The Ranged Attack Power buff is a change, not a bugfix

Classic doesn’t need this change.

Not yet

If we’re going to be a museum piece and be ending with phase 6 this is against the intention of classic being as close to a vanilla-like experience as possible. This is change for changes sake.

(Note: Fixing the Tier set bonus is fine, changing the buff is not.)

[Edit:] This isn’t part of the reference client so it shouldn’t be in the game. Period.


where is this change?

It’s like 70 dps increase, it’s already been simmed.

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Short version - buff for ranged attack power (i.e. Hunters) due to a bug that was never fixed in Vanilla being fixed in Classic.

Ok so let me get this straight.

The buff was not effecting hunters correctly, and they’re fixing that?

Why do you have a problem with this?


Uhh, where did I say I had a problem with it?
I was answering Robokappa’s question, nothing more.

Sorry, my post was directed @ the OP. I should have quoted them.

Because he is sus.

I think he is the imposter, can we vote him off the hunter ship?


I think you’re misunderstanding.

If the idea is to make classic as close to actual vanilla as possible, then fixes, even if sensible, to things that were still that way back in real vanilla is actually counter to that goal.

It’s not that the fix isnt reasonable, but it contradicts “how things actually were”.

It also means that other OP mechanics should get the same treatment without being defended with “that’s how it was in vanilla so deal with it”, such as diamond flask for warriors.


no, it was working correctly. but they are making it better.


It’s not how it worked in vanilla. They are moving it to its TBC state and if you are going to keep classic vanilla servers we have to keep it in the 1.12.1 state until we get TBC or classic+ is announced.

Based on the leaks we may have vanilla-like classic servers and phase 6 will be the final patch we will be on - forever. Even if it’s a buff for hunters it’s not in line with the original design intention to make classic as vanilla-like as possible.

Once we move on to TBC or Classic+ then it’s fine to change it.


I may not fully understand what exactly is happening with this change/fix then.

Also that opens up a whole lot other can of worms, best not to derail your thread into a changes vs. nochanges debate.

From what I can see, this is a bug fix. I do admit I may not be understanding the situation correctly.

The buffs weren’t applying ranged attack power it was only applying melee attack power.

This fix makes it so the buffs for hunters apply the attack power buff to their ranged stat.

I’m not sure if blessing of might was on the list but that was also one of the buffs that does not effect ranged attack power for hunters.

BoM states specifically “melee attack power”


I wish that it would. I am tired of having to explain to hunters why I give them wisdom and won’t give them might.

Yea you’re right.

Wasn’t sure if it was purely intentional.

Yes, but it should not be that way.

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I agree with this.

Alot of scaling issues is from them not benefiting from various buffs.

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If that’s all it is, won’t change too much as far as the melee meta lol.

It was strictly melee AP up until Mists. (where it was changed to Mastery instead)

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