The pvp community needs to make a fuss about the armory

Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying, if given the exact same tbc armory. Do you understand what the tbc armory actually was? Or what it displayed? In terms of pve, it quite literally just displayed your gear that you last logged out in and that was it. You don’t need an armory to make this sort of thing. You just right click that persons name and hit inspect and there’s all the information you’re getting.

And no one said anything about you being horde effecting anything lol

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These current third party sites actually display more info than what is showed on the armory, whats saying the TBC armory didn’t also show everything that it was capable of?

Just because you didn’t…

Doesn’t mean someone else did.

3rd party cannot at any point compete with what the old (not present) Armory site provided by old Blizzard.

The present version of armory provides effectively nothing.
3rd party sites are only as good as their source information; considering i do not use such addons and also that blizzard no longer data logs that sort of information; there is no way possible for the 3rd party information to even exist for my characters in full resolution.

Furthermore WTH does any of this have to do with the horde?

As for gate keeping; that’s for bads who doubt them selves and those looking to get carried.

Until someone creates one… That’s what I’ve been trying to say.

You’re the one that called me Zugzug. You tell me.

Zugzug is not reserved for the horde; I use this term to describe a certain personality type, most players use the term Zugzug to describe the simple minded and Zerg like behavior.

You’re woefully ignorant of the facts friend, please do some research modern armory is 100% pure trash and it’s somewhat sad that you never got to utilize the original armory when it was good. Again do some digging, don’t be a Zugzug.

And the point you’re missing here is that 3rd party would get their information through something like an ADDON where people have it running collecting the data for it.

The armory does not even come into the equation here whatsoever.

No… It isn’t, I’ve actually only seen this term used on the forums since TBC launched, and its only ever been used against Horde players. Before TBC launched everyone referred to eachother by their class.

So again… are you trying to say no one is ever going to create or upgrade their 3rd party sites to get info from this better version of the armory if Blizzard released it?

Wrong, RIO gets all its info from the armory, the addon itself only displays basic info from its own website. Which is why the addon had to be updated every day.

dont worry, TBC is still in beta. we’ll have an armory, guild banks, and LFG tool by the time the game is released.

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Nothing produced now days is of a quality level I find acceptable; most 3rd party sites aren’t even 10% of what the old armory was at launch.

Are you new or something?

Probably newer than most, been playing since Wrath.

By the time Wrath is about finished it might actually work to 85% if it’s 2008 functionality.

Yes it pulls the information from data that is readily available through the mythic + section of the armory available to everyone. It’s not magically coming up with this info from nowhere.

What we are telling you is that given a tbc armory with the exact same info as it was back then. There would be nothing to pull from, so then a 3rd party would have to be functioning through the use of an addon, which has nothing to do with the armory.

You really are zug zugging hard man

Just ignore the trolls. This was in TBC and you can still see some of the ladders from actual TBC on web archive. So yeah, TBC arena ladder, please and thanks Blizzard.


This is where you are wrong again. Armory doesn’t show past runs, RIO does. I can even check my runs from 2 expansions ago.

So lets use something I seen said in this thread as an example. Those PVPers that used to throw on clown suits to throw off people looking to copy their builds and gear. How would they do this anymore if there was a site similar to RIO that was created for arena games to store info like what each players characters were wearing at the time of the game ending?

What are you talking about the armory displays mythic runs? Sure they don’t show really old runs but that’s what the website does. Is take information that’s available for everyone, and archives it in a way so you can always see it. It’s not pulling some magic info out of the hat. This is like saying my thermometer doesn’t show the temperature, my notebook does, because I wrote down the temperature my thermometer shows me every day for a year lol. The thermometer is the data you’re reading from, the notebook just catalogs it. The tbc armory doesn’t show pve data which is what I’m telling you.

Why would this matter any of shape or form anyway? Like let’s just say worst(?) case scenario it does. So what? What does this have to do with your “toxic gate keeping” theory theres your leader boards

I looked at it. It’s like 25% of the capability I’m asking for. Like I said it’s better than nothing but it’s not really what we are asking for.

We should break inspecting other people and damage meters because that might be toxic too.

Wait some keen eye players might be able to tell what gear you have from the looks, every item should look the same. All buffs should have the same icon to prevent players from seeing the trinket procs of other players.

Don’t forget about damage meters. You’re going to break those too. Also while we are at it break the ability to watch people standing in fires. You start the encounter, all the names on the raid frames disappear, you do your part and if you wipe you wipe and there’s no way to see who messed up

There was also one in retail over a decade ago when tbc was out no? Or was that wrath?