I just stopped raiding until the fated system was in place and even then it’s only lfr. The idea of it got played out to me. I see your point though that would get annoying to me and I know my wife would log out.
We’ve literally seen it before.
Same reason LFR needs determination stacks.
But they can’t use intuition. “This guy just gives me a bad vibe”.
But they can’t analyze on a per case basis like I do. Sometimes I just don’t feel like taking mages because my last 3 keys with mages have been awful.
Fair point. I see it as Blizzard doing a bunch of hand holding and babying of the player base though.
If you dont want to use it, dont. Some might appreciate the challenge of tackling the content with these non-premade groups. There may be some amount of whining but it would be unjustified.
Mythic raiding is the area of really good players
Imho it shouldn’t be considered content manageable by all players.
Mythic raiding could be even harder and not reward any items and the top players would still do the RtWF
I dont know about that. Blizzard should experiment to find out. Take away the gear from mythic and watch the it drop like a rock.
Is this true? I wonder. Good? Or those with time on thier hands and fortunate enough to find a good crew of like minded players.
The pvp players are the “area of really good players”, imo.
You used the word “anymore” in this section twice…as though you were ever guaranteed a piece of gear in a raid. It has ALWAYS been only once per week that you can run the content, and you have a CHANCE at gear.
There is more gear dropping in raids now than there ever was in previous expansions, and if you raid mythic difficulty, the gear is unbelievably good.
This has always been true. Prior to M+, dungeons and crafting and PvP were all solid ways to get gear that was nearly as good as the opening raid tier or better. Mythic plus has nothing to do with this dynamic.
Why? It’s literally the hardest content ever created in WoW, and the players have direct control over how high it goes.
If the only reason you play this game is for gear progression, then I cannot fathom how you’re still interested in playing.
Why do you let undergeared people into your raids? Even in our guild, which is very casual and only raids heroic, we have a baseline ilvl requirement. It doesn’t have to be M+ gear, but it has to be adequate gear.
They’re not. This is an exaggeration outside of mythic difficulty raiding. You cannot outgear a skill deficit, but you can outskill a gear deficit. You can get pre-raid gear in a number of ways, and M+ is only one of them.
False. Remember you have to claim high level gear fast is through heroic raids then wait 2-3 weeks for M+ to give the same exact and high ilvl…
ummmm NO. what happened to pvp gear is what needs to happen to raid gear. nobody cares about raiding anymore. we go in and do it really fast for the achievement, pets, title and mount. thats it. gear should not be needed for raiding you aint pushing anything. there is 1 hard mode “mythic” and thats it, then your done… unlike m+ where it is endless as gear and skill will allow.
sorry to break the bad news to you but raiding is and has been dead for a long time. the vast majority of the player base cannot play on other peoples time anymore. its 2022 and we are not in our teens anymore with endless amounts of free time and m+ allows for players to get end game on their own time unlike raiding where you have to deal with… ewwwww many people and schedules that cannot be met on a regular basis.
What’s false about it ?
M+ gives 288s.
2-3 weeks ? 3 weeks is 2250 valor. That won’t upgrade many slots to 298.
Again, you guys are confused because of S4’s uncapped valor. It’s ok, it’s an easy thing to forget, how the game worked not 5 months ago.
So basically, ruining things to help the minority.
Raid vault loot should give increased ilvl like M+, but this idea is terrible, I don’t want to be screwed because of raiders.
I don’t get how people think this is a fun and compelling system.
This is the exact reason why I hate M+
in the game.
Farming the same gear over and over again with higher numbers is a horrible system for a fantasy RPG. They could at least change the gear up from season to season.
I mean that’s the easiest problem to solve, blizzard can just delete the class.
This MMO is the most transactional in terms of PVE, it really erodes the community, not sure a Dungeon Finder would really help there, so I’m going to disagree with myself while also disagreeing with you because you aren’t really grouping to play with people, you’re just grouping to get loot (you might as well play an ARPG). “Gimme my loot now, #&(*es!”
And idc if you don’t like mages. Though I might spare myself the trouble and just block you so I don’t accidentally apply to any of your groups. We really are a toss up. Though some of the best players (not myself included) I’ve met in this game are actually mages. I can get KSM if I want, so I’m good enough, but not amazing.
I don’t do M+ for loot.
What do you do it for? I’m just trying to understand why you care so much about “succeeding” over community building. Those mages you failed with might be exponentially better now because you gave them that chance. People learn from mistakes.
Failing is not fun.
Okay, so gimme muh serotonin hit, got it. ARPGs are still better for that. It’s all up to you. People are out of the equation.
No. They’re not. Most are boring.
You guys act like older people don’t have time to play games. I hope you realize that MMO gamers always trended older to begin with.
In 2005 when I was raiding MC, have of our team was people 35+.
The fact is, M+ is just way too lucrative for how easy it is to get into compared to raiding.
The Diablo 3 developers that came up with this idea really didn’t understand the impact this was going to have on WoWs raid end game. It has an effect on PVP too.
The fact still stands that there’s not a lot of value in you playing with other people if you’re not willing to work with them and just optimize the heck out of every group you make. What makes the serotinin hit so great in M+ for you that you need that? There’s also Torghast as well, and it even times you, just like M+. It scores you too.
Who says I’m not ?
You’re literally talking to yourself.
Just because I won’t invite a 0 io 252 noob to my 15 key, doesn’t mean I don’t want to work with people.