The Ranged Attack Power buff is a change, not a bugfix

Who said anything about needing them all the time. A lot of guilds think that way though :slight_smile: And personally, I find it fun to go in fully buffed :slight_smile:

The only thing they should have fixed was the T3 set bonus. Changing the other buffs is a mistake.

Normally I don’t side with the “blizz ruined classic with changes!!” crowd, but this change is nasty.

It’s pretty hypocritical and unfair to other classes (specifically hybrids) to see a pure class get this game-changing buff, while the others have to stay down where they are because “that’s how it was, deal with it.”

Not to mention, of all the other gamebreaking bugs that have persisted since launch, this is the one they chose to give priority to?


Yea that’s because you’re facing bots on a crappy server.

I will make you think FD/Trap is bugged with the good ole pet macro we aren’t really passing around. Its in our server discoord.

You can get traps off, that’s not the point. The point is it does NOT act like it did in vanilla. There is a delay and there is still a bug thread open in the bug forums about it. You wont always get a trap off like you should outside of resisting. And you won’t get many off vs the group of pvp’rs i roll with because, well we abuse the hell outta the fd/trap deley/ pet targeting :D… Not to mention how easy leeway is to abuse

You can find old archived posts of Hunters constantly complaining about FD and traps not working properly during Vanilla.

Not by the patch that we started in which is why they chose this patch because it was the most complete.

I’m looking at complaints about FD all the way up into TBC. I see a Blue post saying they are fixing it in the next patch. That post was made on January 17th, 2007:

Old archived Blue bug report post, most relevant archive was May 29th, 2006:

  • Hunters do not immediately drop from combat when using Feign Death. - Future Patch

So should Blizzard implement random server crashes and 3-day downtimes too? After all, that’s how it was back then.


You keep using the term “museum piece”. Museum pieces are often cleaned and polished before being put on display. Making small QoL fixes in Classic is no different.


Classic isn’t remotely close to a Vanilla experience. It’s a completely different game.

Change away. Makes no difference.


Your post is a joke, Classic is no where near vanilla like to begin with.


I Know how hunter was in tbc as I was a S4 glad.

I am well aware of how FD functioned in vanilla regardless of the idiotic posts people were putting up back then. There was a change to make FD react quicker but it was still instant. The difference was back then we had AOL dial up and people didn’t know how to deal with the lag and delay in spell que.

Today they try and recreate that lagg via spell batching and its atrocious.

You can literally change your spellque ms in game but very very few people know how. There is a post about it showing you how though.

You gotta draw the line somewhere…

That has nothing to do with Spell batching.

Batching is server side. You can’t change it on your end.

Introducing lag could delay abilities to trigger on their next queue execution, but I don’t see a way to influence their priority in a positive direction even with external programs. Batching is indeed executed on the server side.

Although I have a feeling they are talking about the cast bar multi-ability execution window where you can prequeue abilities to fire off on their next available queue. I used it all the time to trigger Aimed Shot, Autoshot, and Multishot all on the same GCD. You can also chain it with other stuff like Wrath and Fearie Fire for druids. Stuff like that.

That window seems to be about 250ms or so depending on the spells cast time. For example if your cast speed is at or below the 1.5sec GCD you’re not really able to take advantage of that spell prequeue functionality (I.E. you can’t queue anything with multi-shot. It only works with Aimed Shot).

I think the major problem is they aren’t consistent. Some things they say it worked like this in Vanilla so we won’t change it even though it was a bug fixed early in BC, others they say this was fixed early in BC so we will fix it in Classic.

It’s very obviously a double standard and that’s the issue. It seems like if hybrids (paladins especially) could benefit from the change then it gets “it worked like this so we aren’t changing it” but anyone else it gets considered to change.


OP is right, honestly. They previously had the stance of not changing things, even buggy things, because that’s how they worked before. If they’re “fixing” things that were held up by “technical limitations” before then there are quite a few more changes they should be making, yeah? And why wait until the end of the game to “fix” improved totems and ranged AP buffs?


I chose hunter because I wouldn’t be expected to worry about collecting so many buffs!

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From what I’m being told, Kevin Jordan said that it was a direct decision for all the AP buffs to not give rAP as a design choice to not make hunters able to 1 shot people from 40+yrds away. Anyone know where that direct quote is?

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I like how both sides (No Changers and Pro Changers) use the same argument of “wasn’t in Vanilla”.

No Changer: This wasn’t in Vanilla, therefore it shouldn’t be here.

Pro Changer: Classic has X, Y and Z that wasn’t in Vanilla, therefore let’s make more changes!

Each change must be discussed on its own individual merit.

Yes thats a good thing. After about a year you finally notice peoples mind changing slowly. Hopefully such little adjustments are a test how people react to fixes. Maybe they will even fix all of the problems in the upcoming tbc. Damn that would be so awesome. Don’t repeat the faults of the past Blizzard :slight_smile:
