The rating system...who built it, youre fired

ive played about 60-70 solo shuffles today. up to 1324…back down to 1100…im 487 ilvl healer…my last match i was geared with players in quest greens…its absolutely impossible to keep these people alive…im out dpsing every healer i face in threes…equally healing, spamming all my crowd control, mind controlling into fear…pinning people behind pillars…working my butt off…three losses takes me down over 100 points after getting like…0 0 0 0 0 8 8 -47 0 0 6 7 -79 -79 -47… this is outdamaging the opposing healers in some cases by several million…how the heck are people supposed to climb in rating when you get literally nothing all damn day long with wins but then lose three and drop into an entire different bracket full of people who should be nowhere near arena…this rating system should be changed to individual participation and output or something. the current system literally rewards people who just run around and do nothing…i lost 47 rating in my last match, i was the only player to lose ranking, all other gained over 300 and ALL of them were in honor gear…wtf am i paying for …this is aids…whoever you are. you honestly suck.


thats alot of words to say ur not very good at the game


The other healer has to heal the same dps you do, friend.

It rewards those who win rounds.

Output is a means and can’t really be evaluated in a vacuum. You can do the highest healing output and lose every round, just like an aff can do 2x the dmg of everybody else and go 0-6.


Food for thought

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why though


what do you mean why? if i see a healer pop a trinket i can get a mindcontrol on him and run him to me to get a fear…its a long cc chain that turns off heals for quite a bit of time.

mind control and fear are on the same dr. mind control into panda racial is much better


no you didnt

lol…cyclone cyclone cyclone cyclone cyclone and cyclone are on the same dr too…

yah but cyclone doesn’t cc you for 6 seconds as well

Honestly, these posts complaining about RSS rating system have just become players outing themselves as being bad at the game lol.

billy it also turns your healing off

no wonder u can’t win, bet if u posted a vod it would have a warrior pop warbreaker while you’re afk getting an mc


im not trying to say im so great at the game im saying the reward for going 3-3 or 4-2 is literally like 7 times that of a loss…i played a ton of games…im not the best but im not bad. like 85% of the matches i played today i got 0 rating. even when according to the charts at the end of the match i clearly outplayed my opposing healer. In alot of the cases i got 0 rating i had the killing blow and just clearly did more work than the other side. to play all day and get nothing for not losing…and then to lose a few and be just completely screwed is seriously bad design…basing ranking in a system where there is literally no way to calibrate skill of completely random players is just borked. im sorry…i may not be the best at the game but i can recognize a deeply flawed system when i see it…the “posts complaining about the rss rating system” are indeed incredibly valid.

self reflection is a great trait to have

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billy that combo has 100% lead me to more wins than losses…almost every single time i get it off the match is over during the fear.

maybe you should examine other strats


They aren’t valid. Unless you’re just complaining about it being hard to achieve a particular rating as a healer compared to dps. Then yes, its a bit harder as a healer.

Other than that, every single other healer playing RSS is using the same system you are. The system isn’t out to get you…you’re just not as good as you may think you are. If you’re only gaining a tiny amount of points when you go 3-3 or 4-2 it’s because you’re likely playing people at or likely even below your MMR. You not gaining a ton is the system saying…“yea, you should be beating them”.

You losing a lot is because the system is saying…“you’re losing to people that are below the skill level we thought you were at…clearly we were quite wrong, and so we’re going to lower your rating by a lot so you’re matched up with lesser skilled players.”

The system is placing you exactly where you should be. If you don’t like where that is…get better.

dude…i came back to the game a little over 2 months ago…i started on this healer and have moved to a disc priest…i have maybe 400 games since returning.

ok, and you think this line

doesnt apply to you?

bit hypocritical

not when im trying to heal people in quest greens…no i dont