The Raid Scene is Dying because of M+

What is the point of difficult raids anymore other than achievements/mount/pets?

No one who raids anymore is interested in the loot that drops anymore, because you raid for 6 hours a week and may not even get one piece of loot, and can only kill the raid bosses ONCE a week for a chance at loot.

M+ you can pug 4 people easily and run, while raiding is more difficult to pug, and usually you have to find a guild with 19 other competent raiders to even begin to progress in Mythic raids.

M+ on the other hand, drops the same (if not better) loot as raids, can be grinded endlessly, and gives loot a lot faster than raiding ever will.

The whole reason a lot of people raided was for loot, but loot is so scarce from raiding, and loot is so abundant from M+, that the only reason to raid anymore is for achievements/mounts/pets. Raiding used to be the pinnacle of WoW, the best loot you’d get, and a huge achievement. Now M+ is arguably a bigger achievement than raiding.

I think that what happened to PvP gear needs to happen to M+ gear. M+ gear should scaled down in ilvl if you’re not in a M+ key. M+ gear should not be usable in raids.



noooo please not another one of these threads NOOOOOOOOOOOooo


I mean if you want to justify the death of raiding in your own pro-raiding thread, go ahead! I’m not going to stop you. In fact, I’ll support it!


If keystone dungeons are killing raiding then maybe it deserves to die.

Focus more resources and stuff into smaller scale PvE content.

Fun, hopefully. This is a video game the vast majority of us aren’t paid to play.


Dang it you added an edit and I couldn’t like your post twice :laughing:

yo bro we need 304 gear to do the highest level m+ and the weps / trinkets from raid. it seems like we are one.

I could also agree with having raid gear scale down if you’re wearing it and not in a raid.


Weird, when arguments about raiding and why people do it came up in the past, raiders would always claim it was for the challenge, and the loot was secondary. :thinking:


People I’ve raided with recently have not wanted to come for the challenge or “for fun” but for loot for either transmog or gearing purposes. Back in classic when there were no mounts or pets that dropped, and raids themselves weren’t very challenging, the draw was the loot. Some raiders have no interest in M+ and as a result are under-geared. Why are raiders forced to M+ (and M+ players forced to raid) in order to be effective?


I always say this and I’m going to say it again, m+ ilvl does not matter because anyone worth their salt in M+ is going to be in dungeon bis anyway

Then why even have gear drop from M+? Just have players be completely naked for M+ content if it is all skill based.


yea exactly. it’s the same thing. i mean what they have said in the interview is that they’re looking into ways that m+ can get mythic ilvl gear so that they can progress 25+s without doing mythic raiding.

I mean I don’t really want to raid without Forsaken Paladins either.


I literally started doing mythics because I could not always run Sunday nights with my raid team (Homework, family obligations). I’d out geared them in 2 weeks with loot drops and vault. I’m not hugely into raiding anyways - a 30 minute dungeon is way more in my time frame to complete than 40min to an hour on a raid.

But I do love my mythics. I can pop in on a long lunch or sneak one in before bed. Raids? Coordinate well and maybe, maybe you get it done in 35-40 minutes, if all goes well.


I wish. No gear relevance in M+ would be my dream. Just let people pick their dungeon legendary powers/conduits/whatever and then hop into keys.


The same people will make the same posts they did the last time this came up.

Pointless thread

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I’m new to the forums so I didn’t see anything like this, nothing similar popped up when I typed in the title.

sheesh man i’ll take a TR type beat for m+ where ur immediately in bis and can just push as far as your skill lets u


Oh for real, that would be the dream. I think that a permanent tournament realm with instant max level/no system grinds/full bis on log in could be one of the most popular things in WoW.


I’ve been saying this since challenge modes. :axe: