The Promise of Warbands and Delves Drew Me Back, But

I just assumed when they first announced this that static flying or whatever it now is called would trivialize some of the content in a way that the dragon flying wouldn’t. Simple enough.

People: It’s 5 hours of play time to acquire.

Also people: It trivializes content.


Well for that first time you go through it they want you to experience it how they want you to experience it. Seems obvious.


So it’s a bit disappointing to think a whole expansions story quest are only 5 hours of play time. Somehow makes the whole game pretty trivial.

I’ll be experiencing it with skyriding anyhow so it’s not that big of a deal to me personally. Trivial content is hard to trivialize though.

Hasn’t Pathfinder been around since WoD? Idk, i’m excited to skyride on my Ironbound Wraithcharger and Proto drakes which have been not used much :slight_smile: I’ll take it

People don’t seem to comprehend that Blizzard considers dynamic flying and ground travel more immersive and engaging with the environment and content. They have never seen static flying that way.

Blizz wants people on the ground or flying their way for the leveling campaign. After that, they don’t care. But they want people experiencing the base content the way they want them experiencing it. It’s their game. This is how they see dynamic vs static. This is how they want it done.

I can’t wrap my head around why that’s so hard for people.

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Keep in mind that there is more end game story and questing, as well. So they made the base campaign shorter and added more for end game.

going off blizzcon, when blizzard talks about flying, with no modifier attached, they mean skyriding.

“that’s just what flying is now” -ion at blizzcon.

If you don’t like it, go play FF14, where flying is also MSQ locked.

That’s hilarious. People will flip out here, but the other popular MMO does the same. lol

And, AFAIK, that requirement never gets lifted.

It’s worth noting that they can fly by and see nothing using dynamic flying from the start of TWW … the only thing that will force them into the terrain is questing … and the concern trolls just want to be able to AFK fly from the get-go. And I guess I get why they want that, but I also think it’s last-minute concern trolling to make such a big deal out of it on pre-70 alts literal weeks before launch.

What I have a hard time wrapping my head around is the idea that you can’t disagree with a thing if you understand it.

I understand their reasoning. It’s bad reasoning and I disagree with it.

So then why is skyriding available from the beginning? If that was their goal, they would have locked both. They have no good reason. That’s the issue people have with it. It just takes a choice from players away without a good reason for it.

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You actually have to pay attention to what you’re doing while Skyriding. Just like you would if you were on a ground mount.

Static Flying, just fly up, hit auto run.

It’s that 2nd option that devs don’t like.

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And neither will the requirement here, most likely. Not while Blizz sees dynamic flying as engaging and static flying as not for their leveling campaigns.

I just think it’s great that they made the campaign ground mount friendly, nothing requires dynamic flying for it and there’s no wait once the campaign is finished. Just level and unlock static flying. That’s a million times better than having to wait until the end of the expansion.

Or the much loved Wrath system, which was reach max level then pay a not insignificant amount of gold.

Ugh. I was so bad at making gold, too. LOL I didn’t get the faster speed until I got the H25 mount that came with the speed.

yeah…they really just make up crap excuses on the fly. lol
its NOT about bots…its NOT about Wpvp…its NOT about exploration…period.

No one at Blizzard ever said it was.

But they spent a lot of time talking about how it’s more engaging and immersive with the content when they first introduced dragonriding. Which is why they equate it to ground travel and why you get it right from the get go.

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