The Raid Scene is Dying because of M+

literally the one piece of consistent content we have, at any hour, have to nerf it LOL

raiding sucks. not because of m+. but because it’s boring.

I only like raiding because of friends. that’s it. the gear does not matter especially from heroic. from mythic it’s a bit different but i dont’ think op is doing mythic if he’s complaining about m+

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Raiding is killing raiding. It’s so freaking boring.


no, but then I’m not the one claiming that one particular endgame pillar is an effortless way to get everything you want

a lot of casual guilds simply do not sit people. period.

Casual guilds also aren’t doing mythic beyond the easy bosses.

There’s still a raid scene in this game? That died with WotLK honestly. Even before M+.

What’s the point of going into a raid knowing that there is going to be just 2-3 more levels of gear higher than what you got? Makes the difficulty pointless. Raids should be raids. 10’s and 25’s were like… I never even cared about the 10’s to me they never even existed. Harder raids for worse gear? Pass. Now we add heroic modes to both raids? God why… Ulduar was perfect. What they should have done is just ditch the 10m mode.

It’s much easier to design fights around one difficulty. And the only reason you should ever have more than one difficulty is to have like a tourist mode. A literal tourism mode even easier than todays LFR. Just in case you want to put important story elements into those areas. No gear no rewards just do the fights to proceed in quests. But since WoW really doesn’t put anything important into the raids that can’t just be seen datamined 6 months before the content even launches who cares?

The real fix is to just trim down the difficulties and only make one mode. Give some bosses alternate hardmodes but not all of them. Have secret bosses again. Make the area feel whole and connected.

As far as PvP and M+ are concerned. PvP should scale gear down dramatically. At least always keeping you 20 ilvl below the lowest form of current content in live when in a pvp instance. M+ should do the same thing just like the original challenge modes were. What made those fun was you didn’t need to grind gear to “make it doable” or “make it easy” you either finished it or you didn’t. There’s no BS.

yea i loveeeeeed classic raids. smacking a boss with 1 spell for 10 minutes was lit :100:

raiding in wotlk was worse than retail lmao

there was one boss that was good in ICC and that’s professor putricide, the rest was just a tank and spank

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This is what I don’t understand when people say how good classic raid was…how could anyone enjoy pressing 1 button for 10 minutes or better yet swap to wanding because they ran out of mana :man_facepalming:

I’ve raided both Classic and TBC and honestly was a struggle staying awake for the last hour of raid spamming that 1 button.

Yeah, you’re wrong.
I don’t raid because bosses outside of sire, sludge and sylvanas were bad this expac. And my spec is bad at halondrus and ryg, so doesnt help there

Hopefully they don’t.

Hard disagree. It’s dying because the state of the game sucks. Raid rosters are shallower than ever. Raiding is designed around weak auras and one shot mechanics: all of which are GARBOOOOO

This is true. Raiding is killing raiding. No loot. Over tuned raids for sale of world first race.

Mythic lockout still existing in year 2023


Raiding used to be fun. Now days it’s not fun unless you are raiding 7 days a week for first month.

Gone are the days of chill raid night with the boys. Even farm nights are super boring now days.

Sofo level of difficulty was a mistake.


The problem with Sofo was that it ended too fast. Rather have 4 more months of it than S4.

No man. It couldn’t have ended faster. Holy f that raid was so unfun and overtuned for your average ce guild too long.

The last set of nerfs should have happened as soon as horde hof closed.

Why is there a whiny anti-M+ thread every few hours… this is old dude, it’s not good because its not fun getting 10+ players to play in an xpac that is hot garbage.


SOFO is the shortest tier we’ve had yet.

They play a version of those fights less than a 100 people see.

Challenge modes weren’t fun. Nobody engaged with them. The mogs are so rare because nobody played that content.

I played during late MoP and early WoD and didn’t even touch CMs because they’re unfun, meanwhile I’m an M+ fanatic. Way more people enjoy M+ than CMs.

I think that guilds should merge more frequently. They could take the 10 best from both teams and suddenly they have an awesome 20 person raid team! The remaining 20 can keep wiping each other to silly things. Or just go do heroic, which would work if some of them quit.

Four guilds can merge and make a few teams. The best of the best takes the best 5ish players from each. The 5 best players from mythic raid guilds, all put together, would probably get CE in a few days. The next team is the next best 20. There’s probably one more team that does slow prog mythic and pugs some people. And then there would be like an alt normal/heroic team.

Imagine having any kind of stability if people just take the “the best.” Need a balance of skill and commitment. Don’t forget egos in guilds too.

Guild merges rarely work imo.

The best can have multiple factors, it doesn’t just mean who cheesed their parses the most. Raid attendance and ability to play with others would matter of course. Also things like prep, who does everything they can to make the raid the most successful it can be.