The Ranged Attack Power buff is a change, not a bugfix

You are asking a team to make changes to a game that had nothing to do with the original project (for the most part) and is basically delivering a new addon each year showing us gamers new lows of what we possibly can not want any less. (shadowlands gonna suck e.g).

Part of the whole “no change” mentality is an outcry by players that do not trust blizzard at all to create a good anymore. I do not want to make them changes (personally) because it will just screw up what we had further. Classic is the perfect example of this. Their random “fixes” left and right, to a nonsensical degree at this point, just show how little they understand what they are dealing with. Their whole 1.13 client abomination is another good indicator that you can only hope to god that they will not touch TBC in any way.

But you can be certain they will. Enjoy your mega servers, with layering and straight up random bug fixes at the end of the games cycle. They did not create a museum piece, they did not create a solid vanilla experience but rather some pick and choose abomination of vanilla that, at best, reflects vanilla at the very very end before TBC pre patch… when nobody gave a hoot anymore and everyone was just effing around, waiting for this shindig to be over.

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The best thing they could do is create TBC to be progressive and totally authentic instead of throwing the last patch out. But they don’t want to maintain another version of WoW. And it’s obvious with the amount of hacks, bots, exploits and lack of communication that Classic isn’t maintained at all.

I think in the end private servers will win out, here. It says a lot about Activision that a handful of amateurs can create a more authentic, polished, and professionally run game than they can.

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I mean they arent doing that since they too change the content to be harder than it was.

Ye but you do not expect perfection from the russian kid in his basement who does not even charge you for playing the game. And somehow he delivers a version of vanilla that is atleast up to par with whatever classic is. Now granted not all pservers were great at all or even good. But my god id trade classic in a heartbeat for Nost or ND


I am pretty sure there is one out right now that kungen ran to play on. Im sure you can go play on that if you want the True Experience of classic or so they claim it to be.

Also if you find a way to remove peoples memories and ability to search the internet while playing games. You could make a lot of money as people experience things again for the first time.

To that end though. Blizzard servers have always been worse than people want to give them credit for. Classic Launch Shadowlands prepatch And soon to come Shadowlands Launch. Assuming TBC comes out i assume it will be just as poor a performance as people try to squeeze through the door at the same time.

Idc about the one that kungen ran ot play on. The problem is that they scene is basically dead now except for the true hardcore pserver crowd that refuses to play even on classic. Also when did I say that either Pserver was the true experience? I know they are not correct, but my god neither is this version we have here of classic.

I have no idea what your second paragraph has to do with anything but ye i guess?

Yea well if you make mega servers and completely underestimate the demand for your product, despite being warned about it by your players beforehand and then try to fix your screw up with idiotic tools like layering, ye the performance will be pretty bad. I have zero hope for TBC delivered by this company.

Players that want classic plus will find project Ascension enjoyable. The classlessness of it sounds too OP at first till you realize you only get 61 points for talents that cost 1 pt each and 71 points for abilities that cost anywhere from 2 to 5pts each. Otherwise the private servers can’t do the one thing blizzard has going for it; permanent endurance. But private servers in general will always be there whereas blizzard might go under if they aren’t careful in how they treat their flagship product.

Good morning azeroth episode with KJ. At least that’s what I remember.

I get what the OP is saying.

However, the classic team has shown its willingness to change the game according to what THEY felt was an authentic blizz-like experience, not what we experienced.

They made this clear all the way back in beta.

Classic was never a museum piece.

bliz fixed issues in vanilla. bliz is fixing issues in classic.

This is 100% how it was, what you are wanting is a change that is unblizlike.

na man you shouldnt have to specify who you meant people shouldnt assume you mean them.

We need changes to the game. I am contemplating that wow classic should include a hardcode for its raids.

Or classic BC should change its 10 man raids to 20 man, and its 25 man raids into 40.

Please delete your hunter and troll somewhere else

No changes out the window; put in a hard taunt for pallys if we’re making changes.

How could that be? They’ve always been short the fixed stat value from the buffs. If they were competitive at P1/P2 without the buffs, not having the buffs can’t be the reason they drop off later.

The real reasons they scale poorly are probably because pets don’t scale at all, and their itemization is atrocious.

They don’t scale in regard to anything was my point.

The buffs not effecting them furthers it.