The Promise of Warbands and Delves Drew Me Back, But

Exactly. Totally makes sense to me.

if i recall, wasn’t that per character, too? I seem to remember having some toons with faster flying than others, and I played a lot of alts, so constantly broke building up flying on each of them.

Having played beta quite a bit you can finish the campaign before even hitting 80 quite easily and then it’s just a matter of exploring the zones.

I get some people can’t stand skyriding and I agree that pathfinder in it’s past forms has been awful. This one is rather toned down and not at all difficult to obtain.

it’s never difficult to sense whenever ion has poked his nose into something because it’ always grindy and silly

at least it’s not like the early pathfinders: nauseating; so, I do appreciate the improvements.

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go troll someone else for attention son

sorry guy but TODAY is TODAY
its not 2011 anymore lmao
that hoax of an argument ISNT RELEVANT TODAY.

TODAY we have flight DAY ONE for ZERO gold and ZERO exploration
get with the 2020s. lol

Except that old flight for those having trouble with DRing are being targeted with PF and having to wait while YOU are DRing day one.

in Wrath, there was a BoA consumed on use tome, but that required level 80 to purchase, and was the same price as the vendor training.

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At least Ions not making them wait for nearly a year this time.
but his gutting of PF seriously proves that its NOT necessary at all, otherwise hed never have reduced it so much.
When then leaves the question of why its still a thing
we know what its NOT for

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Yeah, hes an odd one.
He could have been the hero in this picture, but he chose to be the villian yet again for some reason.
PF clearly ISNT necessary or he’d have BOTH flights require it
yet here we are
lesser abled players solely targeted with doing the extra work again.

I don’t really pay any more attention. I move so fast, I dont even see the scenery zooming bye. I press a button every ten seconds to speed up. That’s it. When I actually want to be able to stop, hover, and explore my surroundings, I use old flying.

It sounds like they’re control freaks and want people to play in one extremely narrow way. It’s irritating. We’re grown ups. We can decide how we’d like to travel around the world. They better have removed flightpaths too, you know, to mantain the integrity of their artistic vision.