I am not entirely sure this is true for the Alliance anymore. Of the Alliance peoples really only the Kingdom of Stormwind and Ironforge really are in any sort of strong position. I guess now reunified and with Mechagon as a home the Gnomes have rebound too.
Everyone else is sort of a wrecked vestige of what they were.
I did consider this. The Jailer is hard to read, as he technically did not say he was abandoning Denathrius, or that Denathrius would have no further purpose- only that he fulfilled the purpose that he had.
I am hoping we find out more about the Jailer and exactly what it was that he said that convinced Sylvanas and Devos. It’s almost as annoying as BFA Sylvanas at this point.
If anything becomes a point of contention between Sylvanas and the Jailer, I’d imagine it would be having to use ‘the vessels of domination’, (assuming thats’ what Shalamourne is). The situation with Anduin reminds me of Sylvanas and Eyir and the soulcage (where Eyir kind of suggests Sylvanas doesn’t know what it is). It will be interesting to see what she does now that she knows what she has in her hands.
It’s a Windrunner thing. But that doesn’t seem to be the case this time. She wants him to willingly sign over as a validation of her decisions and a last rebuke to Saurfang.
I’m glad that she’s showing more depth, I just wish it had been shown earlier. We’re back to TBC/Wrath/Early Legion Sylvanas, which I consider to be her true characterization, but at this point she has more personality whiplash than Jaina, and that’s not even counting the novels.
God, the novels…
It’s in line with what I predicted would happen in the ancient times of 2018, but I do wish it had happened over the course of four or so expansions, that way maybe then they wouldn’t have had to go so hard with the moustache twirling.
Just watched the cinematic, am I suppose to feel bad or sympathy for Sylvanas?
You where denied that choice, and want everyone to give up on hope so you can too.
Awwww… to bad she chose to be worse than Arthas after becoming free of his grasp and seeing him killed. I hope this redemption arc is her going “my god what have I done?” than someone just shanks her and she dies and that’s it.
She doesn’t deserve to be redeemed nor can she be redeemed of all the things she’s done of her own volition. Finally realizing she’s wrong doesn’t forgive her of ALL the s**t she’s done of her own free will cuse she’s still angry about Arthas and wanted to outdo him
My heart strings were snatched out when she undeservingly went to the Maw.
After she died trying to protect the the Blood Elves Arthas went out of his way to reward her by doing a number on her soul, forever twisting it. Its even cemented in this very cinematic with “The Banshee queen hasn’t eclipsed the Ranger General” I believe this is what is meant when she says “We can’t control,” I think “who we become” is a perfect viable option there.
I’m not trying to convince you, or anyone for that matter, to sympathize. I’m just sharing why I sympathize with her character.
I’ve never understood this mentality. Redemption is for those that do bad, despicable things.
And we are telling you why we don’t sympathize with her. Personally, I don’t think she deserves the Maw(no one does from the looks of it) but she more then well deserves to stay in Revendreth for as long as Garrosh, if not longer.
Yeah, that is what several souls in Revendreth think so as well.
The problem lies in that even back in vanilla WoW after breaking free of Arthas’ control Sylvanas and the forsaken are shady as all hell. Torture, experimentation, abominations. You name it they do it, they are literally straight up evil but for some reason in the Horde. Than Sylvanas just dials it up to 11 leading into BFA.
The problem lies in that when Arthas lost control of her, Sylvanas had a CHOICE on what to do, and her CHOICE was to be evil, to say to the world “Arthas did this to me, so I’m going to do unspeakable things to others”
As for you don’t understand it what do you mean? that you don’t think shes done desipcable things? like… slaughtering entire zones wholesale? Like knowingly creating a body count fully aware she’s damning all the souls to the maw? Even pre BFA, just look at what the Forsaken do to people regularly all the tortue and force fed blight. The faction is not the “underdog trying to survive” they are something that should of been wiped out, blizz really struggles to make the forsaken seen as something other than straight up evil and thats been a big problem (I still like my forsaken toons, but they really dont fit the ‘narrative’ of the horde at all)
Honestly if the writers were any good, this cinematic can be seen as the opposite. To me she seemed to be playing him, allowing him to think that she can return to that person. Giving him a glimmer of hope so that she can dash it to use and push him farther towards the Jailer’s goal.
The only reason I’m not happy with Revendreth is because Sylvanas is cursed. If she was 100% fully uncursed and whole I would reconsider. I can’t imagine the Arbiter* sending any cursed souls away to place to repent for things they’ve done while under a curse.
I would imagine sending that person to whatever afterlife they were destined for before they were cursed would be appropriate. At the very least.
Sylvanas had as much choice as an lobotomized abomination that had part of their brain snatched out. I can’t get over the fact that a whole soul is judged when only part of it is attached to their corpses. The Curse of Undeath has some ill affects that I think should exempt undead from a normal judgement.
Sure SOME, but look at what she’s done over the life span of WoW, this is beyond just some foo-pah or mistake. This isn’t a… I was risen and in my risen rage I killed those around me. This is… I got angry and damned the cosmo’s to hell.
There uh… there is a point where “well little Jimmy didn’t know what he was doing!” falls away
The situation is more complexed than “she didn’t know”
The Curse of Undeath affects people differently. I doubt the same Sylvanas that was saving women and babies from the Scourge is the same one that started melting people(literally) after she was “free” from the LK.
99.9% of Forsaken have inner demons to contend with due to the Curse of Undeath.
The Curse isn’t easily swept under the rug as a skin condition.