The rating system...who built it, youre fired

Haha man look at the ladder. The issue is with your skill level, not the rating system. Take some responsibility.

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That’s the link to the server, it’ll be easier to post vods there and have a back and forth conversation in real time.

Don’t worry about people giving you a hard time here, this place is a cesspool of emotions.

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For anyone else that doesn’t know each class has a dedicated Discord server that covers the respective classes and their specs in both PvE and PvP, it’s generally the primary hub for discussing them.

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agree even when I go 3vs3 and lose rating I just cant do it anymore. Or worse you literall have to be perfect for 4 games just to eek out some extra conquest it feels horrible compared to season 1 and theyneed to fix it because I enjoy dps solo wayyy better than healing solo and its not even close actually get rewarded and feels good.

I love how all the other class discords have cool names, like the skyhold, or wyrmrest temple, and then priest is just like… warcraft priests

I think there used to be one for Disc only called Focused Will but it was inactive last I checked.

You will see your rating go up when you start asking yourself after every round (win or lose) what could I have done better?

The forums are filled with super skilled and knowledgable people that will help you out if you ask.

Lfgboogeyman with some other people gave me a bunch of advice that helped me get to 1800 on disc for the first time. I used what I learned to get 1800 on my lock for the first time today as well.

You are gonna have games with good teammates and bad teammates, thats out of your control. But self improvement is 100% in your control.

absolutely nothing, it is the dps who are at fault. better tell them so

Lol ill cc them on this