The Raid Scene is Dying because of M+

OK, if we change M+ to cosmetics and scaling let’s do it to raid gear too. Let’s just remove the entire aspect of mmorpg power gains. Hell, let’s remove gear and make it like HOTS MOBA game w/ limited talents, abilities etc and just call it a day. We’ll unlock skins for achievements.

No thanks :slight_smile:

He doesn’t want to solve the issue, he wants m+ to stop being a thing.

I clarified my statement. I just think you should be able to queue for M+ instead of using LFG tool, I’m saying +15 should be the upper bound on the queueable version. I feel like we’re kidding ourselves with how much we rely on the LFG tool but we’re still not allowed to queue, for literally every endgame mode.

The real reason the raid scene is dying: Its too difficult; requiring too much effort/time.

The mythic raids are designed for a certain set of people who make raiding their irl profession.

Game was better when there weren’t four tiers of difficulty for raids.

Haha. I wonder how that’d go.

Again I ask, what would that change ?

You think I’ll queue for a +15 ?

I’ll just use Group Finder to put together a pre-made.

I’m sure whatever process you and 90% of the player base is using could easily be automated in the group finder, but hey if UIs, buttons and waiting is your thing, more power to you!

No, it cannot. Since we don’t do first come, first served.

I’d rather wait 2 extra minutes to fill, than fail the key and have to refill another group, which wastes way more than 2 minutes.

Sure, it’d be impossible to add other parameters to the algorithm like score, etc.

I’d rather wait 2 extra minutes to fill, than fail the key and have to refill another group, which wastes way more than 2 minutes.

See above. If the algorithm makes the same calls you normally would, you just had a lot of effort saved and can focus on other things while it fills.

It’s not about score alone.

You’d need advanced AI, which is ridiculous.

I’m super curious what your process is for picking your groups is.

I look at key completion distribution, if they failed a timer, what was the group comp on that, compare their fort/tyr keys, what class/spec they play, if they queue healer/tank if they actually tanked/healed at their score level or if they only have 1 or 2 keys tanked/healed.

Lots of variables. Lots of intuition. Lots of “Oh this guy would get a bit more score than that other more qualified peep”.

In short : you can have your queue, I’ll just never use it. I’ll laugh at threads about queue’d 15s never finishing though.

Pretty sure that could be automated.

You can’t automate intuition.

They need a new spin on raids. Raids aren’t dying because of mythic +. Raids are dying because the new generation likes quick complete content not 3 hours + in one raid/dungeon.

If anything blame the short attention span that people now have. People no longer want to go on long journeys they want instant shots of dopamine.

Ask yourself: What would it harm.

The GD forum database, from all the QQ posts.

More queues = less healthy game = more entitled players.

Or perhaps just easier raids. Part of why Mythic raids take 3+ hours is because of the difficulty of the raids.

I dont care what anyone claims…no one likes wiping and it happens far too often in mythic raiding.

I’m not buying that lazy answer. There isnt a reason to not have it.

Alot of the problems solved by ML do exactly that. And they can look at more data at a time than your human brain. Nothing you’ve mentioned isn’t data that blizzard already has.