The Promise of Warbands and Delves Drew Me Back, But

Pathfinder may stop me from purchasing TWW and continuing to $ub.

I only discovered the bass ackwards Pathfinder requirements today. Basic, universal, eternal steady flying is now what you unlock only after completing the new campaign??? Who thinks up this nonsense? Who pays someone to come up with the idea? Just… … …


I don’t know seems a minor thing to get hung up on.


The pathfinder is 2 things. Do the campaign, which you are going to do anyway and explore the 4 zones. That’s it.
It’s silly it exists, but it does. So let’s open the weekly megathread about this with the same arguments as the others.


You will have it within like 5 hours of playtime into TWW with no timegating. I agree that its backwards in concept, but with how quickly we get it, its irrelevant.


give it about 10 more expansions…Ion will have FINALLY given pathfinder the burial it has earned.


Yea, it’s just silly it’s a thing, I’ll get it done and go back to never dragon riding again

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Is it 5 hours?
In another thread they cant make up their minds if its 10 minutes or a week or a year, lmao.

Is it actually 5 hours, do you know?

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to speed runners yes about that time to some others 2 weeks max then the slow pokes :dracthyr_shrug:

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Its the baseline questing to level up. Thats it. And we have been told the campaign is shorter than usual too.

I said playtime and not real time since some will do this day 1 and some will play an hour every other night and take a bit longer.


Would you rather they revert back to the old Pathfinder? Where you need to do all of the quests, side quests, and bonus objectives, explore all of the lands, be revered with all reputations?

Completing the campaign once and explore the zones is all that’s needed now. And you are still crying about it.

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we all get hung up on minor things.
that is, something that seems major
to us but minor to someone else.
insight informs that it’s natural.
we are all different.


Explore the zones

Do the four leveling campaigns

It’s such a simple task and yet people still whine and it’s on day 1 of the expansion versus what half way through the expansion cycle.


If this kind of last-minute concern trolling actually creates a change in the steady flying requirements, I may unsub because I don’t want to play a game that can be influenced by dreck like this.

no need to demean people with your insults.
learn to make your points without being
everyone sees the world differently.
your perspective is no more right or wrong
than most other people’s.
they’re not “crying”…they’re telling you what
they think.


I entirely get your point. I stopped going to a coffee shop when they insisted on paper straws for their frozen drinks.


speaking of which…i need more coffee.

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Why do you hate sea turtles


Pathfinder has been a thing since Warlords of Draenor, almost 10 years.

It’s not going away. It may change like it has from the past, but it will never go away.

The devs want the players to see and interact with the world they worked on for the past few years. Not fly by and see nothing.


It’s just a better version of the TBC system, where it was hard max level only.

Imagine being angry you have to play the game to fly slower