The PROOF is absolute. making raids slightly harder made everyone quit

Speaking from a player in guild that didn’t find P1 or P2 raids hard, we all quit because we’re bored. The class balance is atrocious making pvp not even remotely enticing. Also the economy went crazy in P3 and dealing with farming for gold to pay for consumes just wasn’t appealing. Most people lose the will to farm after a while and having to go crazy farming every couple of months for consumes/bis gear is too frequent to be fun.

Some people love the grind, I think more only enjoy it in moderation.

people quit no matter how easy or hard the content is.

Yeah we got a good solid 20-23 players signing up for raid now and we’ve been here since day 1 and going to continue to clear all content just if they have 40 mans come out it will be annoying trying to fill and recruit without some toxic guilds messaging about merging and you’re right now one wants to merge with other guilds :joy:

This 100%.

At least the smart ones don’t post on their SOD toon when they want to act all elite and such.

Someone tells me they’ve been clearing ST since week 2 and they have 2 clears… because ya know they actually posted on their SoD character. Or how easy ST is and they do it in 30 minutes but are still making multiple attemps on the “easier” bosses… it doesn’t matter that you have a nice orange personal parse if you are still wiping apparently something is off.

Because that’s what these theads always turn into. A bunch of people coming in to throw shade despite the reality of the servers all dropping population. Yet Blizzard always let’s that toxic forum interaction slide and that probably drives away as many people as the state of the game.

Ya I’m in a casual guild and we don’t do all the BS to artificially inflate parses and actually have fun playing the game. The game does get “harder” when enough people quit so that even the speed run guild is having problems getting a raid roster. Which is funny because the people in that guild have all been nice and actually could back up saying ST is easy to them.

making the lower level raids scale up would’ve been a step in the right direction for content and more things to do though.

It took me a couple of weeks to do my phase 3 laundry list but now that it’s done and there’s only 1 raid a week, I tend to raid log. While it’s easier to manage a 7 day reset, only 1 raid a week is insufisant.

Hard how? Last week we cleared 8/8 ST in under 2 hours.

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ST gets easier each week. People get better gear, know more of the encounters, and better understand their rotations as time passes. It doesn’t need manufactured nerfs and future content can be difficult to an extent.

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The odd thing is neither are true.

Opening day that happened because of incursions, like a week later everyone still did dungeons and OW stuff.

This is my alt that I pug on. I have 2 clears. I have no wipes…

This is with people who with a guide posted in the sign up channel ask, “what’s going on with this raid, I’m new”.

I’m normally the log guy. I even put funny names for my logs because usually pugs suck.

I’m pretty sure incursions and shaman pvp made everyone quit

It’s near end of a phase. Just your typical content drought that happens in wow since like forever? Plus with cata release I imagine a few people not playing alts or grinding doing that. It will probably pick up again when p4 drops.

The raid difficulty of ST was nerfed pretty quickly. I’m not sure I agree it caused people to quit but yeah designers are taking it way too seriously for a raid that is pre-60. Commend the effort but it needs to be fun not necessarily super challenging.

near end of phase?

Incorrect lol. Raids are too easy honestly lol.

Stepping out of the rain, grabbing a debuff, and stacking with corrupted blood is extremely difficult. Just let us pvmp.

It is the exact opposite. Everyone I know who quit in Phase 3 did it because Sunken Temple was too easy and boring.

So, I’m one of these people, but without the quitting part. I played through my five alts as though the incursions didn’t exist. The majority of the XP was light questing and Gnomer lockouts, which, thankfully people still run because a few drops are still relevant. I’d maybe get into two or three 5-man dungeon groups per alt because there were so few people doing them (I don’t count WO farming). I haven’t even been to BRD because I’m not interested in Arena resets.

As for the economy… I’m poor, but I almost never buy anything from the AH, so I guess it doesn’t matter much. I gather/make what I need with alts, and I don’t fret about what people try to charge for stuff.

But, yeah, incursions (and the wild offering implementation) pretty much killed dungeon groups, which is my favorite part of WoW. If they would have expanded the wild offering rewards (maybe let you buy specific DMF cards?) and required more complete dungeon clears, and 5-man only, to summon the wild offering boss, then I think we’d see a bunch of dungeon groups going all the time.

I essentially think the solo players who want to pug everything should have to deal with the friction that comes with that. The easiest way to play the game should be to join a guild and integrate into the server community.

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The raid is too hard for the 40+ year old dad who has had a couple beers. They played WoW back in the day and think they are a master at the game. Then they can’t even run into a cloud so they don’t get one shot. Their reaction times are crippled, their brains are fogged, and i’ve had to stop bringing them to raids because they are usually more of a liability than the 4/100 grey parse they contribute.

Unfortunately, these people make up a large % of the SoD population because it’s supposed to be a more casual environment. Now that the raids are 20m what ends up happening is you have your original group of 10 from p1 and 2, and around 10 pugs you hope aren’t brain dead.

ST is not that difficult lol

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