mean…it simply doesnt add up. if i climb to 1300…1500…1700…it should take just as many losses as it did to get there to fall back down. there is literally no reason to play 40-50 matches in a day…break even on a vast majority of them…win a few and then lose a few and be down 200 points in rating. thats assanine. sorry…its just my useless viewpoint. i know it doesnt mean anything but hey…its a rant after all. sorry if ive offended anyone…im off to bed…

I’ve been healing a lot of Shuffles this xpac and gotten the 2100 achievement the last two seasons in it as a Priest healer, mind you I’ve been playing Holy instead of Disc but I’m happy to help out too if you’d like.

If you’re on Discord and are in the Priest server and are happy to record some games you play a bunch of us can help out with vod reviews there, that’s the most accurate way to receive tailored help with your spec.

The tip about skyrocketing your mastery up will almost certainly make those matches where you tied the other healer in rounds won and lost and in total HPS output turn in to more 4-2’s in your favour over 3-3’s and 2-4’s which is all you need to start seeing your rating climb up in the long term.

If there’s one thing I can say you should change up game play wise is to spend less time trying to abuse Mind Control and Psychic Scream as Disc as trying to force that over just sitting back and pumping healing and damage will result in you getting caught in the middle of the map in crowd control and falling behind the enemy team which is typically a nightmare scenario for Disc to be in.

You don’t have any way to setup your own cc chains as Disc is why and you can’t rely on your teammates to set this up for you reliably, rather you just make use of Psychic Scream when the opportunity presents itself or use it defensively/to create distance when people are playing on top of you.

The other tip I have is to try your best to avoid despairing over rating and losses and to step away from the game for a few hours if it is getting to you, I made this mistake last season after the Holy Paladin rework made them the best healer and none of my teammates ever seemed to shut down their attempts to put me in cc chains which resulted in me swinging from 1900-2093 cr for about 2 months before finally hitting that 2100, all it did was cause me to despair and take the game way too seriously instead of stepping away and calming down so I could enjoy the process again.
Detaching myself emotionally from just wanting to gain rating all the time made the game mode after 2100 so much more enjoyable for me without surrendering all my progress.

I hope these paragraphs can help.


This being my Priest for clarity’s sake.

Actually lower rated solo shuffle is in some ways harder than higher-rated shuffle for healers.

People literally don’t press their defensives.

healers at low mmr dont press cooldowns

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They also don’t press their offensive buttons.

Nah the real struggle with healing in the trenches is that people will randomly just forget and then remember they have utility or CC.

Hunter on your team? 0 traps on the enemy healer. Hunter on the enemy team? Bro remembers that’s a BUTTON and mashes that bad boy in your direction on CD. Most of the time it hits you it’s severely DR’d but by god he remembered this time.

But honestly people are all so bad down there if you’re an even halfway decent healer you can just ruin everyone’s day and win all 6 just by adding in DPS or CC and paying attention to stuff.

If 400 games mean you’re still at 1.1 there’s a problem.

Yes it is quite possible that the DPS you are healing on those ratings are literal NPCs comparable to the ones in that Arathi Basin brawl.


Being stuck at such below beginner rating, you must know that it is expected that people are in full greens. Everything below 1500 is beginner MMR.

So I have an idea for you. There was a guy before who asked for advice in a thread, got it, and pushed afterwards.

As there’s too many posts for me to bother reading, would you be kind enough to record a full 6 rounds of your games, post it out here, so we can provide some helpful feedback? Yes I do understand there will be a lot of jerks who will reply with toxic and stupid replies, but I will gladly throw some pointers which may help out. It’s a lot about noticing stuff and using the right globals, and that is very tricky in these games as the DPS players are, as I said above, comparable to NPCs.

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Even at 1900/2k using Empyreal Blaze on cooldown can be all I need to win to a round.

thanks for taking the time to reply…i appreciate the insight. I will be happy to post some videos…im not in any discord or anything specifically for priests i didnt know there was such a thing. I will look into that…I have also never taken a video recording of a game so…gotta figure that out too but shouldnt really be an issue. I will take all the help I can get…I know im gonna get all kinds of people telling me how awful I am it doesnt bother me at all I usually dont even respond to those people…I have been playing for quite awhile…taken long breaks over the years. The toxicity has never gone anywhere it’s nothing new. For whatever reason this year I decided I wanted to see if I could get to a decently high level in arenas…I have never really played with anyone other than like two or three people in the entire time I have played so arenas just sort of never happened. Way way back in the day I had a frost mage that I did well with but…its not comparable to todays game. anyways…i will take the advice youve given me here and make some videos and figure out the discord thing, ill stack mastery and vers next time i log in and see what happens from there…thanks again. sorry for the long reply.

i mean…that is literally part of the problem…the games are so much more chaotic and harder the lower i fall…and fine…im the problem i guess ill have to fix it and get better but…its insanely hard to win a match when all 4 dps do nothing but stack on one player and the two healers are just left to free cast…or, when im literally the only one with my two ccs on the enemy healer…just, round after round, the enemy healer just totally left alone and im trying to choose do i even try to do damage, or control anything…because if i do someones gonna drop in the span of one full cc… in games where everyone has a bit of a higher rating its so much easier because people actually know when to use what, they control eachother more…kill windows come in a predictable and defendable manner…but the lower i drop the faster my teamates die…and the reason they die is because they are severely undergeared, they dont use defensives and they tunnel on one person or just run back and forth out of los for the entire match, almost as if on purpose. So how does it make sense to in essence punish the healers in the rating system…when healers are having an extremely hard time just playing the game as it is? As a healer I have to track 5 other peoples abilities, cooldowns, buffs, trinkets, be responsible for cc, pre planning for when to press what on who based on whos targeting who…all of this in milliseconds to keep the dps alive…dps gets to press 2 buttons and completely ignore whatever is going on. they fly around the map in different directions, say a kill target at the beginning of a round and never even touch that person, just…basically make life near impossible for the healer then turn around and be toxic to us in the lobby…only to die instantly the very next round on the opposing team…so, here we are…this stagnant situation that makes healers not wanna really que…after 400 games yea maybe i do just suck…i can admit that. but, a mass exodus of healers from pvp, almost everyone who plays dps crying about que times and the forums literally stacked with people complaining says im not totally wrong…its kinda a mess…maybe if we all just admitted it instead of trying to pander to the top 3-5% the game would be more enjoyable.

Mate post a video of a game of 6 rounds so we can help you out, just blaming the system isn’t going to do anything. Blaming the system only works when people who should be more rating than they are are unable to get there. It’s more helpful to find ways to improve than just blaming the potatoes. Remember that the other healer is healing the same potatoes.

Literally only writing this to try to help out, not trying to make fun of you in any way. Some people pay for getting advice


I agree…I apologize…just woke up. lol. I am so not a dick…I hate coming across this way. I know I sound arrogant and ridiculous it’s really not my intention. I get all riled up for whatever reason I’m not exactly sure why. I will make some videos…for sure. Please don’t take my abrasive manner seriously I honestly just don’t really know how to communicate over text very well…And I do appreciate the time you take to reply and offer insight and advice. I don’t like to suck at things…I usually don’t so I get frustrated when I can’t seem to figure out wtf I am doing to not improve and apparently just get worse as I go.

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sounds like a skill issue LOL

for the sick DC, duh

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If you want ill run some 2s with you. Try to help with an 1800 mog. Dh, Hunter WW, lock. whatever you want

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