The Ranged Attack Power buff is a change, not a bugfix

I don’t want to try it, but I want to know what you’re talking about. I haven’t heard of this.

No no, let Haseo try it. He’s a big strong hunter that wants bugs from Vanilla to stay in the game.

Still waiting Haseo. 1 Dream Vision elixir. Cheap. Drink it and report back.

When Classic released it was #nochanges confirmed, to preserve “integrity”.

Since then it has had over 20 “integrity” changes.

The only reason they are doing “small” amounts of “integrity” changes now in Classic when they said they would do none, is to prep the player base for massive changes during TBC and WotLK when they finally release.

Better no classic than this dumpster fire.


Still, could be worse.

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Nah, if Blizzard fails then maybe some better company will be able to make a better MMO that sticks. Right now WoW is an anchor around that community’s neck.


Why does no one realize there have been DOZENS of changes already…this isn’t classic…it’s classic LITE.

They have fixed exploits and bugs thus far. None of which have actually effected the way characters actively function. Up until now the characters have played exactly as they did in 1.12.1.

This change is different. It effects character power in a very direct and deliberate way. A way that never happened until The Burning Crusade.

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The list of things that are in classic that were NEVER in vanilla is long…make no mistake.
spell batching
servers with 2-5x the population
numerous item changes
the ability to mail multiple items at once
the ability to end a flight path early
…these are just the ones i could think of off the top of my head.

Spell batching was in Vanilla.

Servers do not currently have 5x the population of Vanilla servers, not even close. We don’t even have a Full server anymore.

Considering the World buff meta, speed runs and class stacking…

Kind of surprising and quite funny people did not see this coming though personally I think this is irrelevant no matter how you look at it. Kind of glad never tried to relive the experience all these months later.

Slippery slope is a logical fallacy.


The problem with Haseo’s entire argument is that it rests on Classic being Vanilla-like when it is nowhere near Vanilla at all. Case in point is the world-buff meta that inspired such a change in the first place.

This is a decent change that allows hunters to stay somewhat competitive into Naxx (although hunters will still mostly be brought for their utility and not their dps, at least our dps won’t be absolute garbage.)


thats not what i was saying, i said that the buff wasnt working correctly

about things being exactly the way they were and if it should be fixed is the other question

According to ironforgepro there are almost ten thousand max level characters logging raids on Whitemane.

Considering that that doesn’t even count non-raiders and people with no logs… yeah there are servers 5x the size of any vanilla server.

There were 180 servers at the end of Vanilla. The number of subs worldwide was 7.5 million and this was before WoW became super popular in China. The number of subs in NA during WoTLK was 3 million, I think a good estimate of player subs in NA at the end of Vanilla is about 2.5 million.

That puts the number of active subs on average per server during the end of Vanilla at 14,000. There are not currently servers that are 5x the population of Vanilla servers.

There was no server in vanilla with 10000 level capped characters online concurrently. “14000 active accounts” but only 2500 could actually play at once?

There’s no server with 10,000 level capped characters online concurrently now, what’s your point? Also, servers were capped at 3,000-3,500 at the end of Vanilla depending on hardware.

maybe just maybe blizzard realized that you private server people are degenerate mouth breathers and not worth listening to anymore? have you thought about that?

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The diamond flask is not affecting warriors correctly.