The pvp community needs to make a fuss about the armory

Please stop advocating for systems that were in OG TBC.

This isn’t what you originally said though.

You know full well the WoW community isn’t going to use this idea of yours the same way you would. Retail proves this.

So if its vastly superior, whats stopping a vastly superior version of RIO but based on PVP from appearing for TBCC?

Since RIO is just a website that gets its data from the armory.

That is what I originally said. I said to do research to see what’s happening in the ladder. I didn’t say to use it to choose your team comps. I personally like looking at this data for research literally just to see what’s happening. See what races are most common etc. So yes, that is what I originally said.

And if the community uses that in a different way in tbc they will only be hurting themselves so let them go for it.

Yeah, as an old Arenjunkies 2400+ Hunter in TBC/WoTLK, peaking the armory of good players was always fun and allowed you to see how people ran different things here and there.

Not having armory is kind of a huge deal imo.

Yeah I know, I feel people who actually care about pvp are the only ones who understand the significance of this. Sort of silly that this is getting backlash lol

I agree. Armory won’t even update my level properly on the forums for my posts. Small Indie Company am I right?

People would log out in troll gear so you couldn’t steal their setup as well. It would be the same these days.

Some people did that. But it’s not like every single person was making sure to swap their gear every single time they logged out. That’s beyond silly to being up lol

It’s not a change. Like, we have Classic. They have remade the game in Classic. That’s like looking at Classic and being like “Welp, let’s not keep going here, they clearly can’t do changes.” Classic is still missing some features and aspects of the game. There were also lots of bugs (some still exist). Should we not fix bugs and get those missing features and systems into Classic?

Not enough people did this for it to matter.

That’s like saying some people don’t use their real names on Facebook so it should just not exist.

Imagine being against a feature that literally was in tbc lmfao

It’s my firm belief that most of the forum posters never played original TBC, were too young to remember it properly, or played on private servers so long it literally broke their brains.

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From what I’ve been reading around here lately it seems like a big chunk of them never actually played TBC

My favourite is when you ask for the LFG tab that was in BC to be added and people tell you to go back to retail

I saw recently there was an addon that grabbed chat from LFG to kind of make something like that. I also love all the people that can’t objectively look at the game and make informed decisions. Like their understanding is purely binary.

For instance, one thing they will NEVER give us back is the old LUA system, because it was broken, way too powerful, and rewriting it for the Legion client would seriously damage the game. And yet all the hunters that want the macro system to play their class for them want the old LUA back so they can literally script their character to play itself. (Also I am fairly certain that 2.4.3 broke the hunter one button macro too, because I believe that is the patch they removed all the scripting functions because of 1-button rogues in PVP)

That’s a really funny one lol. Sure tbcs lfg tab could have been way better, but it was there and people used it. Idk why asking for things that were objectively apart of that expansion is even a controversial take.

When I play tbc I would expect there to be sunwell right? I would expect there to be jewel crafting right? So why is it such a dilemma to also want armory and lfg tool lol.

The retail armory doesn’t provide or track that kind of information at all any more, so 3rd party sites can’t make use of nonexistent armory data.

3rd party sites are now days better often than Blizzard products, but so far I haven’t seen a 3rd party site that has ever given the wealth of information that the old armory did.

The modern retail armory does almost nothing, basically it’s a online character sheet and shows achievements and that’s about all it’s good for.

I’m comparison to 2007 you are right it basically does absolutely nothing.

The old armory would update your character basically minutes after logging. It would also track your match history in arenas basically in real time and show you exactly what does did what damage throughout the duration of every fight. It was an AMAZING tool to find win traders.


Yeah absolutely underrated topic man. That armory they initially created in TBC that we had through Wrath was the best thing that ever happened to the ladder. So cool, you could see gear, test animations, see win/loss record and look at some basic stats like points gained and loss on a chart for the last IDK how many matches (at least weekly stats on a team I believe), as well as damage and healing dealt I believe.

It would be a BIG WIN for Blizzard to resurrect the old armory. The retail one honestly sucks in comparison. I think they mostly re-did it to include the achievement system better but man forget that, old armory FTW.

Yup, and people who never used it don’t understand how good it was while pointing to vastly inferior 3rd party stuff as if it’s some kind of stop gap. Those third party sites with their woefully incomplete data and even wrong data in some cases have none of the features we want, but the Zugzug think we do… it’s almost the same kinda disconnected thinking that we see with Blizzard in retail.

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So what you are saying… a 3rd party site wouldn’t be created using a more superior source of info? And the playerbase would never use that to gate keep?

Have you ever tried actually using the internet to visit other websites other than the forums?

Also what does me being Horde have anything to do with how I’ve seen the playerbase use these 3rd party sites in game and on the forums?