The Promise of Warbands and Delves Drew Me Back, But


It’ll be over before we even realized we didn’t have it to begin with.


I bought TWW as soon as I read merged reps. Literally know only the bit’s I’ve read here. I don’t even feel like playing. I’m going to log in, look around, check out the reps sniff around the achievements and prolly log out.

But I’ll log out happy and satisfied.

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How fast do you level? Because that’s how long it’ll take you to unlock static flying.

It’s been that way fora long time. This isn’t new.

Blizzard wants you engaged with their content the way they want you engaged. That used to be on the ground. Now it’s in the air with their form of engaged flying.

This is 1000000 times better than what we had. Especially since War Within is ground mount friendly and you aren’t blocked from getting anywhere like you were with Thaldrazsus.

Just level to 80. Get your static flying. Call it a day.


I don’t they are delicious

If this were true, skyriding would be locked as well. You will definitely fly by and see nothing (or at least less) using skyriding than regular flying.

If a short MSQ to unlock air swimming was the thing that changed your mind about getting it then you wouldn’t have stayed subbed long anyways.

So bye I guess.


It’s been this way since Shadowlands? You unlock the thing that trivializes world content after you’ve completed the campaigns in the world content.

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They really need to fire the person who names these things. I just call it flight form. cause if it aint flight form it’s weak. - I’m saying Druid is superior.

It’s gonna make mining and herbing pretty annoying unless they add a relevant QoL feature to skyriding, but I don’t much mine or herb anymore so whatever.

Well, flight form can skyride now.

Took me about 7 hours to get max level on the Beta last attempt I tried. Nothing too fancy, just steady leveling.

Took an extra 2 minutes to get pathfinder after that.

You’re going to be okay.


Can I have your stuff?

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anyone can do it, but the sheer passive aggressive disrespect involved just makes for bitterness…

pathfinder, now with lube!

whoa, really? NOW I want to play.

Can we do that from jump street? If so, I’m like not just happy, but surprised happy. Which is even better. my mood has gone up since I started typing this response.

It’s 10 min to unlock flying genius and you’re already aware of that. To unlock Steady Flight asap you can just do the story quests and be done in a few hours.

I’m like plastic straws: I’ve been around forever, I’ve always worked, but now you’re mad at me?

–“Joe Biden” (Woody Harrelson)

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You can’t, cause he doesn’t have it. he said “not buying”, not, “quitting”. Got to buy to have stuff to give away when you quit.

like me, I bought. Therefore, I can quit. And no, you can’t have my stuff. I always come back later. Also, I’m a scrub, I have no stuff worth taking.

Its plausible that someone would come back to WoW and then leave again after finding out that they made pathfinder faster and easier to complete than it ever has been previously.

I guess you needed something to troll about during downtime.

Kind of makes you wonder why it’s a thing at all, doesn’t it?