The Ranger General Is Back!

Well, true. But she has become that person. And it was her choices along the way that lead to it. We have been shown her at quite a few crucial points and she has chosen to go farther down the dark path every time.

Sure, it add some complexity. But, it is also not an excuse. All the Forsaken that have not gone full evil kind of proves that.

Disagree. Here is why:
Revendreth’s purpose is to get people to admit their wrongs and repent. Different people take different amounts of time to reach that point. The time souls spend in Revendreth has nothing to do with the severity of their crimes. It is all about the time it takes them to repent.

Now, lets accept that the curse played a part. Maybe most of it. Maybe only a small part. That can be debated. But once her spirit is free of the curse and she is whole the only part that remains is the part the curse she would feel the guilt and weight. It would be a quicker process for her to reach repentance for her part than for someone whose crimes were fully theirs.

Problem is Blizzard’s goal here. Think about it from their situation. There is a crazy rabid Sylvanas fanbase. They know that her death as a raid boss would set them off. They also can’t just let Sylvanas off, as that would anger those that want justice. So, Sylvanas can’t go out as a full evil villain that we put down. And she can’t be redeemed and return.

They only really have one option that they think will be okay for both groups. She will “redeem” herself with a last minute sacrifice. She will die in the process. Blizzard is clearly setting that up. They think her sacrificing herself will appease most of her fan base, letting them call her a hero. And they think her death and permanent end will let those that want her gone see ‘justice done.’

Note: I don’t think it is a good solution. But at this point, I think it is clear that is what Blizzard is doing.


They had no issues doing that with characters much more popular than sylvanas
Blizzards only goal with this cinematic is to keep us guessing about if she will die a hero or a villian
and to humanize her, which they have done with EVERY single VILLIAN

I’m in 100% agreeance with you. Sylvanas did became that person and she made 100% of her choices. My only point is that she along with many other Forsaken aren’t playing with a full deck of cards.

The Curse of Undeath is like box of chocolate in which most 99.9 of the chocolate is spoiled and taste like crap.

The day we see this is the day we see 100% Ranger General of Silvermoon(The one that saved babies and mothers) at that point repentance would be instant.

I chuckle at comments like this lol. We all are a little rabid about something right? Some of us are a little more collective in our rabidness than others, or is that an oxymoron.

If this is her end so be it, but just like she stated in WC3, give her a clean death.

She deserves it.

She really doesnt shes literally wow hitler

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I’ll engage that when you can prove Hitler suffered from the Curse of Undeath.

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Lol like that matters, there are many many undead characters who mange just fine

Yup, you’re right. There’s also some that very despicable to say the least.

yeah morgrain is a good one, he was one of the four horseman, but the artbiter sent him to maldraxxus cause she know he wasnt a PoS like sylvanas

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…why? No seriously, why does Sylvanas deserve a clean death? She has brought untold suffering to thousands and damned even more to eternal torture in the maw, something she herself tries to avoid at all costs.

And no, being undead doesn’t excuse her from anything.


She’s not a normal undead though. She was tortured and had her soul twisted to the point where she was programmed by Arthas to cause suffering on others.

That’s the fate she’s trying to fix, so it wont happen to anyone else

How, by engineering a war to try and kill as many people as possible and damn them to the maw? Do we have any evidence she has any kind of noble intent behind her actions other than headcanon?

People trying to justify mass murder is kinda wild.

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EVery single dk has this story, I dont see darion, or the others doing this

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Welp, I think it does. I actually think a person should go to the afterlife they were destined to go before they were cursed. I think its fair.

The Arbiter is a stupid machine that sends mortals that were cursed to an afterlife judged on the things they did while under a curse. Get it
out of there.

OTher undead did just fine and didnt have to suffer like sylvanas, cause you know what, they decided not to be evil and throw everything and one away for revenge

so no the curse of undeath isnt a good excuse , you just want it to be so you can ignore all the death and evil acts sylvanas has done.


The power of the simp army is not to be trifled with

Alexandros Mograine was raised as an undead Death Knight and wasn’t sent to the maw upon his true death. Uh, I really wonder why that is…

Being Undead is not an excuse - She is aware of how much suffering she is causing.


The Curse of Undeath is a skin condition for some but not for Sylvanas.

Its not about what I want its about the canon lore.

“The ritual that Arthas used to turn Sylvanas into a banshee involved tearing her soul out of her still-living body. It infinitely prolonged her existence as a creature filled with hate toward all life.”

Arbiter sends Sylvanas and people like her to the Maw because of the things they when they were cursed. She is dumb.

Arthas did that to more people than her stop with your headcanon

We already know she doesnt send anyone to the maw like have you done any of the shadowlands quests, everyone bad goes to revendreth first


Anything to absolve their ‘queen’ of responsibility and make her an ‘empathetic victim’

What character do you think produced a bigger backlash than Sylvanas would? She is not even a raid boss and I would argue that there has been a larger backlash to just her leaving the Horde than any character that did become a raid boss.

True, but all the Forsaken who have not gone off the deep end of evil kind of creates an issue for her.

But she wouldn’t be that person with just the curse removal. She has made choices that helped walk her down the path to where she is. Sure, the curse played a part. But, while it was not 0%, it was also not 100% of the dark path. She would take some time to work through the part that was not the curse.

Let me clarify. :wink:

There are people who like her character that are not crazy. But there is also a VERY loud group that are. And, it is clear Blizzard is thinking about that in what they are doing. We can debate if they should or not. But I think it is obvious they are.

It has to be. There is no way to ever bring her back to the game. It just creates to many problems. Best case for Sylvanas is that her story ends with her being sent to Revendreth and we never see her again after this expac. But, I am confident her story in WoW ends with this expac.

Maldraxxus isn’t considered a bad afterlife. It is supposed to be the honored defenders of the Shadowlands. The little civil war kind of messed that up. But, it was supposed to be a place for good people.

So where all Death Knights. Groups like the Ebon Blade, built by those that suffered the same, kind of argues that there is more to her evil than just what Arthas did.

No. There are multiple cases of people under curses going to other locations.

Also, it is not entirely clear that Sylvanas was actually sent to the Maw by the Arbiter. The Valkyr that brought her back were working for the Jailor. And it has been shown that the Kyrian can intercept souls and skip the Arbiter, see Arthas fate. There is some reason to believe that she was snagged and taken to the Maw specifically to meet with the Jailor. After all, Blizzard has stated that was when she met the Jailor.

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