The Ranged Attack Power buff is a change, not a bugfix

You realize that most private servers had fengus and juju might giving range ap already? Only “change” is ony buff now.

Private servers had so much different from original vanilla too and you didnt complain.

The “power difference” train has left already when they decided to keep the warrior heroic strike 100% offhand hit chance “cheese” that nobody knew about in vanilla.


The lengths the devs and their shills here (warriro mains) go to protect warrior superiority has made me quite jaded. If it worked the way it does for ANY other class, the diamond flask would have been fixed months ago. The ‘thats how it worked in vanilla’ excuse is long since dead considering how many changes have been made to the way things were in vanilla.


Classic is vanilla-like. The games and systems are a very good representation of the gameplay experience that was offered in 2005. To what degree that it is true depends on the person. You, however, believe it’s non-vanilla-like because you either a) never played vanilla in the first place, or b) base your entire argument on the playerbase being of a vastly different mindset. Both of which are probably true.

The game in-and-of itself is, or was, a near perfect reproduction.

Yes, I have. I came to the conclusion that you’re wrong but I did entertain the argument.

During classic there were times certain servers reached 5x the amount of players and they had to do layering to account for it…you can deny this all you want but it’s fact. As for spell batching…it didn’t exist in vanilla what DID exist was lag…an entirely different thing.

Spell batching did exist during Vanilla. This isn’t my opinion, this is a fact.

Yes, I’m not denying this. I’m saying that currently there is no server with 5x the population of Vanilla servers.

Quit complaining. Ckassic has been changed this is a good change for hunters for naxx. Turn in your hunter bow if u don’t like this.

If they wanted to keep it close to vanilla changes in av wouldn’t have happened. Alliance would still be able to premade av and other changes wouldn’t have happened.

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Hunter DPS is not going to improve as much as you perceive, or want, it to. You’re still going to be on the same spot on the meters; melee and mages scale far better than hunters.

Besides if you actually read the topic it’s not a complaint toward hunter dps increase. It’s about the change in direction for the development team and my disapproval of changes to gameplay as a whole.

I really wish the idiotic would stop twisting this because of my profile picture and actually read the words I wrote.

It has a tenancy to kill you. So what? I still would rather it in the vanilla state bugs and all but that’s the point. If it has to be changed I’d rather it not affect gameplay. I’d love a 100% exact copy but I was never expecting it to be exact in the first place. I expected the developers to do everything in their power to give us the game I loved - yes, warts and all.

I’d have loved the game to be on the reference client. 100% no changes. Exploits and everything. It’s not like updating it to the legion client made much of a dent anyway.

Not really. Try it - there is an unfixed bug from Vanilla that you’ll argue should stay in the game. Seriously - drink one, in Ironforge, or somewhere safe. You’ll see.

Whatever it does I will say that “if it was in 1.12.1 I want it to be in 1.13.6”, no matter what it does. Locks me out of my character? Sure. Deleted my character, sure. Kills me IRL, yep - keep it. Implodes the entire universe? YEP, sounds good to me.

DOES NOTHING AT ALL? Yep, that’s what I want.

So go try it and get back to us.

if. it’s. how. it. worked. in. vanilla. that’s. what. I. want. in. classic.

Good. Go drink one. Pretty sure you’re not putting your money where your mouth is.

What leaks? lol you’re just making crap up.

TBC is coming because RETAIL is a dumpster fire not because somebody leaked it.

They said it was a bug and they fixed it. Do you develop for actiblizz now? I have a bunch of questions if you do.

Also there has been a TON of changes since release my guy.

Hunters don’t play anything like vanilla. FD/Trap isn’t right still.

It has a visual bug that’s fine. It doesn’t effect gameplay in anyway.

Then you won’t have any problem drinking one. Go do it.

I did do it.

FD/Trap is how they have it on the reference client. That’s better than pserver knowledge. I’m able to FD/Trap just fine - I have no idea what your problem is.

Yeah I doubt that. For real, no b.s., practice what you preach. Go drink one.

If you require proof I can record it or you can log over to westfall and watch me do it for the third time.

Please do, no b.s., totally serious. I will watch.

For the third time. Yep, keep it.