The Ranger General Is Back!

The salt in cata was just as bad at this, and man BC that was some good times, everyone was mad cause everyones favorite characters went crazy to be raid bosses

You need to reread what I said, no where did I imply that maldraxxus is a bad afterlife

I know I’ve made a joke or two about the game writers being fans of Metalocaplyse while seemingly being unaware that it’s a parody of grim/edgy people but if the final battle against the Jailer has him prancing around and declaring “I’M ZOVAAL THE JAILER AND I DO SOULCAAAAAAAAAAINE! (seriously though, A LOT of soulcaine!)” the entire expansion will suddenly have become worth it.

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No it wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong, it was there. But it was not this level.

Put all of the Illidan, Kael, and Vashj complaints together and you get close to Sylvanas. But even then, I don’t think it matched.

And again, this is with Sylvanas NOT being a raid boss. If she was…

Sorry, missed the ‘nt.’ My bad.

I disagree I remember it really bad, specially with garrosh the whine was out of this world, and blizzard killed him, unless you got some sort of data to back yourself up its literally opinion vs opinion, also, sylvanas isnt as popluar as you think, among the normal playerbase jaina is much more popular, as is thrall and characters like that

I mean bolvar seems to be way more popular judging with how on fire everything was on the normie websites about bolvar losing

Strawman argument.

I’m sure there are plenty of undead that aren’t sent to the Maw; that is not my point and never have been. I’m not sure if that is for me as it isn’t a response to any of my points.

More strawman. I’ve never claimed that he didn’t and I’m not sure why that is relevant.

Sylvanas didn’t go there either nor did she deserve to go there. I will give the Arbiter a pass tho.

I’m glad we finally agree.

That has never been my argument.

1 - You can’t yell “strawman” at every single argument that doesn’t fit your narrative.

2 - Your point is that every single undead person should be given a “get out of jail for free” card simply by virtue of being undead, doesn’t matter if they were fully aware of their actions and completely acting out of their own free will. It’s silly.


Is she though?

This feels like she’s either going to get that Kerrigan moment or they’re going to have her pull the biggest trolls on Anduin. She’s going to try and give him him hope that he’s getting through to the “Ranger General” only to try and break his spirit when she screws him over.

Since Runeblades can cut Souls Sylvanas might be tempted to extract a useful chunk of Soul for the Jailer to use while leaving Anduin with enough Soul to give hope to him that she might come around.

In reality she is going to trick the Jailer into taking in the Crystal and get him possessed by Y’Shaarj(remember Anduin gets aches from the Divine Bell breaking on him and that Bell is made from the Sha AKA Breaths of Y’Shaarj) and flaunt her new victory to Anduin to break his spirit so that the Old God can feed on his Despair!

If the Runecarver is infact Zovaal like I assume than the Jailer is the Arbiter and her getting possessed by Y’Shaarj through her astral projection will shatter The Purpose permanently as Old Gods believe in Infinite Possibilities and one ruling the Realms of Death will result in new Afterlives with multiple purposes!

I am not. I stated that Sylvanas and every other undead should go to the afterlife they were destined for before becoming cursed. I originally thought the Arbiter was sending souls to the Maw; honestly it does not matter who. The person responsible for sending Sylvanas and others like her to the Maw needs to go down.

You stated: Alex wasn’t sent to the Maw…

It has nothing to do with my point or the discussion at hand. If you want to discuss Alex and why he wasn’t sent to the Maw then I’ll be more than happy to. Even though I think that will be a short conversation.

Welp. As I stated before all undead aren’t created equally. In order to maintain fairness across the board I think all souls should go to whatever afterlife they were destined for before being resurrected. I don’t think that is silly at all.

  • It allows for the Curse to be negated completely when judging a soul.
  • It prevent do-overs, which isn’t fair for those that don’t get the luck of the draw.
  • It allows those in a good afterlife to not risk going to a worse one because they couldn’t cope well with being cursed.

I dont think you know what that means

and That shouldn’t happen, cause of the death and destruction sylvanas clearly did, compare that with other undead, some of which where risen in the same way as she, went to happy afterlives




To be specific:


This is the reference that states how Sylvanas was raised.

“The ritual that Arthas used to turn Sylvanas into a banshee involved tearing her soul out of her still-living body. It infinitely prolonged her existence as a creature filled with hate toward all life.”

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This is actually hilarious. Forsaken fans want the Forsaken to be recognized as a legitimate race and not simply “dead humans” yet they are also special snowflakes who should be completely immune from all judgment no matter how horrid their deeds are. You can’t have both.

Literally in this thread. Alexandros Mograine. Hell even Kel’thuzad is in Maldraxxus and he’s still as much of a pain in the rear as he was on Azeroth.

That usually involves feeling remorse, and for the people wronged to express forgiveness.


It will never happen.

Prove that they were raised just like Sylvanas.

I provided a reference for the ritual performed on her above.

You’re right.

Edit: Redemption is in the eye of the beholder.

literally every single dk, if the old dk starting zone exists please, do it cause it makes it obivious that dks, are raised to need to cause pain and death to others, its literally painful to them if they dont

Oh so it’s literally a matter of “Sylvanas is a special snowflake and different”

Yes, I’m sure Sylvanas is the only poor soul in Azeroth who suffers from super-special undeath that makes her immune from all consquences. Genocide is just a side effect of her condition, be understanding people!

To add to the death knights, they are aware of this and when not fighting things to protect Azeroth, just tank that pain.

Was Sylvanas dealt a short hand? Very much so. She has had plenty of opportunities to not be an evil monster. She instead decided to just be the evil monster another monster made her.


Her state of undeath is unique. It’s literally described as being unique. No one other undead was turned the way she was.

I’m aware of their need to cause pain, but I’m not aware that they were resurrected in the same exact way as Sylvanas. I’m just curious if there’s a reference to the “Dark Ritual” or if there’s similar verbage in the DK resurrection.

Nope, I’m just curious if there’s a reference for others like the one I’ve provided.