The Ranged Attack Power buff is a change, not a bugfix

Okay dude. Be sure to feed your pet.

That’s more than Trueshot aura. An end point talent.

70 dps personal increase; trueshot benefits pet and party.

2/3 of TS then.

Classic is finally starting to favor a remaster. Should’ve been this from the start; the #NoChanges crowd is dead or dying and good riddance.


The meta won’t even be affected by such a change.

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The only reason they’re fixing it this late in the game is that it’s the easiest way to fix the shammy/pally tier set. They phrase it like they “went back and changed other stuff too”, but really they changed one effect and it happened to impact other buffs that use it.

Great! Now, when can we curtail the ridiculously overtuned scaling dual-wielding? It’s pretty obvious it was an oversight, given how it was one of the first things fixed going into BC, as were a lot of things that would’ve been fixed in vanilla but were shifted into BC.

Y’all see the problem with this now? I’d prefer a sort of “classic+” to TBC, where these oversights and such were fixed to where specs and classes actually perform as intended, but now ain’t the time to do it.

Best time to do it would be post phase 6 as a way to inject life back into the game; the best part about something new is that hindsight isn’t on our side. We can’t over-optimize right from the start, which is a big contributor to why I imagine TBC wouldn’t really be any “better” than classic.

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All hail the meta.

So if I’m understanding this correctly hunters will go from semi-trash tier to top dps ahead of rogues and warriors?

Bye Felicia.

“Warts and all.”

Blizzard argued this. They also make the decisions. They’re just being unaccountable to their word.

I’m fine with this change if they also give me windfury. I already have enough trouble topping the charts, don’t need another class pushing me further down D:

I cannot think of when there was a point in WoW’s history (until recently) that there was widespread boosting services for leveling, sharding, mega servers four times as large as traditional classic servers, or a meta driven by speedrunning the same raids over and over. Even the “model” which we have for WoW classic is simply backported on top of a modern client. So i don’t think WoW Classic is a “perfect reproduction” of vanilla, in structure or in essence, especially given the number of bugs that had to be fixed out of the gate.

And whatever you believe about me or my thoughts is irrelevant to the argument. We have testimonies from other vanilla players, videos, guides etc. to the point where we can create a rough idea on what Vanilla was actually like, and can compare it to what Classic is like now.

(And yes, I did not start in Vanilla but rather early TBC, although early TBC was much closer to Vanilla than it is to modern WoW. My original impetus to play Classic is driven mostly by the memories I gained playing TBC.)

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This is all covered in part B of my previous response.

I’m trying to do just that. All the original support seems to have left and the only ones here are those that either do not care or will swallow anything Blizzard gives them. It’s sad, honestly.

Stop stalking me, mage I forgot the name of.

My problem is that it isnt like it was. Back in vanilla FD instantly dropped aggro. Now we have a half second to second delay due to the fowled up spell batching and I as a melee can target your pet and stop you from trapping a majority of the time.

No, lol. Hunters will still be dookie tier in pve and pvp.

I get traps off at least 95% of the time just having my pet stop attacking. I was never that deep into tech’ing back in vanilla for my hunter but it was surely subject to the delay window. A lot of stuff was like that all the way up until, what, WoD?

I guarantee I can trap you.

I actually think a lot of hunters aren’t thrilled with this nor do they see it as a qol improvement. The sweaty ones will. The less sweaty ones will be mad that they now have to get tribute and dragon buffs like all the melee classes do. It adds time to your pre raid prep that they haven’t had to worry about until now.

Imagine thinking you need WB at all unless you’re playing purely to parse or speedrun.