The pvp community needs to make a fuss about the armory

Tiger’s blood?

I would support an armory addon !

To be fair,

We asked blizzard for classic wow, and tbc classic, to be as original as possible. And the first thing they did was make major changes.

If it’s not currently in this model of WoW, chances are, anything being added will more likely include some additional touches that will likely break some other aspect of the game.

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Well, the way you phrased your post kinda made it sound like the reason you didn’t want it was because it was “the retail version not the tbc version”.

If your argument is, in fact, “it shouldn’t be in the game because I don’t like it”, then too bad. It was a part of the original TBC and should therefore be incorporated.

Seriously I think an Armory addon would address this issue. It wouldn’t be a change to the game and it would supply the info the OP asked for.

Yep, there was also a LFG tool, and account transfers. But you don’t see that either.
I’d like the LFG tool first, your esport crap can wait.

He’s probably got kitten blood.

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That’s terrible.

Won’t someone think of the kittens?

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I’m fairly sure I, and others, have been very clear on the negatives of the Armory.

But, if you just want to make people who disagree with you sound like children, then that’s on you.


The old armory was cool because of the data it kept; showed kills, team comps you did well vs a s bad vs and all kinda stuff. It even kept BG data showing how many flags you returned, captured, assaulted, defended, games won, lost and played.

That’s the information I want.

As for what gear it shows; many of us put on some kinda clown suit to troll copycats.

Not even remotely comparable; additionally TBC is when the Armory started; it was vastly superior to the pile of crap that is the retail armory.

Why so many flags in this post?!

Chill up please

You realize wowarmory has been around for a long time right? not just shadowlands

Just incase anyone was wondering, Armory WAS introduced in TBC. It was a huge part of late game raiding and people where absolutely ripped apart over them.

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Weird how new things have been figured out and the meta is already different than the private server everyone has been spamming for the last 4 months to get practise.

No you didn’t you posted the link to 4 raider IO threads which correlate exactly 0% to Burning Crusade Classic.

Shhhh… OP isn’t interested in hearing about that. :rofl:

You’re right I’m not, because it’s irrelevant. Checking someone’s gear didn’t just magically become a thing once armory got added. If people were checking armory’s then they were the same people checking you at IF bridge before the run. Armory doesn’t add any element to the game the gate keeps people like something like raiderio does. And you know this.

Which correlates 100%, because RIO uses the Armory, but in a more convenient fashion to make the discrimination much easier and quicker to doll out.

All those discussions that were linked are from the pro-Armory people, like yourself, vs the rest of the community. The anti-toxicity, anti-discrimination people, vs those that contribute to more of the same: an erosion of the Retail community.

And now the discussion is to bring that here? F off.

It would be a copy/paste of what is in Retail, brought into TBC classic.

Why? Blizzard would of course include an option to hide your profile and armory.

You asked a question. It got answered by multiple people. Not our fault you didn’t like it.